Honkai Biography

Vol 6 Chapter 7: The battle of master and servant is unpredictable

Whether it is power or strength, the gap between the Herrscher and the Untransformed Honkai Beast is too great. Therefore, there will be no suspense or surprise in their battle results. Posture wins this battle.

Bella has no chance of winning.

Her ability is not weak. Bella has four forms of non-attribute magic dragon, ice, lightning, and flame, and four cores of ice, fire, thunder, and darkness. These cores can not only cause bad weather phenomena, but also make Benares keeps regenerating.

As long as the core is not destroyed, it will be difficult for her to die.

In fact, Bella's body still has a Herrscher core that she doesn't know, otherwise she would not have wisdom, and she would have the ability to transform into a human form, but she didn't know this.

Bella's life form has long been between the Herrscher and the Honkai Beast.

Perhaps, only when Bella noticed the deeply hidden Herrscher core in her body would she naturally transform into a human form.

Although her ability seems to be very strong, she is also divided into who is she compared with. In Bella's cognition, she has no means to threaten or harm Xilin.

All her long-range attacks were ineffective against Sirin. Sirin was able to open the space portal and divert all Bella's long-range attacks back. It was truly "the way of the other side, and the other side of the body".

Moreover, unlike Bella, Xilin has received professional training in actual combat. After becoming a Herrscher, she developed a lot of fighting moves, each of which has different effects.

To give a few examples: Sirin can put herself in imaginary space, making it impossible for the enemy to lock and attack her.

She can also convert imaginary energy into: Archon Spear, Archon Belt, Imaginary Hand, Imaginary Giant Claw, Imaginary Lance, Imaginary Barrier, Space-Time Shock, Broken Arrow, etc. for attack, resistance, cutting ,defense……

Auxiliary means are space-time confinement, imaginary number magic cube... It can trap and imprison the enemy.

The means of evasion include phase shuttle, space teleportation...

Xilin's "ultimate move" and "nirvana" are still being studied. She is not very satisfied with the few big moves she has developed so far, but in fact, the power is not low.

Xilin's current strength may not be ranked. If she enters the infinite group competition, she may be at the bottom, but don't ignore her age.

Throughout history, apart from Cheng Lingshuang, perhaps there will never be another "little monster" at Xilin's age who has her strength.

Including those clones who were born as fusion warriors, and they don't have this strength, such as Teresa and Amber, who are now approaching 30 years old, they may not really be Xilin's opponents.

Furthermore, don't forget that Xilin has just become the Herrscher on the 7th day, except for the first three days she wasted, in fact, she only took 4 days to control the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to such a degree.

When Xi Lin returns to school in the future, Ji Zi's "throne" is definitely not guaranteed. For the "children" who are still in school, the existence of the Herrscher is undoubtedly a "dimension reduction blow", and even more so. Don't say that Xilin is "the Herrscher of the Herrscher".

Moreover, the current Xilin is only an "incomplete" single-core Herrscher who can only use part of the power of the Herrscher of the Sky. Her aptitude is far more than that. Xilin's body can withstand at least 6 Herrscher cores. , become a Herrscher with 6 cores or more.

Her growth is very high.

Look at Xilin, and then look at Bella, it's normal for her to be hung with a hammer.

What level is Bella at now? She is not used to her own body, let alone mastering her body for battle, she only has a few "skills" tossing and turning, and it is useless to Xilin, can she win? You can't win, you don't have that ability at all.

Bella, who lost the battle and her "family status" plummeted, was very spineless, and gave up on the spot, and she was very attentive to fly Xilin over the Arctic, making Xiao Xilin proud, pretending to be mature and deep. His expression didn't hold back, and the smile on his face couldn't be restrained at all.

Xilin also adhered to the principle of "adults have a lot" and forgave Bella's rude attitude before. This little guy is easy to coax.

No matter how "rebellious" things Bella fantasized about, she was very flattering. She was obviously a majestic dragon, but she lived like a dog.

This made Lin Chaoyu, who was watching the battle, shake his head, and it also made Xi Lin bloated.

Xi Lin, who had not yet warmed up to the fruit of victory, immediately proposed to challenge Teacher Lin Chaoyu on the spot, but she was beaten so badly that her little **** was swollen, and it was useless to even beg for mercy...

Bella on the side felt very comfortable. She didn't expect to have an unexpected joy. She deserves to be a "puffer fish".

"Let you slap my **** with an imaginary giant claw just now, isn't it cool? Is it comfortable to be beaten?! Haha~" Bella was so happy in her heart, at least, her **** was not swollen.

Bella doesn't care what others think of her, because she doesn't think she has that many "audience" at all, so why care about her image? Restrain yourself, how tiring to live!

She doesn't take her own face very seriously, because she thinks that she is weak, and only the strong have dignity. As the weak, she can only retain the dignity in her heart.

This is her "previous life" memory, through many lessons in childhood, summed up the way of life.

Bella believes that if the weak place too much importance on their own dignity, they will be very tired. Tiredness in life is a trivial matter, but if they accidentally offend the strong because they place too much importance on their self-esteem, then the end may be miserable.

As for saying that he won't "owe his son" or anger the strong? !

Heh, don't stand and talk without your back hurting. As long as you're not too "two" people, as a weak person, you won't take the initiative to look for things, because you don't have money or power, so you don't dare to look for things unless you live enough.

Most of the "pain" of the weak is actually imposed by the strong. This kind of suffering comes from the selfishness of some "noble people". As the "strong", they look down on the weak from the bottom of their hearts and will not put The weak are regarded as "similars", and they will not put themselves in the weak's shoes, and will not even give dignity to the weak.

That's right, they don't even give dignity, because they don't care about the thoughts of the weak, and they don't treat each other as human at all.

Even if such "strong people" usually behave like individuals, are polite to everyone, and seem to be particularly reputable and loyal, they will definitely think that they are superior to others in their hearts.

Especially those "strong people" who climbed up easily and quickly from the bottom, love to have this kind of psychology, they will think that they are different after success.

It's really different, I forgot about this.

This is normal, because this is universal human nature.

Bella's choice is actually the choice of the majority. People like Lin Chaoyu who are "hard-bone" and who want dignity without dying are a minority among the minority.

This kind of "minority" who is not afraid of power is brave and "the light of humanity", but is the temporary compromise that seems cowardly really wrong?

Of course not, even in terms of human moral standards, it is always the perpetrator who is wrong.

People who know how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages are not necessarily smart, but on the surface they must live better than others.

It's just embarrassing! Bella is used to it, nothing.

She feels that her current choice of giving up dignity is the best choice. She just gave up the most precious but least valuable dignity, and she has avoided a lot of trouble, eliminated many hidden dangers, and gained Xilin's favor. There is a great probability to get the care and love of Xilin.

As long as she gets these, even if Bella's strength will never catch up with Xilin, she will have the opportunity to "turn over and call the shots" and "fail the following"~www.readwn.com~ The weak will not be willing to be weak for a lifetime, especially those A weakling who loves fantasy, Bella especially loves to fantasize about what happens when she becomes a "strong".

In her mind, the definition of "strong" is not just about strong force and ability to fight. There are many kinds of strong people, for example: Who said that people who eat soft rice and hard food are not strong people? This guy has something, right? !

Bella's expectations were correct, and sure enough, she only showed a well-behaved and obedient appearance, and Xilin's love for her was inexhaustible.

Xilin was even reluctant to leave her baby dragon.

Although Xiao Xilin deliberately had a serious face and pretended to be a little adult, she could not help sneaking to Bella's residence in the middle of the night and sleeping on her little tail. It can be seen that , how much Celine loves her.

Xiao Xilin is very cute. She is stubborn and has self-esteem. She also found a very suffocating excuse to try to deceive Bella, who is a "newborn".

"My bed is too soft to sleep, and the hardness of your tail is just right."

Xilin is not afraid that Bella will talk about her behavior, because Bella can't speak.

In the battle between Xilin and Bella, although the system determined that Bella lost, but did Bella really lose? uncertain.


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