Due to force majeure, the daily updated word count may not be guaranteed in the future.

It will be updated every day, but there will be no more four or five thousand words, probably only one chapter, two or three thousand words.

Eunuchs are not eunuchs, please rest assured, I will finish this book.

Sorry, I don't want to either.

Because writing books is indeed my hobby.

However, spending 8-10 hours a day on hobbies is too extravagant, and I can't afford it.

I also have to support myself. People always have to eat, don't they?

I really can't take it anymore.

I really don't have the conditions to continue spending time on my hobbies.

The grades of this book were so bad that I couldn't even get full attendance. In fact, I have been missing full attendance since February this year.

But how should I put it, although my grades are poor, I'm still quite satisfied. Really, it's true.

So I will continue to write, so that this story has a better ending as much as possible, so that the quality of the book is higher, and there are fewer people who criticize me.

After all, this book is my heart and soul.

I am quite satisfied.

I have personally watched the collection of this book increase little by little. Every day, I collect a little more, and now it is almost 9,000.

Moreover, since the launch, the average subscription has also increased from 158 to the current 277.

Although the results are bleak, I can still see the support of the book friends.

Thank you for your support.

The free income is decreasing day by day. From twenty to thirty yuan a day in the past, it has dropped to about ten yuan, and then to the current 4 or 5 yuan. I don’t know which platform this income comes from. .

The decrease in free income may indicate that more and more people are supporting the genuine version, and of course, it may also mean that more and more people do not read this book.

I don't know the specific reason, I can only guess.

Anyway, thank you again for your support.

As for the future, the daily update volume of four or five thousand words may be restored, or it may not be restored. I don't know, I can't say what will happen in the future, and I can't guarantee anything.

I can only say that if I have time, I will try my best to write.

I hope you can understand.

I also hope to get your understanding from the readers.

Let's say something off topic.

Someone told me about piracy before, saying that the first page of my book was not genuine when I searched the title on a certain search engine.

I really did a search. It's not that exaggerated. Sometimes, you can still see the genuine version on the first page, but it's just at the bottom.

I can't solve the problem of piracy, and I don't have the ability to solve it.

If there is demand, there will be piracy.

From another point of view, I think it's a pleasure to work hard, if there are pirated websites willing to serialize my book, it shows that this book has some value. If no one stole it, it would be a failure.

Of course, it's impossible for me to support pirated websites, and I'm not a fool. It takes away the hard work of the writers without authorization to make a profit, which is inherently immoral.

Stealing has always been wrong.


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