"Who is Liang Jingru?"

Lin Sixue looked at Jiang Cheng. She didn't believe that Jiang Cheng didn't know Liang Jingru. Otherwise, why would Jiang Cheng say that it was Liang Jingru who gave him the courage?

Otherwise, why didn't Jiang Cheng say that it was her who gave him the courage? Humph, she is now Jiang Cheng's biggest confidence in the horror world!

"Well... She's just a singer, you don't know her."

"Well, it was the singer who became popular after you died, really."

It seems that no matter how he explains it now, Lin Sixue will not believe it.

Not to mention, Lin Sixue looks a little angry now, puffing up her little face and biting her little tiger teeth, which is quite cute.

"Courage is a song, really, I will sing it for you."

Fortunately, God not only gave him a handsome face, but also a good voice.

He has always sung well, which gave him a lot of points when he was flirting with girls.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is approachable. How can a girl not like a man who is rich, has status, and is particularly handsome?

"Love really requires courage���…"

As Jiang Cheng sang a song for Lin Sixue, little stars appeared in Lin Sixue's eyes.

Courage is actually a song, a song she has never heard of before.

""Brother, you can really sing!"

Jiang Cheng's voice is quite nice. When she was with Jiang Cheng before, she asked him to sing for her, but he told her that he couldn't sing. He was tone-deaf, and she believed him at that time.


How come Jiang Cheng is so good at singing now? So when he was with her, Jiang Cheng was hiding his talent? He had been deceiving her all along.

"When you were with me, didn't you say you couldn't sing? Didn't you say you were tone-deaf? How come you sing so well now?"

Lin Sixue's sparkling eyes were filled with suspicion,"You weren't lying to me back then, were you?"

"How could that be? I practiced singing specifically for you. I was planning to sing you an original love song on your birthday.……"Jiang Cheng pretended to look regretful.

Then he sighed heavily.


He should be more sincere, right? He has to fool Lin Sixue.


Lin Sixue was skeptical.

"It's absolutely true."

Lin Sixue is a female college student who likes to listen to music and sing. He could have used singing to pursue Lin Sixue.

But Jiang Cheng thought it would be a little difficult, so he pursued Lin Sixue in another way.

But his pursuit of Lin Sixue was still smooth, and he easily caught up with Lin Sixue.

Jiang Cheng saw that Lin Sixue still seemed a little unconvinced, and Jiang Cheng said seriously:"I am sincere to you, absolutely sincere"

"Then take out your heart and show it to me."

Lin Sixue sat next to Jiang Cheng. She stretched out her jade hand and rubbed Jiang Cheng's chest with her bright red nails. Her white and slender jade legs were placed on Jiang Cheng's thighs. Lin Sixue had a slight smile on her face.

She was carefully observing Jiang Cheng's reaction.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

"OK, I reluctantly believe you. Come to my house tonight and sing a few more songs for me. You sing really well."

"Well, you just said that you have an original love song that you want to sing to me on my birthday. You can sing it to me again in the evening, okay?"

"The task of collecting rent is now up to you, come on, brother."

After saying that, Lin Sixue smacked Jiang Cheng on the face, and then she walked out of the office. She didn't even look back, very neatly.

At this moment, Jiang Cheng was the only one left in the office. As for the fat and big-eared director of the property department... he had already turned into ashes. It was easy for Lin Sixue to kill a ghost-level weirdo. She just gave it a look, and the weirdo turned into ashes.

Anyway, Jiang Cheng knew how powerful Lin Sixue was.

"Tongzi, how much do you think Lin Sixue likes me now?"

When he came out of Room 602 in the morning, Lin Sixue's favorability towards him was over 60.

【It’s already 83, come on host!】

【As long as you successfully make Lin Sixue's favorability reach above 95, you can unlock the novice... oh no, get amazing rewards】


Jiang Cheng discovered a blind spot

"Tongzi, you didn't embezzle, did you? Damn it, no wonder I didn't have a novice gift package all this time, it turned out that you embezzled my novice gift package."

With his eyes of seeing countless women, oh no, countless articles, whose system would not give the host a novice gift package?

He had never heard of any novice gift package since he got the system. Now it seems that the system must have embezzled.

His Tongzi not only embezzled his incredible grand prize, but also embezzled his novice gift package. It's really bad!


【Host, this system is the most fair and selfless system in the pan-universe system center. There is no such thing as embezzling host materials.】

【Please do not slander this system】

【But this system is also the system that favors the host the most in the Pan-Universe Center, so this system will create a novice gift package for the host.】

【You have a newbie gift pack, do you want to open it?】

"Of course it is turned on."

It seems that his system really embezzled his novice gift pack, and Jiang Cheng really wanted to curse.

But the system was too thick-skinned, and it was completely in vain for him to curse the system.

【Congratulations to the host for unlocking the weird profession module. There are professions in the world of the living, and there are professions in the horror world as well.】

【The trick professions are divided into three categories: life professions, combat professions, and special professions.】

【The host is now randomly selected to start a new profession. Congratulations to the host for obtaining the profession of a weird masseur.】


【The ghost profession needs the host to complete the corresponding professional tasks before it can be upgraded】

【Whether it is a combat profession or a life profession, it can improve the host's combat effectiveness】


He probably understood.

The Weird Profession can make him stronger, and improving the level of the Weird Profession can also improve his attributes.

Originally, the horror game could only get an increase in attributes when it was upgraded, but now he can not only improve attributes through the horror game, but also improve attributes through the upgrade of the Weird Profession.

In general, he now has three ways to become stronger. The first is to improve the favorability of his ex-girlfriends through his system, the second is to complete the tasks of the horror game, and the third is naturally to increase the level of the Weird Profession.

Other players can only improve their attributes by completing the tasks of the horror game.

To put it bluntly, he is cheating.

It's just that the horror world does not reveal personal attributes. After completing the task of the first copy, he has to propose it to the horror game.

Digitalize personal attributes so that you can know how powerful you are more intuitively. Knowing yourself and the enemy can win every battle.

【Name: Jiang Cheng】

【Occupation: Masseur (primary)】

【Classification: Primary, Intermediate, Advanced, Special, Master, Great Sword Master】

【Skills: Dexterity (Your hands have been strengthened, flexibility has been greatly improved, and strength has been slightly improved)】

【[Professional Task: Please complete massage services for 5 monsters and get their praise. After completing the task, you will be promoted to Intermediate]

Jiang Cheng found that his hands seemed to be more flexible than before, and his strength seemed to be a little stronger.

A stream of senior massage knowledge flowed into his mind, as if he was born proficient in massage.

Of course, his massage is very effective for monsters and can greatly relieve their fatigue.

"It seems OK."

But his hands were originally quite flexible. After all, he had to use them for them...

His ex-girlfriend had praised his hands.

""Jiang Cheng, why are you the only one in the office?"

When Jiang Cheng was carefully checking the strange profession, a crisp voice came from the door.

Wang Mengqiu walked in from the door in high heels. She found that Jiang Cheng was the only one in the office.

But Lao Li just told her that Minister He had arrived at the office and was going to make trouble for Jiang Cheng.

So, where was Minister He? Why didn't she see Minister He?

""Where is Minister He?"

Wang Mengqiu was a little confused. If Minister He really wanted to cause trouble for Jiang Cheng, she would definitely not let him do that.

After all, it was all because of her.


"When did you leave?"

"Just left."

Wang Mengqiu was a little confused. She looked at Jiang Cheng and it seemed that nothing happened.

"Didn't he cause you any trouble?"Wang Mengqiu was particularly puzzled. She knew how vindictive He Youde was.

It was impossible for He Youde not to cause trouble for Jiang Cheng.

"He caused me trouble, so he left."

The fat and big-eared weirdo really left, and he left completely. Not even a trace of him is left.

"All right."

Wang Mengqiu thought Jiang Cheng meant Minister He had left the office.

"When you were in Room 603...did that guy bother you?"

Wang Mengqiu was very confused now. She looked at Jiang Cheng with her beautiful eyes. She had been waiting in the office yesterday for Jiang Cheng to come back and ask her for help.

Jiang Cheng would owe her a favor.

But Jiang Cheng stayed at the tenant's house overnight and did not return to the staff dormitory at all. Nothing happened to him. That really confused Wang Mengqiu.

Well, Jiang Cheng is a little haggard now and looks out of spirits.

"No, she's very well behaved. Jiang Cheng showed a bewildered expression.

"She is very good?"

Su Xiaoxiao is very good? How could she not know? That girl is very fierce.

That girl is Su Yingxue's evil spirit. When she went to serve Su Yingxue, Su Xiaoxiao wanted to kill her directly.

Fortunately, she is at the same level as Su Xiaoxiao. If she is one level lower, I am afraid she would have been killed.

"Mengqiu, are you tired all the time? How about I massage your shoulders and back? I guarantee you will be satisfied. Jiang Cheng didn't plan to tell Wang Mengqiu what happened upstairs, so he changed the subject.

It was just right for him to use Wang Mengqiu to test out the power of his new profession as a tricky masseur.

Wang Mengqiu:"……"

"You can also give massages?"

Why did she not believe it? A handsome little human boy can give massages.……

"Of course."

Looking at Jiang Cheng's confident look, Wang Mengqiu was skeptical.

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