Building A, Room 603.

As Jiang Cheng knocked violently on the door

"Not at home?"

No matter how hard Jiang Cheng knocked on the door, it was very quiet inside, without any movement.

Jiang Cheng almost thought there was nothing strange inside.

"She must be at home."

Wang Mengqiu was sure, because she remembered that the tenant of Room 603 in Building A was a very homebody who would hardly go out unless there was something special.

"Are you sure she's home?"

Jiang Cheng was still knocking on the door.

"Jiang Cheng, stop knocking, I have the key.

Wang Mengqiu stopped Jiang Cheng and stretched out her jade hand, which was holding a shiny key.

""Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Jiang Cheng was a little speechless.

Wang Mengqiu didn't tell him earlier that she had the key, causing him to keep knocking on the door. No, he had to teach Wang Mengqiu a lesson.

Jiang Cheng then slapped her in the face.

A crisp sound rang out in the quiet corridor, and Wang Mengqiu couldn't help but snort.


Looking at Wang Mengqiu's slightly flushed face, Jiang Cheng found that he didn't seem to teach Wang Mengqiu a lesson.

Instead, he gave her a reward.

Tsk, she is indeed a masochistic woman. He doesn't know how to punish Wang Mengqiu.

He is still too naive.

"Ahem, open the door. Jiang Cheng straightened his mind and said in a serious tone:

"Yes." Wang Mengqiu nodded,"Jiang Cheng, please move aside first, I will open the door."


As Wang Mengqiu walked forward to open the door for Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng was also a little curious about what kind of tough bone Wang Mengqiu was talking about. How dare he hide inside and not open the door to pay the rent?

"Can you beat that?"

"Should I be able to beat her? She is also a ghost-level weird."Wang Mengqiu was a little unsure.

After all, she had never fought with the tenant of Room 603, Building A, and she didn't know if she could beat her.

After Wang Mengqiu opened the door, a cool breeze blew out from the door, and there was a strange smell in the wind.

How to describe that smell? It's not a bad smell, but it can't be called a fragrance.

In short, it's a bit weird.

The other weird houses all have a faint smell of blood, while Su Yingxue and Lin Sixue's houses have a faint fragrance.

Only the smell in Room 603, Building A is different from those smells.


Wang Mengqiu shouted, but still no one responded.

Jiang Cheng followed Wang Mengqiu into the door, and the smell became a little stronger. It was not bad... but it was not good either. It was not the same smell as the blood and fishy smell that Jiang Cheng had just smelled.

But it was not the smell of heather and the sea either. Jiang Cheng frowned slightly.

Wang Mengqiu said that the tenant was a stay-at-home girl, but the situation inside was completely different from what Jiang Cheng imagined.

Jiang Cheng imagined that a stay-at-home girl who hardly went out would have a messy house.

But the house now looked very clean and tidy.

The contrast was a bit big.

"Sally, I've been knocking on your door for so long, but you still don't open the door, not even a squeak."

Wang Mengqiu walked into the house quickly, her tone was a bit bad.

Sally's relationship with her was not very good, and she didn't like Sally anyway.

After Jiang Cheng followed Wang Mengqiu into the house, he saw the female weirdo sitting on the sofa, the female weirdo named Sally.

She was a little different from the female weirdo Jiang Cheng had seen downstairs. The female tenants downstairs were more or less beautiful, and the only difference between them and normal people was the skin color.

But Sally's skin was rotten, and her hair was very long, completely covering her appearance.

Jiang Cheng didn't know what Sally looked like, but she should be ugly.

Otherwise, why would she cover her face?

"I have something to do."

Sally's voice was a little hoarse, and she was emotionless and very cold.

Seeing this, Jiang Cheng directly used his True Vision Eye on Sally. He wanted to see how Sally was different from the weird woman in front of him.

【Name: Sally Garfield】

【Identity: Demon Hunter】

【Race: Human】

【Level: Ghost Level】

【Favorability: -20 (Because you are in the company of weird people, she is somewhat hostile to you)】

【Hobbies: Hunting monsters】

【Weakness: Three-inch Golden Lotus]

Sally's information surprised Jiang Cheng. He thought Sally would be a weirdo.

After all, all the tenants in the community were weird.

But Sally turned out to be a human? And Sally was a demon hunter, which really surprised Jiang Cheng.

So, Sally's current appearance was a disguise? Interesting.

Jiang Cheng could see that Wang Mengqiu didn't know that Sally was a human, otherwise she wouldn't have no reaction. She thought Sally was a weirdo.

As for whether Lin Sixue knew that there was a human tenant in the community, Jiang Cheng didn't know.

He probably didn't know.

""Pay the rent."

Wang Mengqiu said coldly. Every time she asked Sally to pay the rent, Sally was extremely reluctant and her attitude towards her was extremely bad.

Only when she moved out of the big boss did Sally pay her rent unwillingly.

If Sally was not a middle-level ghost and she was only a beginner, she would have to teach Sally a lesson and let Sally know how powerful she, Wang Mengqiu, was.

"No money."

Sally's tone was rather cold, her voice was hoarse and a little low, Jiang Cheng estimated that Sally's voice was even a disguise.

At this moment, Sally's attitude was indeed not very good.

""Mengqiu, why don't you go back first? I'll collect the rent."

Jiang Cheng was thoughtful, and he seemed to have found the key point... How could a demon hunter be in the disembowelment community? What was her purpose? Who was she hunting? What if she was hunting Lin Sixue?

"Can you do it?" Wang Mengqiu looked at Jiang Cheng with some doubt. She didn't believe that Jiang Cheng could handle Sally."She is a……"

Wang Mengqiu didn't know if Jiang Cheng could do it. She usually had to ask Sally several times before she would pay the rent.


Jiang Cheng's eyes made Wang Mengqiu stunned. She slightly squeezed her legs together.

""Hmm... Good luck then."

She had something to deal with herself.

But, does Jiang Cheng have such a strong taste? Sally doesn't look like a normal human woman!

"Sally, I advise you not to touch him, understand?" Before leaving, Wang Mengqiu warned Sally,"Otherwise I will……"

"Be careful."

With the big boss in the community, Wang Mengqiu thought that Sally would not dare to be too presumptuous in the community.

Otherwise, Sally would not pay the rent"obediently" every time she brought up the big boss's name.

Wang Mengqiu was not worried that Jiang Cheng would be in danger.

"Well, you go and do your work now. I will collect the rent. Jiang Cheng smiled. He would have a good chat with Sally after Wang Mengqiu left.

After watching Wang Mengqiu leave, Jiang Cheng sat casually on the sofa. He looked at Sally with interest.

"If you stay, I won't pay the rent. I don't have money to pay the rent now." Sally still said in a hoarse voice

"I don't care whether Miss Sally pays the rent or not. The important thing is that Miss Sally, a human, lives in the Ripper Community. I am a little surprised."Jiang Cheng looked at Sally with interest. The rotten skin in front of him must be Sally's disguise.

How she disguised herself, Jiang Cheng didn't care much, he thought it must be a trick.

When Sally heard Jiang Cheng's words, her body trembled.

How did the human in front of her find her at a glance?

You know, even the red-clothed Lin Sixue in the Ripper Community couldn't recognize her true identity, and only regarded her as an ordinary weirdo.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

Sally said in a cold tone, her hoarse voice revealed the meaning of keeping away from strangers.

She was sitting quietly in front of Jiang Cheng at this moment. She seemed very calm, but Sally's heart was already very restless.

"A demon hunter disguised himself as a weirdo and lived in a neighborhood full of weirdos. He must have some purpose, right?"

Seeing Sally pretending to be stupid, Jiang Cheng said two more words indifferently.

"Miss Sally, what is your purpose in the disembowelment community? Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Jiang Cheng's words exploded in Sally's heart, and Sally's face changed drastically. An ordinary human being actually discovered her true identity at a glance? He was not deliberately deceiving her.

What's going on?

Jiang Cheng is quite handsome... much more handsome than her brother, and her brother is known as handsome among them.

But no matter how Sally looks at it, Jiang Cheng is just an ordinary person... he is not a demon hunter.

At least Sally has never seen Jiang Cheng before, and Jiang Cheng should not be from their place.

What's going on? Why can Jiang Cheng directly discover her disguise?

"I don't understand what you are saying. I will definitely pay the rent, but I don't have it now."

Sally���She was pretending to be stupid. She had to get rid of Jiang Cheng as soon as possible.

"Miss Sally, I think we should be honest. I am a human being, not a weirdo."

"Why are you afraid of me?"

"Isn't it good to be honest with each other?"

Haha... Would a normal human being associate with the weird? She didn't believe Jiang Cheng's lies.

Jiang Cheng was very curious now. Why would a demon hunter hide in a weird community?

What was her purpose?

Well... Jiang Cheng also wanted to protect Lin Sixue. After all, the disembowelment community belonged to Lin Sixue.

Of course, he also had half of it now.

"I pay, I pay the rent, I pay the rent."

Sally then directly handed over a five-thousand-dollar coin, and she looked at Jiang Cheng warily.

"Miss Sally... What if I tell Lin that you are a demon hunter?……"

Jiang Cheng collected the rent, but he was still talking.

However, before Jiang Cheng finished speaking, a petite figure appeared in front of Jiang Cheng.

In an instant, she had appeared in front of Jiang Cheng, holding a crossbow and pointing it at Jiang Cheng's neck.

The sharp and cold arrow pointed at Jiang Cheng's neck, and she said coldly

"you dare!"

"Just try to speak it out."

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