In front of him was a hotel lobby with a bright red carpet on the floor and several exquisite tables around.

Unlike when he was in the open-hearted community, there were many people next to Jiang Cheng.

There were men and women, big and small.

"What's going on? Is there really a horror game? Why?"Some people had horrified expressions on their faces. He was a little scared.

"It turns out that everything is true……"Some people looked calm, but the fear in their eyes betrayed them.

But most people were terrified, they were trembling with fear.

Some people even sat down on the ground.

""Hello everyone."

A voice came from the side, and a pale young man walked over gracefully. He looked at everyone.

"My name is William, I am the lobby manager of the Bloody Hotel, you can call me Mr. William."

The young man had a 2:8 side parted hair, matched with his black suit and his elegant movements, he really looked like an aristocrat.

William's eyes were scarlet, and there was a bit of danger in his eyes.

"Mr. William, am I really in a horror game?" There was a yellow-haired guy in the crowd who was a little braver."Will I die?"

"For us, we are now in the world of horror, and you are the players, the players of the horror game."William said elegantly

"As for whether he will die……"

William's mouth corners slightly raised, he said in a somewhat evil tone:"Of course, if you are disobedient, ignorant, and unruly, you will all die."

Seeing the humans in front of him trembling, with fear on their faces, William enjoyed it very much.

But in the crowd, an indifferent figure caught his attention. As William found Jiang Cheng in the crowd, jealousy flashed in his eyes. There is actually a human who is more handsome than him? And that human is not afraid at all.

A fierce light flashed in William's scarlet eyes. He would not allow a blood slave to be more handsome than him.

""You... come out!"

William pointed at Jiang Cheng. It just so happened that he was killing a chicken to scare the monkey.

When everyone noticed the direction William was pointing, they realized that there was a very handsome young man among them, and that young man was so calm and composed.

However, the people next to them quickly moved away. They didn't dare to get too close to Jiang Cheng. Only a little girl was still with Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng could clearly sense that William had murderous intentions... He was obviously staying in the crowd, so why would William have murderous intentions?

"What does Mr. William want to talk to me about?"Facing William who was already ready to kill, Jiang Cheng remained calm. He was waiting for an opportunity to act.

As the saying goes, the first move is the strongest.

"Of course I will kill you!"William was still very elegant, he took an elegant step and walked towards Jiang Cheng

"How can you kill people casually? The rules clearly do not allow you to kill people casually!"

Before Jiang Cheng could speak, the little girl next to him spoke up, with a bit of fear in her eyes, but she and Jiang Cheng were both human beings, and she couldn't just sit there and watch like everyone else.

"Move one or two……"

However, before William could finish his words, Jiang Cheng had a crossbow in his hand. Jiang Cheng did not give William any time to react.

The next moment, a silver-white crossbow arrow pierced William's chest and hit his heart.


William let out a shrill scream, and in front of everyone, he began to burn.

After a moment, only the ash mark of a bat was left on the ground.

"It's a vampire indeed."

Jiang Cheng thought to himself. William looked a bit like the vampire in the legend. Judging from William's reaction and the bat-like gray mark on the ground, he was indeed a vampire.

Everyone was stunned.

They stared at Jiang Cheng in a daze. Jiang Cheng actually killed that weirdo?

"You are finished! How could you kill him!"

They didn't know why Jiang Cheng could kill such a weirdo, but they knew that they were finished.

William was the lobby manager of the Bloody Hotel. Jiang Cheng killed William. Didn't that mean they were in big trouble?

William was not a senior executive, but he was also an employee of the Bloody Hotel! Attacking the employees of the Bloody Hotel, wasn't that courting death?

But they also had a doubt. They had just joined the horror game and they were all human.

Why was Jiang Cheng so showy?

The little girl next to Jiang Cheng was also staring at Jiang Cheng in a daze, her little face full of shock.

The originally quiet lobby became very noisy, but with the sound of crisp footsteps

"Be quiet, don't disturb the customers' rest."

They fell silent again.

The woman had red curly hair, she was wearing a blood-red long skirt, high heels, and walked slowly towards them.

She had delicate features, and like William, she also had a pair of scarlet eyes.

【Name: Caroline】

【Position: General Manager of Bloody Hotel】

【Race: Blood】

【Level: Ghost Level】

【Favorability: 10 (Because you killed William with the Demon Hunter Crossbow, she kind of likes you, but also kind of hates you)】

【Likes: She likes strong people, real strong people】

【Weakness: She is a little vain. If you can praise her in front of others, she will like you more.

As Caroline walked towards the crowd, they were all a little scared and didn't dare to speak at all.

"It turned out to be the beautiful Ms. Caroline. I was wondering who she was.

Jiang Cheng looked at Caroline with a smile on his face. Caroline was indeed very beautiful. She was the kind of charming but not gorgeous, like a red rose with thorns.

"Do you know me?"

Caroline looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubts. She had never introduced herself to this group of humans.

The handsome man in front of her actually called out her name directly... If the horror will hadn't told her that the human in front of her was a player, she would have thought that Jiang Cheng was an aboriginal.

"Of course, Miss Caroline's reputation is well-known, and I have naturally heard of it. I have always admired Miss Caroline's beauty."

If Caroline is not really beautiful, Jiang Cheng would not be able to praise her like that.

He really can't say anything against his will.

A smile appeared on Caroline's cold face, and she liked Jiang Cheng a lot more.


The little girl next to Jiang Cheng tilted her head, looking thoughtful.

The others were stunned... Jiang Cheng was really amazing. He killed the lobby manager of the Scarlet Hotel, and now he was chatting and laughing with another senior executive of the Scarlet Hotel.

They were all new players, so why was Jiang Cheng so outstanding and so different?

"Hello everyone, I am Caroline, the general manager of the Scarlet Hotel. First of all, I welcome you to join us."

"Our Bloody Hotel is the largest hotel in Tiantang City, aiming to provide customers with excellent and comfortable accommodation conditions."

"Bloody Hotel……"

Caroline began to introduce the Bloody Hotel to everyone, but her beautiful eyes were still on Jiang Cheng.

She found that man... was completely different from the others. In her eyes, the others were just ordinary people, but Jiang Cheng... had a very strong blood aura... and was very fragrant.

"The Bloody Hotel has four departments: Food and Beverage Department, Guest Room Department, Public Relations Department, and Security Department. You humans can only join the Food and Beverage Department and the Guest Room Department."

"Those who want to join the food and beverage department should stand on the left, and those who want to join the housekeeping department should stand on the right"

"As for you, join our general manager's office."Caroline pointed to Jiang Cheng. Jiang Cheng was quite interesting. She wanted to keep him for herself.

In the Kairi Community, Wang Mengqiu made him an assistant. Now in the Bloody Hotel, he was favored by Caroline again.

"Brother, which department should I join?"

The little girl asked in a low voice beside Jiang Cheng. She already thought that Jiang Cheng might be an old player. Unlike them, a bunch of new players, Jiang Cheng was definitely an old player.


Jiang Cheng was stunned for a moment. The little girl was not very old, only about 18 or 19 years old. Just now, only the little girl spoke up for him, so he had to help the little girl anyway.

He, Jiang Cheng, always returns the favor.

"Ms. Caroline, can I have her join me in the General Manager's Office?"

The level of danger in the General Manager's Office is definitely lower than that in the Food and Beverage Department and the Housekeeping Department.


Caroline was stunned for a moment, but then she nodded. Originally, she was going to select two people to join her general manager's office to serve her. It was just right for Jiang Cheng to bring one person.

After the eighteen people were divided, Caroline said lightly,"You stay in the lobby and wait. Someone from the department will come to find you later. You two, come with me."

Seeing Jiang Cheng and the little girl catching up with Caroline, some people in the crowd were a little envious.

If they had known earlier, they would have spoken up for Jiang Cheng... Who knew that Jiang Cheng would be so outstanding.

""Brother, my name is Chu Xuan, thank you." Chu Xuan whispered, she was somewhat grateful to Jiang Cheng.

As long as she thought about it, she would definitely know that the general manager's office would be safer than the housekeeping department and the catering department.

After all, the latter needs to face customers... Who knows if there will be some weird and strange customers among them?

If the service is not good, I am afraid they will lose their lives directly.

"It's all trivial. My name is Jiang Cheng, and you are a college student?"Chu Xuan really doesn't look that old. She looks younger than Lin Sixue.

"I just turned 18... I'm a freshman this year." Chu Xuan nodded, her face a little red, standing next to Jiang Cheng, the strong masculine aura made her a little embarrassed

"Just turned 18."

Jiang Cheng nodded, no wonder he looked so young,"Since you call me brother, I will protect you."

""Thank you, brother."

He is now a level 5 veteran player, so it is reasonable for him to guide the newbie, right? The most important thing is that he likes Chu Xuan.

""Brother, how old are you?"

Jiang Cheng was about to make a dirty joke, but he quickly restrained himself.

"Almost thirty."

He is almost thirty now...ah...already an old man

"Bro, you're already thirty? I can't tell at all.……"

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