Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 80: Gene Homologous Different Streams

Chapter 343 Gene Homologous Different Streams

the depths of the quantum sea,

Inside a human-built lounge.

"Amber, I'm back... I'm really annoying, I'm exhausted."

"It's hard work, Lord Theresa." Amber's eyes shifted from the TV to the complaining person.

"I've said it many times, don't call me 'sir' again."

After entering the room, the weak Theresa took off her protective clothing, sat down on the sofa, and then lay down on Amber's thigh, like a salted fish, lifeless.

Her body is still unable to adapt to the environment in the Quantum Sea. Ever since she left the dirty soil, Teresa has always looked listless even in protective clothing. Here, she will not leave this lounge.

After squinting for a while, Teresa opened her eyes and looked at Amber's cheek. Then, she found that she was partially blocked by something that a child did not have, and she couldn't see Amber's chin.

Theresa was even more depressed, Amber's figure made her feel so stressed!

hateful! Why is Amber's body an adult's, but hers's a child's? It's so unfair that they were all "born" on the same day!

In addition, in the past six months, Theresa's height and figure have not changed in the slightest, which made her have a bad premonition, her appearance will not be finalized, right? Wouldn't it be like an adult stargazer, who would never grow taller? !

Feeling tired physically and mentally, Teresa changed from lying on her back to lying on her side. She no longer looked at Amber's cheeks and the jade rabbit. She felt that she would easily lose her psychological balance and become jealous if she continued to look at it. She focused her attention on the TV.

Today's game is over, and the recorded video is playing on the TV. Although the battle scene is very intense and thrilling, Teresa, who has watched it once, feels that the visual impact is far less intense than when she watched it for the first time. She won't be afraid, afraid that the players will be injured, she already knows the outcome of the outcome.

There is no day or night in the location of the infinite duel field. People are calculated according to 24 hours. Of course, the time flow here is definitely slightly different from this world bubble.

In fact, through detailed calculations, scientists have found that even the time flow rates of the Eden world bubble and this world bubble are not completely consistent, and there are subtle differences, but the differences are small and can be ignored.

After watching TV for a while, Teresa suddenly remembered something. She reluctantly left the soft and comfortable big white-legged "pillow" and sat up.

"By the way, Amber, grandpa gave me a good thing just now!"

Theresa got up, trotted to the door with her short legs, then stood on tiptoe and took out a small box from the cartoon shoulder bag hanging on the coat rack.


Theresa seemed to regain a little energy: "How is it? Isn't this box cute?!"

"Um, cute. What's inside...?"

Theresa sat back next to Amber again, opened the box, and smiled silly: "Hey, this is called xylitol, haven't you seen it before?!"

"Xylitol?" Amber looked at the white candy-like particles in the box, and felt that the word sounded a little familiar.

"Well, it's a kind of candy, kind of like chewing gum, it can clean your mouth, but it can't replace brushing your teeth, you still have to brush your teeth carefully. The xylitol that my grandfather gave me is also mint-flavored, it's cool and refreshing to chew, and you must not swallow it. Oh!"

Theresa took out two xylitol, stuffed it into Amber's small mouth, and warned again worryingly: "Chew it for a while and then spit it out."

"This...is it chewing gum?"

Amber chewing on xylitol, I suddenly remembered which book I had seen this word in.

She vaguely remembered that some of the convenience stores in Linshan used xylitol as a sweetener for some sugar-free chewing gums.

Xylitol is not sugar, but its sweetness is comparable to that of sucrose. If amber remembers correctly, it seems to be extracted from birch, oak, corncob, bagasse and other plant materials. If ordinary people eat too much, it may cause diarrhea.

Lord Otto gave Teresa probably sugar-free chewing gum made with xylitol as a sweetener.

"No! Grandpa told me that this is xylitol. It must be different from the chewing gum we usually eat!" Teresa said confidently.

Deli didn't read as many books as amber. She didn't know what xylitol was, but she simply thought that this kind of candy that tasted like chewing gum was called xylitol.

She believes that the difference between chewing gum and xylitol is not the difference between sweeteners, but is similar to the difference between chewing gum and bubble gum.

"That's it... all right."

Amber didn't argue with it or popularize it. Lord Theresa is right, as long as she is happy.

"How? Is it better than chewing gum?" Teresa smirked.


Amber nodded vaguely. Without the ability to analyze, she really couldn't tell the difference between the taste of sugar and sugar-free gum, but since Lord Theresa "can" taste the difference in their taste, then Not the same.

Theresa is happy.

Amber is a good talker, especially to Theresa.

In fact, compared to chewing gum, Amber prefers bubble gum, one is that in China, bubble gum is cheaper, and the other is that it is easier for bubble gum to blow big bubbles, which is more fun than chewing gum.

Theresa's hobby is just the opposite of Amber. She doesn't like bubble gum, because everyone else blows bubbles, but she doesn't. Not being able to blow bubbles makes her feel stupid.

And Teresa believes that the "culprit" that makes her stupid is bubble gum. If there is no such candy, others will not be able to blow big bubbles, so that she will not appear stupid. She never thought that even without bubble gum, other people could blow bubbles with chewing gum.

Stupid is stupid. If you want to blame it, blame Karen and Kevin...

Well... it's not quite right, even Karen will blow big bubbles with bubble gum.

"Amber, what do you think I should do in the future?" Theresa was a little distressed while chewing gum.

"It's okay, if you practice more, you will blow bubbles." Amber comforted, she never blows bubbles in front of Theresa.

"What bubbles?" Teresa was confused.

"Uh...it's nothing, what is Mrs. Teresa worried about...?" Amber asked tentatively.

"I don't seem to grow taller..." The lost Teresa glanced at the thing that blocked her vision when she was on the lap pillow, and said with envy, "I won't grow fat either."


Amber was silent for a moment, looked at the corner of the wall, and said against his will: "It's only been half a year, Lord Theresa will grow taller in the future...

"Well... Your body is fused with the genes of 'Vishnu'. That Honkai Beast has the ability to rely on devouring and grow infinitely, which is very similar to the ability of Lord Chiyou...

"I heard my great-grandfather say that in the ancient pre-civilization, there was also a male fusion warrior who fused Vishnu's genes, and under the stars, he could even grow into a god.

"It stands to reason that you should also have that ability... um... Mrs. Teresa needs to eat more and devour nutrients in the future. I believe that you will definitely grow taller."

Amber doesn't like to lie, and she is not good at lying. If it were another person, she might have discovered that her words were insincere, but Teresa didn't notice it.

However, she also knew that Amber's words were comforting herself.

"You said it too, it's logical." Teresa spit the chewing gum into the trash can, leaning on her chin, and said with a gloomy face, "Who knows what my abilities are? Those scientists have been studying for so long. , I haven't researched what my abilities are, and I probably don't have the ability to swallow and grow... What should I do? I shouldn't have any abilities, right?"

Theresa was even more melancholy.

If the abilities of the Herrschers are still traceable, then the abilities of the fusion warriors seem a bit strange.

Mess, everything.

The abilities of a fusion warrior and the Honkai beast it fuses are not necessarily the same. Although the gene of the Honkai beast will have a profound impact on the ability of the fusion warrior, there is often a certain degree of "mutation".

Take Lin Chaoyu as an example. The Honkai Beast gene she fused is the emperor-level Honkai Beast "Bai Ze", and Bai Ze's ability is...smart and far superior to the wisdom of his peers.

It stands to reason that after Lin Chaoyu becomes a fusion warrior, there is a high probability that she will become a "wise man" with super spiritual power, but it is obvious that she does not.

She didn't even become a mind-aware fusion fighter.

For a long time, no one knew what Lin Chaoyu's abilities were. She didn't seem to have any abilities and looked ordinary. Apart from her youthful appearance, Lin Chaoyu looked like an ordinary girl.

A few years after she became a fusion warrior, Mebius compared all the differences before and after Lin Chaoyu before coming up with a point of view. Snake believes that her ability is... high learning efficiency.

This ability of Lin Chaoyu sounds very tasteless, and it doesn't seem to be helpful in battle, but it is not true. Lin Chaoyu's cognitive ability to the battlefield situation is more sensitive than ordinary people. Her ability to analyze, judge, understand and evaluate is not only comprehensive, but also very accurate. .

It's a bit like a weakened version of the ability to reason and law, but there are some differences.

However, Lin Chaoyu's ability has advantages and disadvantages for her. Her high learning efficiency and strong comprehension ability make her understanding of Taixu sword qi worse than before~www.readwn.com~ because she thinks There are more things, and more distractions.

Lin Chaoyu learned other exercises very quickly, but the Taixu sword energy was special.

This also led to the fact that Lin Chaoyu, who was obsessed with swordsmanship, took more than 400 years to comprehend the Sword God Taixu. Of course, during this period, she did not stay where she was, and her fighting methods became more and more diverse. , not only the sword, but also other weapons and exercises are also very proficient.

In general, Lin Chaoyu, who is erudite and talented, is not weak in fighting ability and has a lot of methods. If nothing else, even in this session's infinite duel field, facing a group of "perverts", her grades can be ranked in the settlement. a relatively advanced position.

Speaking of Theresa, the current Theresa has not shown any unique and distinctive abilities other than her natural divine power.

However, scientists believe that the fact that the strength is abnormal is not Teresa's ability as a fusion warrior, but may just be her talent.

As for what Theresa's ability is, so far, there is no accurate conclusion.

The abilities of the fused Honkai Beast are not necessarily the abilities of the fusion warriors. Even if two different people fuse the genes of the same Honkai Beast, their abilities may not be the same. The abilities of these two may look very similar. , but in essence, there may be some differences.

Heavenly Court has even appeared. The same batch of mass-produced fusion warriors fused with the same Honkai Beast gene have different abilities. No two are exactly the same. The abilities of that batch of fusion warriors are somewhat subtle. difference.

Perhaps this is because each individual is the most unique individual.

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