His Yang Qi is really running out. If he doesn't recover, he will be dead.

Now he only has a few hundred Yang Qi left... Of course, it is still much higher than that of an average adult male.

"Sixue, I'm going to take Xiaoxiao to the next door first."Jiang Cheng said goodbye to Lin Sixue. He couldn't stay at Lin Sixue's house anymore.

Moreover, he had to complete the task of taking care of Xiaoxiao seriously. After all, he promised Su Yingxue to take good care of Su Xiaoxiao.

He has always been a man of his word.

"Um, brother will come over to sleep with Xiaoxue at night"

"Waiting for you."

Lin Sixue blinked at Jiang Cheng, and she found a problem.

It's a bit of a tonic.

She has been stuck at the initial stage of Red Clothes for a long time, but now, her realm seems to have improved a bit.

There is hope for the middle stage of Red Clothes.

It should be that Jiang Cheng's physique is a bit special?

And Jiang Cheng is a bit fragrant, and his whole body exudes a strange fragrance, which gives Lin Sixue an illusion.

It's as if she will directly turn into a fierce god if she eats Jiang Cheng, really... But of course she can't bear to eat Jiang Cheng, how can she bear to eat Jiang Cheng?

However, now Lin Sixue thinks that Jiang Cheng should be a person who is just more yang than normal men.

After all, when she was with Jiang Cheng, Jiang Cheng seemed to be no different from other people.

The only difference is that Jiang Cheng is very handsome, and his combat power is extremely strong.

But now her offensive and defensive momentum with Jiang Cheng is different, Lin Sixue is a little proud

"Ahem... Let's wait and see."

It's really killing him to be with Lin Sixue now! It feels like he didn't do anything.

He just feels very weak now. When he returns to the real world, he must make some nourishing soup to drink.

At least he has to stew oysters with wolfberries.

After saying goodbye to Lin Sixue, Jiang Cheng took Su Xiaoxiao back to room 603.

Su Xiaoxiao was sitting inside, she was a little dazed, Jiang Cheng didn't know what she was thinking.

But now Su Xiaoxiao really looked like a small figurine.

While Su Xiaoxiao was quiet, Jiang Cheng opened the lid of the transparent glass bottle.

"I'll bite you to death!"

Su Xiaoxiao came out of the bottle and jumped onto Jiang Cheng with gritted teeth. She hung on him like a koala, then Su Xiaoxiao opened her mouth and bit Jiang Cheng's neck.


"Are you a vampire? You bite people's necks."

It was a bit painful. Jiang Cheng hurriedly stopped Su Xiaoxiao and pulled her away.

"Bite you to death, bite you to death, bite you to death."

No, Su Xiaoxiao actually dared to bite him. He had to teach Su Xiaoxiao a lesson that she would never forget.

Su Xiaoxiao must know how powerful he was.

Then Jiang Cheng directly taught Su Xiaoxiao a lesson, but for Su Xiaoxiao, it was a bit like a reward.


Su Xiaoxiao's face turned completely red at that moment. She looked at Jiang Cheng and was a little dazed.

Su Xiaoxiao felt particularly wronged. She thought she was no longer clean. Her young heart was hit hard.

She was really not clean.

Jiang Cheng actually dared to hit her. The key point was that he hit her. Not only was she not angry, but she actually looked forward to the follow-up development.

"Woo woo woo……"

She is really not clean anymore! Her young and pure mind has been corroded.

"I told you to let me out.……"Su Xiaoxiao cried,"Besides, why do you know her?"

Su Xiaoxiao still didn't know why Jiang Cheng knew the most terrifying weirdo in the disembowelment community.

Jiang Cheng had a very good relationship with the vicious red-clothed girl, and she didn't dare to vent her anger on Jiang Cheng.

""Wuwuwu." Su Xiaoxiao cried

"That's my ex-girlfriend, of course I know her."Jiang Cheng was a little speechless,"Isn't it normal for me to know my ex-girlfriend?"

At this moment, Su Xiaoxiao was still hanging on his neck like a koala, and her delicate white silk feet were hooked around Jiang Cheng's waist.

Su Xiaoxiao buried her little head in Jiang Cheng's chest and cried softly.

His Yang Qi was still declining, but fortunately it was much slower than when he was with Lin Sixue, and he could bear it.

"Don't cry." Jiang Cheng comforted Su Xiaoxiao,"I didn't bully you or scold you, why are you crying?"

"Girls crying is ugly and not good-looking."

Su Xiaoxiao was a little speechless. How can you comfort a girl like that? Jiang Cheng is really a straight man.

"Aren't you a living person who just arrived in the horror world? How could she be your ex-girlfriend?"

Su Xiaoxiao really didn't believe Jiang Cheng's words, but Lin Siyu and Jiang Cheng were so intimate just now. The two of them secretly went to the house to do bad things behind her back. Su Xiaoxiao knew that what Jiang Cheng said was true. She just didn't want to believe it.

"She was my ex-girlfriend when she was alive."

Jiang Cheng answered Su Xiaoxiao's question. He estimated that his ex-girlfriends might all be in the horror world.……


The system is really cunning. When he was in love with his ex-girlfriends, he was almost always the one in charge. Now he seems to have gone from being the strong party to the weak party.

What a retribution!

"You should understand, right? His explanation was straightforward enough, and Su Xiaoxiao should also understand what he meant.

"I don't care, I'm not clean anymore, you have to take responsibility."

She was really not clean anymore, her pure heart was polluted.

Jiang Cheng actually hit her...

It seemed to have aroused another thing in Su Xiaoxiao's heart...

She didn't care, Jiang Cheng had to take responsibility for her


"What's the responsibility of a child?"

"I'm not a child, I'm not young, I'm hundreds of years old, hum." Su Xiaoxiao snorted. She was hundreds of years old, how could she be a child?

Jiang Cheng:"……"

The weirdness that was hundreds of years old now looked a little childish. Could it be that all the weirdness was as childish as Su Xiaoxiao?

But looking at Su Xiaoxiao's little girl appearance, if he was responsible, Jiang Cheng thought it would be really cruel!

"Humph... The little girl's appearance is my disguise in front of that idiot Su Yingxue. She and I have always looked the same."

Su Xiaoxiao rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng, and then she changed into the same appearance as Su Yingxue in front of Jiang Cheng.

"You are different from her."

Jiang Cheng looked down. Su Xiaoxiao was a little younger after all. She and Su Yingxue had the same face, but the size was a little different.

Moreover, one had white hair and the other had black hair, one had red pupils and the other had black pupils.

If Su Yingxue was a D, then Su Xiaoxiao was at most a C.

Su Yingxue looked more holy, while Su Xiaoxiao was a little bit charming.

In short, the two were different.

"You... you are so annoying."Su Xiaoxiao was a little speechless. Her part was not as good as Su Yingxue's, but her legs were long.

Her legs were longer than Su Yingxue's.

"I heard from Si Xue that you are the evil spirit of Su Ying Xue?"

Jiang Cheng looked at Su Xiao Xiao with some interest,"Then are you the same one?"

If the two women are not the same, it would be weird. A pair of sisters, one is a pure black silk queen, and the other is a charming white silk Lolita.

It seems a bit... exciting.

"I am the same as her, but we are not the same. I wonder if you can understand"

"When she was young... her mother remarried, and she often punished her... locked her in a small dark room, and whipped us if we did something wrong.……"

"Her mother later found her a stepfather... The stepfather had a son, and they were both very wretched."

"Her mother beat her more severely, locked her up in the attic every day, and in order to please her stepfather...she even let him have his way with her."

"So... I showed up."

Su Xiaoxiao smiled, a smile that seemed to reveal pride, relief, and a little perverted.……

"Then what?"

"When my stepfather and stepbrother were about to fight, I picked up the knife and killed them one by one.……"

"Men are not good people."

Su Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and said angrily

"Are you that kind of person?"Su Xiaoxiao's gaze made Jiang Cheng a little creepy.……

"How can it be"

"That kind of man really deserves to die."

Jiang Cheng thought that Su Xiaoxiao was well killed, and his stepfather and stepbrother really deserved to die.

At least he felt relieved.

From that perspective, Su Yingxue's childhood experience was not very good... Su Xiaoxiao was the evil in Su Yingxue's heart, another personality of Su Yingxue, but at the same time, they should have been twin souls since childhood.

One body and two souls.

But no matter what, the two women's personalities are completely different, and he thinks they are two existences.

"So, you have to be responsible for me." Su Xiaoxiao hugged Jiang Cheng, her eyes staring straight at Jiang Cheng.

"If you don't take responsibility, I will cut you into pieces.……"Su Xiaoxiao sneered

"Aren't you afraid that Lin Sixue will cause you trouble?……"

Jiang Cheng didn't care. If Su Xiaoxiao showed up in her mature state, he would certainly take responsibility.

But Lin Sixue was that kind of... yandere, and she had a strong possessiveness...

It was better when he was in charge before, but now he couldn't control her.

"Tsk tsk tsk... You are indeed a scumbag."

Jiang Cheng's words were definitely the words of a scumbag.

Fortunately, Lin Sixue was protecting Jiang Cheng, otherwise she would have to kill Jiang Cheng and protect Su Yingxue from being deceived by the scumbag.

"Humph, I don’t care about that. You can target me, but don’t target Su Yingxue, okay?"


"I just dated a few more girlfriends, not at the same time, so am I still a scumbag?"

Jiang Cheng said innocently.

"I just want to give them a home."

Jiang Cheng then said:"I can not have any intentions towards Su Yingxue, but what if Su Yingxue has any intentions towards me?"

"Hum, that’s of a different nature."

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