"Jiang Cheng, are you really a weird masseur?" Su Yingxue was lying on the sofa, and she asked Jiang Cheng curiously.

Jiang Cheng said he was a weird masseur, and she was a little confused. But after Jiang Cheng gave her a massage, she found that Jiang Cheng was really a weird masseur.


Su Yingxue is the head teacher. She often has to patrol the classroom to maintain discipline.

Therefore, she has always had some pain in her waist and legs. After Jiang Cheng massaged her, her pain has disappeared.

But her reaction just now was really embarrassing. Has she lost face in front of Jiang Cheng?

"Yingxue, aren't you going to work today?"Jiang Cheng was a little confused. He was a little impulsive just now.

But he restrained himself.

After all, he, Jiang Cheng, is a gentleman. He will not take advantage of others' misfortune, nor will he do such impolite things.

"Well, I work one day and rest one day, so I don't have to go to school every day."Su Yingxue smiled calmly.

"I see"

【Congratulations to the host for completing the professional mission. The host has been successfully promoted to a senior weird masseur.

As a warm current flowed through Jiang Cheng's palm, he found that his hand strength seemed to have increased a lot, and it became more flexible.

Most importantly, he had more professional knowledge in his mind. If the primary level is amateur, then the advanced level is professional.

【Current professional task: Please complete massage for 20 weirdos and get their praise. You can be promoted to a special weirdo masseur after completing the task.]

20? It is estimated that it is impossible to complete it in the Kaipi Community. There is only one last building C in the Kaipi Community. The first floor must be full of male weirdos, and there are only five floors above.

There are only 15 in total.

If he had known earlier, he should have given Lin Sixue a massage, but he had no time when he was with Lin Sixue.

【When the host is promoted to a special-grade weird masseur, a new weird profession sequence will be opened.

After being promoted to a special-grade weird masseur, a new weird profession can be opened? Jiang Cheng was a little looking forward to it.

He hoped it would be a combat profession, such as a weird swordsman, a weird boxer, a weird summoner, etc.

He needed a little bit of combat ability.

"Jiang Cheng?"

Su Yingxue's gentle voice brought Jiang Cheng back to his senses from his deep thoughts. Jiang Cheng looked at Su Yingxue with some doubt.

"Hmm? What's up?"

"You humans should come to the horror world again, right?"Su Yingxue looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubts.

She hoped that she could meet Jiang Cheng in the future. She liked the handsome human in front of her.

She didn't know why... She actually fell in love with a human so easily.


The Ripper Community was his first copy, but if there was a first copy, there would definitely be a second one.

He just didn't know what the second copy would be.

"There should be a second copy, but I don't know what the second copy will be."


Su Yingxue turned over, her pretty face was slightly red, and her cheeks were flushed. Her rosy cheeks looked like an attractive apple.

"Jiang Cheng, can I cook another meal for you?"

Su Yingxue felt a little embarrassed... There was something she couldn't let Jiang Cheng know.

"It doesn't have to be so troublesome, right?"

Jiang Cheng pretended to be reserved. Su Yingxue's cooking skills are very good, and Lin Sixue didn't cook for him today.

"No trouble."

As Su Yingxue walked towards the kitchen, Su Xiaoxiao opened the door and looked at Jiang Cheng a little angrily.

"You told me not to have any ideas about Yingxue? Why did you start to have ideas about Yingxue?"

Su Xiaoxiao was furious.

She had clearly agreed with Jiang Cheng not to have any ideas about Su Yingxue, but Jiang Cheng came to her house again.……

"I was just massaging her, so that shouldn't be considered as having a plan for her, right?" He really was just massaging Su Yingxue, and he had to control his thoughts.

He had to control himself now.

"That's a massage?"

Su Xiaoxiao didn't believe it at all.

"I don't care, you can't have any ideas about Yingxue, otherwise I will bite you to death at all costs."

Su Xiaoxiao said angrily, she glared at Jiang Cheng fiercely, but the way she looked was a little... weirdly cute?

"I promise not to go after Yingxue, but I can't control whether she goes after me."

His energy is limited, and it's not easy to deal with Lin Sixue alone... Apart from anything else, with the precedent of Lin Sixue, his ex-girlfriends are probably all weird, and they may all be in the horror world.

Now he only needs to make the favorability of each ex-girlfriend reach above 95 to get the reward.

His ex-girlfriends alone are enough to give Jiang Cheng a headache... How can he have time to go after other people?

But if Su Yingxue goes after him, he really can't control it.

He has always been very confident in his charm.

"Humph, remember what you said." Su Xiaoxiao snorted,"If I find out one day that it was you who took the initiative to look for Yingxue……"

"When you are doing something bad, I will kill you with a knife.……"Su Xiaoxiao's mouth corners slightly raised, that smile looked a bit perverted and cruel.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

He believed what Su Xiaoxiao said. Su Xiaoxiao could really do such a thing.

His back felt a little cold, and his lower body felt a little chilly.

""Hmm, you are scared now."

Su Xiaoxiao laughed.

"This princess allows you to have ideas about me."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Jiang Cheng very proudly. She was a little proud now. She had frightened Jiang Cheng.

Jiang Cheng was not allowed to have ideas about Su Yingxue, but he could have ideas about her, and sacrifice Su Xiaoxiao to protect Su Yingxue.

Su Xiaoxiao thought it was very good. She was willing to sacrifice herself to protect Su Yingxue.

Oh... why is she so good?

"What are you planning to do? Little girl, you are going crazy, aren't you?"Su Yingxue didn't hear what Su Xiaoxiao said to Jiang Cheng before, but she heard Su Xiaoxiao's last words.


Su Xiaoxiao blinked innocently.

"Mom, I mean Uncle Jiang is targeting me."

She said in a baby voice again

"How could your Uncle Jiang have any intentions towards you? You are talking nonsense. After Su Yingxue put the plate away, she gave Su Xiaoxiao a slap on the face.


Su Xiaoxiao rubbed her head, feeling a little wronged.

She was trying to protect Su Yingxue from being bullied by a scumbag, but Su Yingxue refused to appreciate it and even beat her.

"Jiang Cheng, Xiaoxiao is a little naughty, you have to be more responsible for her in the future. Su Yingxue then looked at Jiang Cheng.

"Hahaha, I understand."

In front of Su Yingxue, Su Xiaoxiao was really well behaved. Su Yingxue's kindness completely suppressed Su Yingxue's evil.……

"Xiaoxiao, don't be so naughty in front of your uncle Jiang, be good and obedient."

She didn't want Su Xiaoxiao to affect her relationship with Jiang Cheng. If she wanted to pursue Jiang Cheng in the future, Jiang Cheng must be able to accept Su Xiaoxiao.

Jiang Cheng must live in peace with Su Xiaoxiao, so that she can pursue Jiang Cheng and be with him.

"Got it."

While Su Yingxue was returning to the kitchen to serve the dishes, Su Xiaoxiao made a face at Jiang Cheng.

"It's all your fault. Yingxue is on your side now."

Su Xiaoxiao was a little jealous.

She didn't even know whether she was jealous of Su Yingxue or Jiang Cheng.

What to do?

She also liked Jiang Cheng!

She now understood why Lin Sixue liked Jiang Cheng and why Jiang Cheng was Lin Sixue's ex-boyfriend.

Jiang Cheng was really charming... After just one day with Jiang Cheng, she also liked him a little.

If she hadn't been sure that Jiang Cheng was a human, Su Xiaoxiao would have suspected that Jiang Cheng was a succubus.

"Can you blame me for that?"

Jiang Cheng was a little speechless. How could he be blamed? He was so popular with girls, was that his fault?

The system not only rewarded him with material things before, but also rewarded him with charm attributes later.

If the charm attribute could be materialized, he should have full charm now.

Of course, the charm rewarded by the system was for women... At that time, Jiang Cheng did not need the system to reward him.

After all, Jiang Cheng thought he was good enough... But the system still rewarded him with full charm.

What could he do?

It was a bit difficult and challenging for him to conquer girls at the beginning, but after the system rewarded him with charm attributes, everything became a lot easier.

To some extent, there were also financial reasons, but not much. The girls he found were not gold diggers.

"It's definitely your fault. If you hadn't shown up, none of that would have happened."

"Um, you give Yingxue a massage, why don't you give me a massage?"Su Xiaoxiao thought it was a bit unfair that Su Yingxue had it all and she didn't.

"A bit of punishment"

"You become a big bear... I'll give you a massage."

Su Xiaoxiao's current state is really too cruel. Massage for Su Xiaoxiao? He was afraid that if he was not careful... he would go to jail.


"Big bear state?"

Su Xiaoxiao didn't know what to say.

"Well... isn't it? You are now in the state of a little bear, and the previous state was the state of a big bear."

"It's the same as the little bear you gave me, both can be enlarged."

Su Xiaoxiao:"……"

Su Yingxue then brought out two more dishes. She looked at the two of them curiously.

"Jiang Cheng, Xiao Xiao, what are you guys talking about? Something about big bears and little bears?"

""Hey, I'm talking to Xiaoxiao about teddy bears." Jiang Cheng responded to Su Yingxue with a smile.

"It's a teddy bear. Jiang Cheng, do you like a small bear or a big bear?"Su Yingxue looked at Jiang Cheng seriously.

"Big Bear, huh?"

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