Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 77: blaze new trails

Chapter 340

Unconsciously, the night fell gradually, the red glow had subsided, a few scattered stars appeared in the dark blue sky, the willows on the moon, the mountains, rivers and trees were covered with a silvery white veil by the moonlight.

The lake at night was dark and deep, like a bottomless giant tortoise paste. The moon and stars were reflected on the dead lake, and the summer breeze blew lightly, causing layers of ripples.

Wutong held a big mandarin fish in his hand and "floated" out of the "ripples". There was not a drop of water on his body, nor did he disturb the ripples on the lake. He was more like a ghost than a ghost.

After the mandarin fish who felt very "happy" was forced to commit suicide, Wutong cleaned it up, put it aside and marinated it with seasonings, ready to bake it later.

He probably couldn't taste the taste of grilled fish, because there was only one, which Eden suddenly wanted to eat, and caught it from Wutong down the lake, so he and Eden would taste its delicious and attractive body together.

If you can't finish eating, leave it to "Uncle" Hen to solve it. You can't waste food.

Hen and Wutong touched the beer mug and drank a mouthful, but without chewing the ice, he smacked his lips and said, "What do you think of my daughter?"

"Stronger than you, and a little smarter than you."

"But it's not strong enough!" He said with emotion, "This world is too dangerous, let alone her, even you may die, I'm more likely to die, you and I can't protect her for a lifetime."

"Actually, Grexiu has long been able to be independent." Eden said softly.

She is ignorant of the world and has no ability to take care of herself. It's just Grexiu's appearance. After all, she has experienced the end.

In that sick world, there are no normal people, let alone simple roles.

Perhaps, the reason why Grexiu unconsciously showed her "pure" side, like a blank sheet of paper, was only because... that was her "habit", which originated from the death of her parents, for the sake of her Protecting herself and wanting adults to like her instinctive and subconscious behavior.

In the apocalypse, this means of protecting herself is clumsy, simple and stupid, but Grexiu succeeded, and she succeeded in gaining the love of the "adults".

Look around her, Brother Wutong, Sister Sakura, Aunt Mebius, Mother Apollonian, Uncle Kevin... Anyone who dares to hold grudges against Greyxiu may have been buried before they even started. .

Perhaps, Grayxiu's nature is really pure, kind, and beautiful... But, she is not a child who doesn't understand anything.

In the "Palace Fight" of the Wutong family, Grexiu and Kiana are "allies". Although the bugs have been holding her back, she has almost never been hurt by other people, so she can't be a fool things that can be done.

Look at Qiana, that's a real fool. She is often beaten, and being beaten "skin" can't describe her. It can be said that the insects have been beaten with "antibodies", and the "beating skills" are full.

It can also be seen from the side that Kiana's talent is terrifying, and she can become stronger when she is beaten.

Talented, right? IQ exchanged.

If the IQ of Bugs is on the eighteenth floor underground, then Grexiu's IQ is not in the atmosphere, at least it must be on the top of the eighteenth floor above the ground.

Wutong put down the empty wine glass, picked up a bunch of grilled meat, and said: "I know what you want to express, but I'm sorry, my growth path, except Mebius, can't be replicated by anyone, including Grexiu. And, even for Mebius, she wouldn't choose to follow the same path as me."

"Because of the danger?"

Wutong shook the iron drill in his hand and said, "No, because a big tree cannot grow under a big tree.

"If Mebius wants to surpass me, she will not follow my old path, she will learn from it, but not imitate it. Besides, my path is not necessarily the right one, I am just groping forward in the dark.

"I think, you don't have to worry too much about Grace. Her future is better than you and Blanca together. No, it should be said that she is already better than you two. If you have time to care about your daughter, it is better to worry about it. about yourself.

"What do you think of my little girl?"

"..." Hen thought for a while and said, "The talent is unparalleled, and the future is immeasurable."

Wutong smiled and said, "Heh~ you can just say that she's a waste now, you don't need to be so bewildering."


"Because of my indulgence, pampering and doting, she has not grown up for decades. If Qiyana's parents were other people, maybe she would have become a strong person long ago."

Eden said slowly: "However, she is not unruly."

"That's right, but that's because of her good nature, and it has something to do with me, but it doesn't have much to do with it."

Wutong said: "Actually, I don't care at all how far Qiyana will grow in the future, really, her future depends on what she thinks, and I won't ask her to do anything.

"If she is satisfied with her current life and wants to live happily like this, then I will always support her and protect her for the rest of my life. I believe that I have this ability, even if all mankind is against me.

"If she wants to become a strong person, then I will give her some help, but that's all, I will not interfere with her practice, the road to the strong is pioneered by the strong, and it is boring to follow the old path of others.

"You... no, it should be said that most people probably think that I am doing something shameful, thinking that I will train Kiana to be the Herrscher of the End, and Yae Sakura to be the Herrscher of Erosion.


"But in fact, I can't do anything. Really, I have never interfered in the growth of my daughters. Xiaoba's current path is her own choice. As for Qiana... her future path is also hers. It's up to you."

"Then do you want Kiana to be the end?" Hen opened two more bottles of beer and asked tentatively.

"do not wish."

Wutong took the beer handed by Hen and said: "Because it's boring, I have seen the end of 'growing up', of course I don't want Qiyana to become like her mother, I want to see my daughter walk out A different path." Although I don't know how strong Endgame is, I can guess her upper limit.

"After all, the Herrscher is just the Herrscher, the apostle of the gods.

"Even if you get rid of the control of the gods and climb the steps of the gods, but that's it.

"In the end, it is very difficult to want to transcend the ability that 'Honkai' once gave her and have stronger authority."

Wutong glanced at his shadow and said with a smile: "Why do you think she follows me? Don't you think she likes me? Haha~"

Wutong took a sip of wine and continued: "I think everything she does now is for herself from beginning to end.

"I am observing me and my surroundings in the end, just like the tree of imaginary numbers 'observing' human civilization, they are just trying to find a 'possibility', the difference is that the tree of imaginary numbers is 'observing' by the way. , and she has a lot of 'investment' and 'dependence' on me.

"The tree of imaginary numbers wants to become the 'only', and finally wants to break through the 'shackles' of people and the Herrscher, to move to a higher level, and to avenge the existence that has hurt her, that's all.

"Eden, what do you think, why did we survive those three times in the first place?"


Eden pondered for a moment and said uncertainly, "Because, she wants to survive?"

"Oh, maybe so."

Wutong wrapped the fish in tinfoil, put it on the grill, and chatted casually: "By the way, which mode of infinite duel are you going to participate in this time?"


"Don't all participate?"

"No." Eden ate the roasted vegetables elegantly, and said unhurriedly, "I don't want to, once again, face my former companions, even if it's just in the ring."


Wutong took out a dark blue sphere with a diameter of about ten centimeters and threw it to Eden: "Here, the Star of Eden... Oh, no, it should be called back to its original name now, 'Xinghaixie' Lil' paid you back."

Eden looked at the old friend in his hand, and couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and said, "This... I remember, it's not..."

Wutong replied in advance: "Su gave it to me not long ago, he has 'Quiet'."

"But, I already have weapons."

Eden took out a pair of retro-style flintlock pistols from his waist, which were beautifully modeled. To call it a weapon, it would be better to call it a work of art.

"Oh my God, quickly put them away, don't let me see them." Wutong covered one eye with his hand and said, "You really use them as weapons, are you going to use these things on the battlefield? Before I I thought the flintlock pistols around your waist were decorations."


Wutong exaggerated: "Just with this thing in your hand, killing an old hen is probably going to be a lot of effort, isn't it funny that you take them and destroy quantum creatures?

"You might as well kick the quantum creatures to death with your long legs with your bare hands, really.

"Others use weapons to enhance their combat capabilities, so it's better for you to weaken yourself, right? I don't feel how strong you are now?

"I can imagine the 'heroicness' of you fighting with them, neither graceful nor crazy, like a limping ostrich.

"The crazy output to the 'monsters', kept moving, tired myself enough, but at the end of the day, I didn't break the defense."

Wutong’s mouth is quite damaged. In fact, the dual guns in Eden’s hands are not so unbearable. There is no problem in killing a Honkai beast with one shot. After all, it is “produced by Weiwei” and uses Honkai Energy as an energy source. , However, the lethality is indeed not as good as Eden without weapons.

like a toy.


Eden's expression was a little complicated. She quite liked the pair of guns, how good-looking.

Wutong continued, "You still use Xinghai Harmony, and strive to get a good ranking. After the season is over~www.readwn.com~ If you can rank in the top ten, I will give you a chance to pursue me."

Eden didn't miss this opportunity.

In fact, Eden's strength is difficult to rank in the top ten. There are too many perverts. Even Kevin can't guarantee that he will definitely be in the top ten, because the hunting competition still has a certain element of luck. If the luck is bad At the extreme, without encountering "monsters" and resources, it is useless to have one's strength.

Of course, compared to others, Kevin still has a special advantage. Not to mention force, his familiarity with Quantum Sea is far superior to others. Moreover, if he forms a team with Su and Kevin, he would like to go Anywhere is convenient.

Kevin is the most likely person to win the first Infinite Hunt Championship.

"By the way, Eden, are you planning to form a team?" Hen asked suddenly, he hadn't started looking for teammates yet.

"Well, I have communicated with His Majesty Ji Lin, and I will form a team with her."

Hearing that he was disappointed.

"Jilin? Then you might really be in the top ten... Come on, I'm optimistic about you. You and her are very compatible and can help each other." Wutong scratched his head and muttered inexplicably, "It's weird, what's wrong with that girl? Will she form a team with you? She should take this opportunity to find a loli girl and 'take her to fly'!"

Ji Lin is also one of the strong contenders for the championship. Like Wutong, she is a big collector with twelve keys of the God of Light in her hand.

Her fighting style is very similar to Eden's, "can be c, can be milk, can be supported", has almost no shortcomings, and is excellent in every field.

Moreover, Ji Lin has been sitting in the dirty soil all the year round, and is also the acting president of the Wutong Society. He has mastered and understood a lot of information in the quantum sea, and is very familiar with it.

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