"When will you come with me to find Qinyu?"

Afterwards, Jiang Qinxin snuggled up to Jiang Cheng like a well-behaved kitten, her tone gentle.

She finally understood why Jiang Cheng always wanted to be in the office... It turned out to be very exciting. It was probably very exciting in the car... The wild.

But Jiang Cheng is with Jiang Qinyu now, so he hopes that Jiang Cheng can accompany her to find Jiang Qinyu.

Otherwise, she can go to find Jiang Qinyu by herself.

"How about tomorrow night? I need to visit another student's home tonight."

He must complete what he promised. He can't always stand her up, right?

And he is looking forward to it. What is the so-called high-quality service?


Jiang Qinxin rolled her eyes at Jiang Cheng

"You are really dedicated now... The other student is Su Yaoyao, right?"

She probably knew whose house Jiang Cheng was going to.

"How do you know?"

Jiang Cheng was a little surprised.

"There are only two pretty little girls in Class 12. Don’t I know what kind of person you are?"


Jiang Qinxin looked at Jiang Cheng with interest. She was a little curious.

"Ah Cheng, why can I improve my realm by being with you? With the current trend, if we do it a hundred or eighty times, I can directly advance to a high level."

"And yours also……"

Jiang Qinxin's face was slightly flushed

"Another hundred or eighty times?"

Wouldn't that kill him?

"Not now, what are you thinking about? Ah Cheng, I won't kill all the fish in the pond."

Jiang Qinxin snorted

"You don’t have the physique of a furnace cauldron in immortality novels, do you?"

It’s a bit weird...

It’s really a bit weird……

""Well, I have to go to class first."

It was already time for class, he had to work hard on his professional tasks, and then go to Su Yaoyao's house after class in the afternoon.


Jiang Qinxin looked at Jiang Cheng's back, thinking deeply. About ten minutes after Jiang Cheng left, a crisp voice came from the side, which brought Jiang Qinxin back to her senses from her deep thoughts.

"Jiang Jie……"

When Jiang Qinxin turned around, she found two familiar customers walking into her office.

Lin Sixue and Vivian

"Lin Sixue?"

"And Vivian?"

Jiang Qinxin looked at the two women in confusion. Why did they come to her office?

An Weiwei sniffed the smell in the office gently. She looked at Jiang Qinxin's pretty face with a little blush, and she probably understood something.

Jiang Qinxin ate alone.

"Sister Jiang, were you with Xiao Chengcheng just now?……"An Weiwei's mouth curled up slightly.

The smell was really strong.

"In the office……"

Jiang Qinxin snorted

"You are also Ah Cheng's ex-girlfriend, right? Vivian……"

In their Tiantang City's"Women's Avengers Alliance", it seems that only Jiang Yeli is not Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriend.

Why not just change the name to the Ex-Girlfriend Alliance?

"Sister Jiang, let me introduce myself first. My name is not Vivian, my real name is An Weiwei, and now I am not Xiao Chengcheng’s ex-girlfriend, I am already his...wife, and we have signed the netherworld marriage certificate."

An Weiwei said seriously

"I also signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate."

Lin Sixue nodded.

"You all signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate?"

Jiang Qinxin looked at the two girls in surprise. The Netherworld Marriage Certificate was extremely rare in other strange places, one in a billion.

But why was it as if it was directly wholesaled in Jiang Cheng's hands? Jiang Cheng had too many destined marriages, didn't he?

"Sister Jiang, it seems that you have also signed the Netherworld Marriage Certificate. Why don’t we join forces? You should know that Xiao Chengcheng has three fierce god-level……"

"What if they all unite? And if we unite, we can definitely draw on all our wisdom.……"

An Weiwei's words made Jiang Qinxin fall into thought. What An Weiwei said was a bit possible.

The three evil spirits seemed to have discussed it and left their marks on Jiang Cheng's chest.

"Don’t you know that Zhou Menghan and Qiao Wanyi are also Ah Cheng’s ex-girlfriends?"

Jiang Qinxin looked at the two girls in confusion.


An Weiwei and Lin Sixue looked at each other.

"No way?"

So among the six women in the Tiantang City Women's Avengers Alliance, only one Jiang Yeli has nothing to do with Jiang Cheng... and they are all Jiang Cheng's ex-girlfriends? But at the scumbag conference, they were talking about completely different people?

"Ah Cheng told me this himself. He has not met Zhou Menghan and Qiao Wanyi yet, so he is not sure if they are his ex-girlfriends, but they do have the same names as those in his 200 books.……"


Therefore, the Women's Avengers Alliance in Tiantang City should be renamed"Cheng's Ex-Girlfriend Alliance""?

"Sister Jiang, isn't Sister Fang Xiaocheng's ex-girlfriend?"

The mayor of Tiantang City, Fang Jinrou, was also"abandoned" by a scumbag. She was waiting for that scumbag to appear.

She would have joined their"Women's Avengers Alliance", but Fang Jinrou gave up later.

So Lin Sixue and An Weiwei knew about Fang Jinrou.

"No, the man who abandoned Fang Jie is Peng Yuyan, definitely not Ah Cheng."

Jiang Qinxin had a detailed chat with Fang Jinrou, and Fang Jinrou told her the name of the man who abandoned her.

So she was sure that abandoning Fang Jinrou had nothing to do with Jiang Cheng.


"So, Jiang Jie, should we unite together?……"

They are all members of the Women's Avengers Alliance and know each other. It would be better if they could unite together.

Jiang Qinxin was silent for a while, then she nodded.


"If Zhou Menghan and Qiao Wanyi are really Ah Cheng's ex-girlfriends, we can invite them as well."

Compared to Jiang Cheng's 200 girlfriends, the five of them really only account for a very small part of them.

What if those evil spirits really unite? What if they repel each other?


An Weiwei then looked at Jiang Qinxin and said with a smile,"Then Sister Jiang, don't eat alone."


"Can he bear it?"

Jiang Qinxin choked a little. Can Jiang Cheng really bear it? Now Jiang Cheng and she have to take supplements together.

"What if Jiang Cheng is squeezed dry? We can't kill all the fish in the pond, we need sustainable development."

Jiang Qinxin said seriously.

"we know……"

An Weiwei looked at Jiang Qinxin with some curiosity.

"Sister Jiang, is Xiao Chengcheng in class now?"

It's amazing that Jiang Cheng can be a teacher.

"Yes, Class 12."

At this moment, Jiang Cheng was seriously using his ability as a spooky teacher to teach the spooky students.

He had to become a special spooky teacher in the Horror High School, otherwise the next dungeon would not allow him to complete the professional mission.

"An Weiwei, Xiaoxue?"

He noticed An Weiwei and Lin Sixue appeared outside the window, and Jiang Qinxin was there too.

They were all together... Didn't the Shura Field happen? Jiang Cheng was not relieved, but a little disappointed.

What was going on? He actually hoped that the Shura Field would happen?

But Jiang Cheng glanced at the girls and focused on teaching the weird students.

After class, Jiang Cheng walked out of the classroom.

""An Weiwei, Xiaoxue, why are you all here?"

Jiang Yu looked at the two girls in confusion.

"Humph, you came back to Tiantang City but didn’t come to find me. Don’t you know I was waiting for you in the Bloody Hotel?"

"Xiao Chengcheng, you, Lin Sixue, and Sister Jiang have already... I also want……"An Weiwei looked at Jiang Cheng with some dissatisfaction


An Weiwei then said in a tender voice

"Lin Sixue, Sister Jiang, can Xiao Chengcheng also let me have one night?"

She also prepared a little surprise for Jiang Cheng. She could not be the big sister, but she wanted to occupy a special position in Jiang Cheng's heart.

She had already told Lin Sixue and Jiang Qinxin that both of them had eaten alone, and she also wanted to taste the taste of eating alone.

Both of them agreed.


Then An Weiwei turned her gaze to Jiang Cheng.

"Xiao Chengcheng, when are you free, come to the Bloody Hotel?"

An Weiwei stared at Jiang Cheng

"Two days later?"

Today he has to visit Su Yaoyao's home, and tomorrow he has to go to the Zhuangwang Villa with Jiang Qinxin to find Jiang Qinyu.

So he is only free in two days.

"You have to come to the Bloody Hotel to find me in two days."

Jiang Cheng was a little confused.

"Why are you all together?"

He was really confused. Lin Sixue and Jiang Qinxin had a fierce argument at the time, but now they seemed to have become good sisters again.

""What do you care?"

Several girls glared at Jiang Cheng simultaneously.

Jiang Cheng:"……"

"Sister Jiang, let’s ignore Xiao Chengcheng and go to my restaurant to have some hotpot, shall we?"

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, let's catch up."

After the girls left, Jiang Cheng was left looking at their backs in confusion.

What happened?

Did the three of them get together?

Everyone in the classroom was talking about it. After all, it happened outside the classroom.

They all knew

"Teacher Jiang seems to have a relationship with more than just the principal...the other two sisters……"

"I know them. One is Lin Sixue, the famous ripper in the Ripper Community, and the other is Vivian, the boss of the Bloody Hotel. They are both related to Teacher Jiang.……"

The admiration in Su Yaoyao's beautiful eyes grew stronger. The more female friends Teacher Jiang had, the better Teacher Jiang was.

In the eyes of these fox girls, the more female companions a male had, the more powerful he was and the more worthy of his attachment.

""Luo Zhi, do you like Teacher Jiang? What did Teacher Jiang do in the office that day?"

Su Yaoyao looked at Luo Zhi curiously.

She knew what Luo Zhi was like before, but now she had become a good girl.

"Su Yaoyao, what do you care!

Jiang Luozhi snorted coldly. What did Jiang Cheng do? Could he tell Su Yaoyao?

And she never liked Su Yaoyao. She thought Su Yaoyao was too……

"Can't I care about you? You have changed a lot now."

Su Yaoyao was a little helpless.

"It's really a heartless stinking zombie……"

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