In the Bloody Hotel, the first to third floors are the restaurant area, and the third floor and above are the guest rooms for guests to rest and stay.

"You two should wash the vegetables for me. It's better to wash them thoroughly, otherwise……"

"I don't know why we have to assign two humans to our kitchen."A weird chef with only one eye left said with dissatisfaction.

"If you can't wash them clean, you can be my ingredients."

The weird chef smiled. Humans can't do anything well, so they can only be delicious ingredients.

He hasn't used fresh humans for a long time.

At this moment, the man and woman were trembling slightly. They looked at the pile of ingredients on the ground and looked at each other.

Fortunately, the ingredients were not what they imagined, human flesh or something, but some unknown vegetables and meat.

It shouldn't be human.

"We will definitely clean it up." The two men nodded, and they carefully

"Hurry up, the guests will be eating soon."

The strange chef then went to the side and started to process the ingredients. He no longer looked at the two humans.

"You are quite impressive, George."

As a voice came from behind, George trembled slightly, he turned around quickly and said flatteringly:"Lady Isabella, what brings you here?"

"Those two are new humans, clumsy."George found that there was also a human next to Isabella, but the one next to Isabella was different from the one assigned to his kitchen. He was more handsome than some of the vampire nobles.

When Isabella made the sound, the two humans who were washing the ingredients also heard it.

They looked at each other.

"Is it that man?"The woman whispered, with some surprise in her eyes. They all remembered Jiang Cheng.


"He must be the legendary veteran player. He is really amazing. I wonder when I can become like him. The man nodded, with a flash of envy in his eyes.

The two were talking in a low voice.

""George, this is Mr. Jiang Cheng, a skilled chef." Isabella introduced Jiang Cheng to George.

She brought Jiang Cheng to the kitchen to see how good he was.……

"Human... a weird chef?"

George looked confused. How could a human being be a weird chef? Why didn't he believe it?

""George, Mr. Jiang Cheng is not just a weird chef, he is also a top-grade weird masseur." Isabella scolded.

A top-grade weird masseur has a high status in the horror world, and a massage can earn more than 100,000 yuan.

"That's really amazing."

George certainly believed Isabella's words. Isabella was not only the director of their catering department, but also the second person in the Bloody Hotel, second only to the big boss.

"Jiang Cheng, can you cook a few dishes for me to try?"Isabella looked at Jiang Cheng with interest. She was a little greedy.


"George, help Jiang Cheng"


If it was anyone else, George would definitely have objections to letting a mid-level ghost chef help a junior ghost chef, but it was Isabella's words.

He didn't dare to disobey.

He wanted to see how a human could be a junior ghost chef. He practiced for twenty-five and a half years before becoming a mid-level ghost chef.

As Jiang Cheng displayed his knife skills, Isabella was a little amazed at his smooth knife skills.

Jiang Cheng's knife skills... didn't look like a junior ghost chef, but more like a mid-level or advanced one.

But Jiang Cheng's superb knife skills were due to his dexterity... and part of the reason was that he was a special ghost masseur.

Jiang Cheng's knife skills also convinced George, who had doubts in his heart, and he watched Jiang Cheng's movements carefully.

With Jiang Cheng's clean and neat movements, he directly made a few dishes with the ingredients washed by the two people.

A few dishes, with good color, fragrance and taste

"It tastes good."Isabella nodded, with a bit of satisfaction on her face. Jiang Cheng was indeed a junior ghost chef, but the taste of the dishes he made was almost the same as hers.

If Jiang Cheng hadn't used his ability, Isabella would have thought Jiang Cheng was a senior ghost chef.

"Isabella, can you let me cook with George?"

He has to complete his professional mission as a tricky chef, and if he stays in the office, he will definitely not be able to complete it.


Isabella nodded. Jiang Cheng's level was good enough to be the chef of the Bloody Hotel.

But Jiang Cheng was only a junior chef. After all, a chef should not only focus on the taste.

Of course, she preferred delicious food. She really appreciated Jiang Cheng more and more...

It was a pity that Jiang Cheng was only a human being and not strong enough, otherwise she would be willing to tease Jiang Cheng.

"George, let Jiang Cheng work with you."

After Isabella left, Jiang Cheng looked at George who had been helping him.

"Brother George, come and follow Huazi?"

George was certainly not very comfortable with Jiang Cheng working with him. Jiang Cheng was a weird chef and a super weird masseur, so what? He was just a human being after all.

But he could see that Jiang Cheng was deeply loved by Lady Isabella, and Jiang Cheng's very skillful movements

"Ha ha ha ha……"

George laughed and said,"It's better to have Brother Jiang share the work with me."

"This hard box of cigarettes is not cheap, Brother Jiang is rich."George found out that the cigarettes Jiang Cheng gave him were the kind that cost 100,000 Gui coins a box? Each cigarette cost 5,000.

His monthly salary was only 5 Gui coins, and he couldn't afford to smoke this kind of cigarettes.

"I made some money some time ago. If Brother George likes it, take a box of Huazi."

Jiang Cheng doesn't like smoking very much. He bought Huazi just to deal with the situation that will arise later. It is always good to build a good relationship with colleagues. He is a person who likes nuclear peace. He doesn't like fighting and killing. He prefers to convince people with force.

"Brother Jiang, if you need my help, just let me know."George was more pleased with Jiang Cheng. He was now truly on good terms with Jiang Cheng.

"You two, why don't you hurry up and work?"George saw the two humans slacking off again from the corner of his eye. He looked at them fiercely.

How can people be so different? He didn't like the two of them. The more he looked at Jiang Cheng, the more he liked him.

"Brother Jiang, you and Lady Isabella?"

After the two men started working again, George's mouth corners slightly raised, and his mouth corners outlined a smile that only men can understand.

"Our relationship is pure."

He and Isabella, especially pure, okay?

"Hehehe, brother understands."

Isabella, that kind of mature queen, that is the beauty of their Bloody Hotel.

""It's time to work, Brother Jiang, why don't you take a rest?"

George was actually happy to have someone to help him with his work. He was just afraid that Jiang Cheng would take his job away.

But given the relationship between Jiang Cheng and Lady Isabella, and the fact that Jiang Cheng just gave him a pack of Huazi worth 100,000 ghost coins, he couldn't let Jiang Cheng work. Besides

, Jiang Cheng would only stay in the Bloody Hotel for a month, and he certainly couldn't take his job away.

"Brother Qiao, I'll do it."

He had to complete his professional mission, so why did he let George do the work? He should use the Bloody Hotel to complete his professional mission as soon as possible.

"All right"

【Congratulations to the host for completing the professional task (Strange Chef). Your cooking skills have been praised by 100 strange people, and you have been promoted to an intermediate strange chef.

Just like the strange masseur, when you are promoted, a faint light flows into Jiang Cheng's arm, and his strength is strengthened.

It is estimated that he will really develop in the direction of Qilin Arm.

At noon, George was still helping him, but at dinner time, George had gone to an unknown place.

Jiang Cheng had no choice but to let the two players help him. With William's previous experience and Jiang Cheng's relationship with strange people, they dared not disobey him.

""Brother, how come you are so good? Are you a veteran player?" the girl asked in a low voice.

Now they both admire Jiang Cheng a little bit. Jiang Cheng is really amazing.

"I guess so. I only passed one game."

He should be considered a newbie, right? He is a level 5 newbie.

"Is it just a game that's so powerful?"

However, before Jiang Cheng could speak, George's voice came from behind.

""Brother Jiang, look what I bought for you? Hehehe, it's very nutritious."

Jiang Cheng gave him a box worth 100,000 yuan. He couldn't just say nothing. He had to give Jiang Cheng a gift in return to build a good relationship with him.

Hearing George's voice, the two players hurried to the side and began to wash the materials carefully again.

"You two... come and clean up."

George was holding a big box in his hand, and his face was full of smiles.

When the boy took the big box from George, he realized that the big box was really heavy.

It must be more than 100 pounds, and he couldn't lift it by himself.

"You humans... are such wastes."

Seeing that the boy couldn't lift the big box even with all his strength, George had a look of disgust on his face.

But then he quickly smiled at Jiang Cheng,"Brother Jiang, I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about the two of them."

The girl was not stupid either. She quickly stepped forward and helped the boy lift the big box. It was really heavy, and it took the two of them to barely lift the big box.

Jiang Cheng was a little curious about what tonic George bought, oysters, abalone, kidneys? Or tiger penis or something?

But Jiang Cheng also knew what George had done. It turned out that he went to buy tonic for him.

As the boy carefully opened the box, to be honest, he was a little scared. After all, he didn't know what was in the big box. What if it was some horrible food? But the boy still opened the box with his head held high.

As he opened the big box, the girl next to him exclaimed...

"What, what did you buy, Brother George?

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