Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 66: Floating life like a dream may not be empty

The mountains are as quiet as ancient times, and the days are as long as small years.

early morning.

A good day begins with a "bad news".

Wutong calmly ate the "Love Breakfast" that Sakura made by herself, drank some sweet wine, and watched TV for a while.

Finally, at the urging of Linmei, he opened a "gate of time and space", preparing to go to the sea of ​​​​quantum through the "endless corridor" with Apollo.

The "Endless Corridor" is very quiet. When you are in it, your ability to perceive time has deteriorated a lot. Whether it is "time" or "road", it seems extremely long in the dark, it seems to be an infinite reincarnation. The road never ends.

Call it a "corridor", but it is more like an endless labyrinth, long and narrow, twisting and endless.

The walls and floor of the corridor should be generally grayish-white, and there seem to be unidentified and infinitely repeated patterns carved on them.

Humans cannot see clearly what is engraved, and what is vaguely perceived is not necessarily correct.

"Da da da……"

The sound of steady and slow footsteps was very light, but in a dead silence environment, it was particularly noticeable.

Aponia is vaguely uncomfortable. In fact, this is normal. As long as it is a person, if it is the first time to come here, it will be uncomfortable even if it is not used to it. It has nothing to do with strength or weakness.

Not to mention, there are obviously two people here, but only her footsteps are heard.

This is Apollo. She is just uncomfortable. She has been in despair and darkness all year round, and she has long been accustomed to all kinds of negative environments and has extraordinary endurance.

If it were another person, he might have been affected by negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, anger, etc. long ago.

"Did you deliberately not make footsteps?"

Apponia followed behind Wutong and found a topic at random. Her voice was still as soft as usual. If she didn't listen carefully, she might not be able to hear clearly.

"No, my shoes are special, and I walk silently."


Apponia glanced down at Sycamore's white "plastic" slippers, and couldn't help but glance at his beautiful toes and ankles.

Really white... not right!

Apponia turned her eyes away, and quickly drove those white and flawless feet out of her mind.

The existence of Indus is really "greedy" people. She believes that both men and women, as long as they are individuals, will like to see the appearance of Indus.

Because this is one of human nature, it is the human subconscious yearning for beautiful things.

Indus is just like his pet phoenix. Ordinary people can't stare at him for too long, otherwise, they may get caught up in it and be unable to extricate themselves... Don't let go of him at all!

Apollonia knows that the more perfect and attractive something is, the more "dangerous" it is and the less accessible it is.

The more obsessed with "beautiful", the more heart-wrenching it will be when rejected by "beautiful" or watching "beauty" pass away.

Apollonia knows this, perhaps.

After a while, her thoughts gradually returned to normal. She suspected that Wutong was lying to herself. These slippers looked quite ordinary.

"Could it be... it's the key of God?" Apollonia asked in a slow voice.


"Your shoes."

"No, it's just that its material is a bit special. It's a new material developed by Tianting's scientific research department hundreds of years ago. It is used to make shoes. The sole is soft, wear-resistant and lightweight, can absorb sound, and is environmentally friendly. "

"That's it...that's amazing."

Apponia asked again: "You constructed this place with the ability of the Second Herrscher?"


"Then... when will we be able to pass through this corridor and walk to the Sea of ​​​​Quantum?"

"I can never go there, but if I want to, I can go any time." Wutong suddenly stopped, turned around, and said blankly, "Do you like it here? Here, it is I who do it for you. Prepared 'prison'."


Apponia's heart jumped, and after being silent for a long time, he said slowly: "I don't like it... However, this place seems to be suitable for me, tangled, tortuous, confused and unable to see hope. This place is very suitable for a sinner like me. ."

Wutong's expression changed quickly, he said with a smile: "Hehe, I'm joking with you, don't take it seriously.

"I never thought you were guilty, and I am sure your self-assessment was the same.

"It's human beings, it's the collapse, it's the gods... it's this bad world, not you and me.

"What's more, I can't bear to leave you here, you are so powerful, it would be a pity if you didn't work for me.

"You seemed to want to say something to me at breakfast, let's just say, there's no one else here."


Apponia pondered for a moment, then asked in a low voice, "Who am I...?"

"You are Aponia, why do you ask that?"

"No! Who am I? What have you done to my memory? What is the 'future' and 'destiny' that I see? And what is that 'silk thread'? The real... Apollonia ,where?"

The tone of "Aponia" fluctuated for the first time, and she seemed a little excited.

Wutong narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "Since you can ask such a question... haven't you guessed something?"

Gu Tan "I want to get the exact answer, tell me!"

Wutong looked at her with a smile, and said nothing. He wanted to hear how much truth "Aponia" had discovered.

"Please, tell me, I know the answer may be cruel to me, but I don't want to be blinded by false beauty."

"Aponia" stretched out her hand and wanted to grab the sycamore, but she just raised her arm, but put it down weakly.

She was afraid, and she was afraid that the phoenix tree in front of her was unreal.

"Don't worry about losing, the world you see is real." Wutong paused and asked softly, "Can you tell me how you discovered it? Or, when did you realize your self-existence? suspicious?"

"...The 'destiny' I have seen has changed, especially in the past few days, after I came to Heaven, I made frequent mistakes... Maybe it's me, I don't know the people here, so I originally thought There will always be unexpected changes in that 'future'."

"Aponia" muttered to himself: "That 'silk thread' is not the 'destiny' in my memory, that is... the calculation of cause and effect, who is it? It's you, the ability you gave me. Who am I? My memory, what is it?"

"You are Apollo, the former Apollo." Wutong replied.

"Then my memory...?"

"The memory before the birth of the Thirteenth Herrscher is completely real."

"Thirteen...my body...?"

"It's your body. This is the body that Apponia gave up. How is it? I've kept it well, haven't I? No problem at all."

"Aponia... is she dead?"

"No, she's been alive."

"Who is the Thirteenth Herrscher?"

"Your memory is correct about this."


"Aponia" pondered for a while, then said, "I... No, Aponia has become a paradise of the past?"

"No, she became Him." Wutong said, "She is Aponia, but she is no longer Aponia. From now on, you can also be Aponia."

"What's the meaning?"

"Guess, guess boldly."

"...you...why did you create me?"

"I need you to help me do some work voluntarily and proactively."

"Voluntary? Hehe, my fate and actions...?"

"So far, it's all my will." Wutong replied with a smile, "Of course, from now on, I will no longer control your destiny, because you passed the test, my friend."

"Friend? Please let me punch you, okay?"

"If you think I won't fight back, yes."

Apponia clenched her small fist and did not shoot.

"Is it interesting to play with other people's fate?"


"Can I believe what you said today?"

"Okay, I never lie. Oh, sorry, I just told another lie."

"...I want real memories."

"Of course, this is your reward for 'clearing'." Wutong turned around with a smile, and took another step forward, "Your memory is here, let's go, I will lead you there."

"What if I don't have 'clearance' today?"

"Nothing will happen~www.readwn.com~ I will take you to the sea of ​​​​quantum to see the "bad news" that Linmei said."

"You won't keep me here?" Apponia was slightly surprised.

"No, only when you know the truth and can't accept it, will I lock you here for reflection."

"Unacceptable? What is the standard?"

"Are your eyes turning red?"

"How long?"

"Until you can rely on your own abilities to find true memories, otherwise, you don't deserve those memories and inherit the name of 'Aponia'."


"Thank you for creating me."

"No thanks, just work for me."


"Perhaps your existence is fake, but your body and memory are real, and you will be real in the future. As for whether you want to change your name, it's up to you. How about it, am I being hypocritical?"


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