Kaili Community Property Department

"Mengqiu, do you know any little sisters or something?"Jiang Cheng sat lazily on the sofa in the office. Wang Mengqiu was sitting behind her desk at the moment, her pair of black silk legs swaying gently.

Wang Mengqiu was a little distracted, and she was fantasizing about something in her head.


"What are you going to do?"

Wang Mengqiu had a puzzled look on her face. Could it be that Jiang Cheng was not limited to looking for tenants in their community, but was also planning to target her sisters?

"I want to be promoted to a special-grade weird masseur. I am just a little bit away from becoming a special-grade weird masseur. Jiang Cheng was too lazy to play dirty with Wang Mengqiu. He only needed 9 weirds to be promoted to a special-grade weird masseur. If he didn't complete the professional task, he would feel a little itchy.

"Oh, so I want to be promoted to a special-grade weird masseur.……"

If Jiang Cheng didn't say it directly, Wang Mengqiu would think that Jiang Cheng was going to do something bad again. She would rather Jiang Cheng make a move on her than introduce her sisters to Jiang Cheng.

After all, some of her sisters were old perverts.

"Yes, I know a lot of girls... I can help you make some money, but you have to give me a massage first, I'm a little tired"



"In just a few days, you have become a high-level weird masseur? You are really a genius."

Wang Mengqiu was really surprised that Jiang Cheng, a human, was already a high-level weird masseur.

"I'll call my sisters for you.……"

She will definitely help Jiang Cheng.

In the horror world, it would cost thousands to find a high-level weird masseur for one service, but if it is a special-level weird masseur, it would cost tens of thousands.

If it is a great sword master... at that level, I am afraid that even the unspeakable beings would seek massage from him to relieve their fatigue.


As Wang Mengqiu opened the office door, she found Chen Jingwan standing at the door.

"Chen Jingwan?"

Wang Mengqiu always thought that Chen Jingwan and Jiang Cheng were together, so she took better care of Chen Jingwan during every mission.

"Manager Wang……"

Chen Jingwan blushed a little. She found Jiang Cheng in the office. She really didn't know why Jiang Cheng was so popular with women.

He even conquered Wang Mengqiu... So scumbags are more popular than honest men, right?

But she would definitely keep that question in her heart.

"Manager Wang, I have completed the work you assigned to me."

The work Wang Mengqiu gave her today was relatively simple, so she had already finished the work at noon.

"Oh, you have finished your work, then just walk around, your task is complete." Wang Mengqiu nodded.

She saw that Chen Jingwan's face was a little red, probably because Chen Jingwan knew what happened in the office just now.

"How long have you been out there?"

Wang Mengqiu's question made Chen Jingwan slightly stunned. She quickly replied:"I just came"


As Wang Mengqiu called her sisters, beautiful little ghost girls began to appear in the property building of the Kairi community.

"Is this the ninth one?"

Old Li admired Jiang Cheng very much, he was so strong.

In the office,

Jiang Cheng finally finished, his professional mission was finally completed.

【Congratulations to the host for completing the professional mission of the weird masseur and being promoted to a special weird masseur.】

【Current professional task (Weird Masseur): Please complete massage for 100 weirdos and get their praise. After completing the task, you can be promoted to a master-level weird masseur.】

【Congratulations to the host for being promoted to a special-grade weird masseur. We are drawing a new weird career sequence for the host.】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the career sequence of the strange chef】

"Weird chef?"

While Wang Mengqiu was chatting with the sisters, Jiang Cheng also got his second Weird job.

It was a pity that the second job was still a life job, which made Jiang Cheng a little disappointed, but it was better than nothing.

When can he be given a combat job?

As the knowledge about Weird Chefs flowed into Jiang Cheng's mind, he seemed to have become a chef who had been immersed in it for many years.

Unlike the Weird Masseur who strengthened the hand strength and dexterity, the Weird Chef strengthened Jiang Cheng's arms.

It was reasonable for a chef to need a pair of unicorn arms.

【Name: Jiang Cheng】

【Occupation: Trickster Chef (Primary)】

【Job level classification: primary, intermediate, advanced, special, master, master of clams】

【Skill: Its taste is infinite (your sense of taste is greatly enhanced, you only need a little juice to know the composition)】

【Career mission: Please let your cooking skills get 100 weird compliments. After completing the mission, you can be promoted to an intermediate weird chef.

Master of tasting clams?

Jiang Cheng couldn't hold it anymore.

After Wang Mengqiu's sisters left, Wang Mengqiu was about to call them to come over.

Jiang Cheng quickly stopped Wang Mengqiu.

"Mengqiu, there is no need to look for someone else, I am already a top-grade weird masseur."

Through Wang Mengqiu, he has become a top-grade weird masseur and obtained a new weird profession.


【Congratulations to the player for surviving in the disembowelment area for five days. The task reward will be settled in five minutes. You will be out of the horror world. Please be prepared.】

"Five minutes?"

Wang Mengqiu was a little confused. She didn't quite understand what Jiang Cheng meant by five minutes.

"My mission is over. I will be back in five minutes.

Jiang Cheng was thoughtful.

"I understand."

Wang Mengqiu was reluctant to leave Jiang Cheng, but their disembowelment community had become a copy of a horror game.

It was estimated that some humans would go to the disembowelment community to complete tasks in the future.

Lin Sixue really went out today, otherwise Jiang Cheng would not dare to be so"arrogant" and ask Wang Mengqiu to find him some little sisters to complete his professional tasks.

"Jiang Cheng, see you again if there is a chance."Wang Mengqiu looked at Jiang Cheng reluctantly. She liked Jiang Cheng very much.

It was a pity... Jiang Cheng knew the big boss. She didn't dare to take direct action. She knew the big boss's cruelty.

"See you again someday."

After saying goodbye to Wang Mengqiu, Jiang Cheng walked downstairs. Old Li gave Jiang Cheng a thumbs up.

Chen Jingwan looked at Jiang Cheng with resentment on her face. She knew everything that happened upstairs.

"Jiang Cheng, the mission is over. We will be going back in a while. Chen Jingwan breathed a sigh of relief. Five days was not long, but not short either.

What she saw and heard during these five days also opened her eyes.

"Yes, it's over."

To be honest, the air in the horror world is not very good. He can finally return to the real world and breathe fresh air.

Moreover, his old kidneys can finally rest for a while.

Chen Jingwan knew that she could live safely until now, entirely because of Jiang Cheng... The work of the past few days was actually relatively simple.

On the first day, unclog the sewer. On the second day, repair the air conditioner. On the third day, clean the house, and on the fourth day, help wash vegetables.

Just now she just helped the tenants on several floors to throw away the garbage.

Through Wu Mengmeng and Brother Long, Chen Jingwan knew that the work content in the disembowelment community was not simple at all.

If the work content in the disembowelment community was simple, the two of them would not have lost a finger on the first day of work.

It's just that her work has always been relatively simple. Why did Wang Mengqiu assign her such a simple task?���work? It must be because of Jiang Cheng.

It was because she was with Jiang Cheng at the beginning that Wang Mengqiu took care of her.

Jiang Cheng was a scumbag, but she also had to thank Jiang Cheng.

"Let's go."

As the countdown in front of him ended, Jiang Cheng's eyes went dark and he felt dizzy.

【This dungeon mission is over, and rewards for players are calculated.……】

【Instance name: Ripper Community】

【Number of people who survived this game: 2】

【Dungeon mission: Survive in the Ripper Community for 5 days】

【Task rating: sss】

【Mission Reward: 100 million Ghost Coins, 1,000 Experience Points, 5 Netherworld Marriage Certificates]

As Jiang Cheng opened his eyes, he found that he had returned to the door of Lin Sixue's former rental house.

There was still a cold wind in the house, blowing gently on his face, a little chilly.

"Jiang Cheng?"

Chen Jingwan woke up earlier than Jiang Cheng. She sighed softly. That was not a dream.

The experiences in the horror world were all real.

"Jiang Cheng, what's your score?"Chen Jingwan was a little curious. Her score didn't seem to be very good.

"sss." Jiang Cheng answered casually

"SSS? My rating is only C, the mission reward is 10,000 Ghost Coins, 100 Experience Points"

"I got promoted to a higher level."

She got promoted to a higher level, and now she found that she seemed to have become a little better than before.

Chen Jingwan opened her eyes wide. Her score was C, and Jiang Cheng was SSS. There seemed to be a big gap between her and Jiang Cheng! How many levels are there between C and SSS?

Jiang Cheng's SSS score seemed a bit normal.

After all, Jiang Cheng's movements in the disembowelment community... She really admired him.

"Is this the only reward you have?"

Chen Jingwan's reward was really small, not even a little less than his.

"That shouldn't be too little, right? Ten thousand Gui coins."

【Name: Jiang Cheng】

【Sex: Male】

【Level: 5 (0/500)】

【Ghost Coins: 3228,000】

【Yang Qi: 90,000 (normal adult male is 100) PS: You will die if the Yang Qi value reaches 0】

【Occupation: Weird masseur (special grade) Weird chef (primary grade)】

【Props: Su Xiaoxiao's bear (ghost level), camouflage cloak (ghost level), exquisite hunting crossbow (ghost level)]

He has reached level 5, and everything else is normal, but his Yang Qi value has reached 90,000?

That's the Yang Qi value of 900 ordinary men! The next time he goes to the cutting community... he must give Lin Sixue a good lesson... and he, Jiang Cheng, will also be a liberated serf singing a song

"Chen Jingwan, what is your Yang Qi value?"

Jiang Cheng was a little curious. He personally believed that the Yang Qi value should be a measure of a person's strength in the horror world.

As the level increased, Jiang Cheng found that his strength was a bit overwhelming...

He always felt that he could kill a cow with one punch.


Chen Jingwan seemed to be thinking about something

"Jiang Cheng, we don't need to look inside now, right?"

Already knowing that Lin Sixue's accident was caused by the horror game, Chen Jingwan thought that they didn't need to worry about Lin Sixue's case anymore.

Her top priority now was to return to the Public Security Bureau and report the matter to the leader.


Jiang Cheng nodded.

"Then I will go back to the Public Security Bureau. If you have anything, call me. You know my phone number."

After Chen Jingwan finished speaking, she ran out of the door in a swift and decisive manner. She was quite anxious now.

The emergence of the horror game was related to the fate of Daxia. If the situation escalated later, it was estimated that all the people of Daxia might enter the horror game.

In short, as a security guard, Chen Jingwan could not do nothing.

After Chen Jingwan left, Jiang Cheng fell into thinking.

"Ghost Marriage Certificate……"

【Nether Marriage: You can sign a marriage with the opposite sex and become a legal couple. After signing the marriage, both parties can share power (signing condition: favorability reaches 95)]

Nether Marriage means that he can sign a marriage with Lin Sixue... and then share Lin Sixue's power? However, the condition is a bit similar to the system's requirement of a favorability of more than 95.

"It seems pretty good."It

's pretty good to be a gigolo. It's always good to be a gigolo. Jiang Cheng thinks it's pretty good.

He can be a gigolo now, so why should he work hard?

No, he must work hard. Only if he works hard can he turn over a new leaf and sing.

The most important thing is, what if he runs into other ex-girlfriends? How should he deal with it then?……

"You must work hard to become stronger!"

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