"What's wrong with me... didn't you say I was a scumbag?" Jiang Cheng looked straight into Su Yimo's eyes,"Then I am a scumbag."

"You have already broken up with me, whether I am a scumbag or not, does it really matter to you now? Didn't you pursue me in the beginning? Didn't I tell you before we talked?"

Su Yimo pursued him, so Jiang Cheng was deeply impressed. He told Su Yimo at the beginning.

He probably wouldn't be with Su Yimo forever, Su Yimo should know


Su Yimo's eyes were a little red

"What about me?"

"Am I not telling you the truth now?"

He is no longer the timid Jiang Cheng when he first entered the horror world.

He is now confident.

When he first came to the horror world, he was cautious because he was a little afraid of being attacked by weird ex-girlfriends.

But now facing Su Yimo, he is not afraid at all.

"To tell you the truth, including you, I have a total of 200 ex-girlfriends, and they have all become weird now."

"And I'm now with several ex-girlfriends, and they all agree."

Jiang Cheng then walked out of the bedroom, leaving Su Yimo alone in the bedroom.

"Teacher Jiang, where is my mom?"

Su Yaoyao didn't know why Jiang Cheng stayed upstairs for more than ten minutes, and she found that Jiang Cheng seemed to be in a bad mood?

"Teacher Jiang!"

Jiang Cheng walked out of the villa, leaving Su Yaoyao sitting on the sofa, confused.

What happened... Why did Teacher Jiang leave? Didn't we agree to visit the family? What happened?

Su Yaoyao was full of doubts.

Su Yaoyao had no choice but to go upstairs, but her legs were a little weak, so she had to hold on to the wall to go upstairs.


When she arrived at Su Yimo's bedroom, she found Su Yimo crying.


Her mom was crying? She had never seen her mom cry before.……

"Mom...what's wrong with you? Did you have a conflict with Teacher Jiang?……"

Su Yaoyao walked towards Su Yimo cautiously. It was the first time she saw her strong mother crying.

Su Yaoyao was a little overwhelmed.


But Su Yimo was still crying. She sat quietly, tears streaming down her face, her eyes somewhat empty and lifeless.

"Mom... Did Teacher Jiang have a conflict with you? Don't cry!" Su Yaoyao really didn't know what happened. She didn't know how to comfort Su Yimo.

"Yaoyao, do you think Jiang Cheng is a scumbag?"

Su Yimo was a little sad. She had just met Jiang Cheng and was just telling him something she had heard.

But Jiang Cheng said something so irritating... Didn't he know that she had spent several years searching all over Daxia?

Didn't he know that she had been waiting for him in the horror world for two or three hundred years? Su Yimo was really a little sad.……

"No... The more women Mr. Jiang has, doesn't that mean Mr. Jiang is more outstanding? A man as outstanding as Mr. Jiang must have tens of thousands of women, right?!"

Su Yaoyao blinked. Why did her mother suddenly ask her if Mr. Jiang was a scumbag?

It couldn't be because of her mother and Mr. Jiang... She had never seen her father since she could remember, and fox girls born in the fox tribe generally didn't care who their father was.

After all, fox girls are a matriarchal clan... Male fox people are completely their labor force. They just do hard labor in the tribe.

So Mr. Jiang is her... No way, Su Yaoyao opened her eyes wide at this moment.

If Mr. Jiang is her father, doesn't it mean they...……

"Yaoyao, there is something I should tell you now. I picked you up in the wild. I don’t know who abandoned you in the wild.

Su Yimo’s words made Su Yaoyao open her eyes again.

"So, mom, you and I are not related by blood... Teacher Jiang is not mine either.……"


Su Yimo nodded

"That's great!"

Su Yaoyao breathed a sigh of relief.


Su Yimo was stunned. Why would Su Yaoyao be so happy when she knew that she had no blood relationship with her?

"Mom, I'm not happy that I have no blood relationship with you. Anyway, whether we are related by blood or not, aren't you still my mother? You raised me."Su Yaoyao also thought that her reaction was a bit strange

"Then what are you happy about?"

Su Yimo noticed that Su Yaoyao's pretty face was a little red.

"You don't... like Jiang Cheng, do you?"

Su Yaoyao likes Jiang Cheng, so she reacted like this. Su Yimo was in a bad mood.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang is so handsome and manly, Mom, would you not like him?"

Su Yaoyao admitted carelessly.

"Are you and Teacher Jiang the same as Principal Jiang and Teacher Jiang before?"Su Yaoyao was a little curious.

It turned out that her mother was not a local weirdo, but she was a very rare nine-tailed fox demon?

Most foreign weirdos should be ghosts, right?


Bloody Hotel

""Vivian, how did you get to know Ah Cheng?" Jiang Qinxin looked at An Weiwei with some curiosity.

"Didn't I tell you my name is An Weiwei? You can just call me Weiwei."

An Weiwei said with a smile

"I'm used to it."

Then An Weiwei said calmly

"I met Xiao Chengcheng at a comic convention. My parents were against us being together, and then Xiao Chengcheng ran away. I could never find him again.……"

Jiang Qinxin nodded

"What about you?"

Jiang Qinxin turned her gaze to Lin Sixue who was standing beside her.

"Well... my brother and I met in a coffee shop when I accidentally spilled coffee on his clothes.……"

She thought she couldn't tell the two girls that she had been following Jiang Cheng for a year.

After all, that behavior was... a little perverted.

"Sister Jiang...what about you?"

Several people were eating hot pot together. An Weiwei and Lin Sixue were curious about how Jiang Qinxin met Jiang Cheng.

"I was in a park and was playing truth or dare with my colleagues. I chose the dare game.……"

Jiang Qinxin recalled what happened at that time

"Then I met Ah Cheng and got together with him, but Ah Cheng said that I was a little cold and that he liked passionate women."

"I should be quite passionate then, but Xiao Chengcheng and I were forced to break up, so strictly speaking, Xiao Chengcheng can't be considered a scumbag."

"I think so too. I don't think Ah Cheng is a scumbag. It's just that I don't meet Ah Cheng's requirements."Jiang Qinxin thought about it.

Lin Sixue was a little silent.

"He thinks my breasts are too small……"

Lin Sixue discovered that Jiang Qinxin and An Weiwei were older than her

"Moreover, my brother said that I was almost ten years younger than him and it was unlikely that we would get married. When we broke up, my brother left me several million.……"

Lin Sixue also doesn't think that Jiang Cheng cheated on her.

"So, Xiao Chengcheng is not a scumbag, but he is a bit of a playboy. He has dated 200 girlfriends. I don't know how he managed it."An Weiwei complained

"I even thought he had other hobbies, like some people like the process of chasing people."

"But I can tell that Ah Cheng has me in his heart and he loves me."Jiang Qinxin said seriously.

"He also has me."

When he was in love with them, Jiang Cheng was definitely sincere, that was beyond doubt.

They all knew

"So, when you were complaining about the conference, you guys were all making it up?" An Weiwei continued to complain

"You can't really tell others about your past experiences, right?"Jiang Qinxin was not willing to tell others about her love experience with Jiang Cheng.

If they hadn't formed an alliance now, she wouldn't have told An Weiwei and Lin Sixue.

"Sister An, how did your breasts grow? You look so petite, yet so big.……"

Lin Sixue is a little curious

"It's natural... Well, actually it's not good to be too big, it's a bit of a hindrance." An Weiwei sighed softly.

"Brother Jiang?"

When George was about to go home from work, he found Jiang Cheng walking into the Bloody Hotel.

"Brother Qiao?"

Jiang Cheng also met the chef of the Bloody Hotel, George

"Long time no see, Brother Jiang."

George smiled, and his smile was a bit flattering, mainly because he found that it seemed that not only Vivian, the big boss of their Bloody Hotel, was Jiang Cheng's woman. Even Lin Sixue in the disembowelment community and Jiang Qinxin in the center of the horror center, they seemed to be Jiang Cheng's women. He had to admire the man in front of him.

"Is An Weiwei here?"

He went to the Bloody Hotel to look for An Weiwei. He originally went to the Kairi Community, but he found that Lin Sixue was not there.

Then he went to Jiang Qinxin's villa, and he found that Jiang Qinxin was not at home either, so he guessed that the girls really came to the Bloody Hotel.

"Upstairs... the boss is having dinner with Miss Lin and Miss Jiang. I just prepared hot pot for them.……"

George nodded.


""Xiao Chengcheng?"

The three girls were planning to discuss what they would do together.

As a result, they found that Jiang Cheng had actually arrived at the Bloody Hotel.

"Didn't you go to Su Yaoyao's home for a home visit? How come you're back so soon?……"

Shouldn't Jiang Cheng be visiting their home right now? Why did he end up at the Bloody Hotel to look for them?

"You guys are having hotpot, do you mind taking me along?"

Jiang Cheng said with a smile

"Come on, there are still many dishes.……"

An Weiwei looked at Jiang Cheng with a smile

"What's wrong? Xiao Chengcheng, you don't seem very happy.……"

An Weiwei found that Jiang Cheng seemed to be in a bad mood

"You guys tell me, am I really a scumbag?"

Now wherever he goes in Tiantang City, he will run into people who call him a scumbag.

"No...Xiao Chengcheng, have you been hit by something?" An Weiwei blinked.

"Ah Cheng, who said you are a scumbag?"

Jiang Qinxin was also a little curious.

"You went to Su Yaoyao's house, could it be Su Yimo?" Jiang Qinxin looked at Jiang Cheng in confusion.

"Forget it, let’s eat. I’m just a little hungry."

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