Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 47: It's not hard to be compatible

Flowing water and flowers and spring are gone,

More than a month passed in a flash.

Entering summer.

At noon.

Wutong led Hua and Xiaoshi and others to the Eden World Bubble for the third time with supplies.

The materials delivered this time are quite special. Some of them are people, and they are a group of top scientists involved in various fields.

There were about a hundred people, occupying about a quarter of the space of the Second God's Key.

Even, Otto, Karen and Leanna Brigantia (except Karen, currently the most powerful Valkyrie, who has the ability to use Heiyuan Baihua) all came here with Wutong.

In order to transport and protect these talents, Tianting invested and tailored two sets of "protective suits" for everyone.

In the future, people from the two worlds will often come and go, and it will be worth spending the money.

Not everyone has the ability to walk through the tree of imaginary numbers, and most scientific research talents are relatively "weak".

Moreover, even the "strong" body may not be able to adapt to the environment in the quantum sea.

The purpose of bringing them here is naturally to allow them to communicate and learn from each other with the scientists of the pre-civilization.

For the researchers of Tianting and Destiny, the scientific and technological knowledge of the pre-civilization is undoubtedly the top.

However, after years of research and exploration of the pre-civilization, they found that the "tech tree" of the pre-civilization seemed to be a bit crooked.

Under the deliberate guidance of Wutong and Mebius, the technological development between the two civilizations is similar but incompatible, and Heavenly Court has completely embarked on a different path of civilization.

In fact, in the eyes of scientists from pre-civilizations, the "tech tree" of Heaven and Destiny is also very crooked.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen communication and learning between the two sides.

The so-called incomprehension and incomprehension are only due to lack of understanding.

The science and technology of the pre-civilization does not mean that everything is advanced and perfect, and the scientific knowledge of the current civilization does not mean that there is no merit.

After stepping off the second **** key, which was changed to a large "transport ship", the slightly sleepy Wutong directly opened a golden gate of time and space, and led the family back to his home in this world.

She walked very freely and irresponsibly.

The lazy Indus believed in Otto's ability, and he would definitely be able to handle the future.

It was the first time that Yae Sakura and Yae Rin came to Eden World, and they were still a little curious about it. Therefore, the "home girl sisters" did not choose to stay at home, but followed Sakura and Ling. one afternoon.

The fourth key of the second **** has not been built yet, but Mei, Wei Wei and others have remodeled the size of the first three keys of the second **** to a larger size during this time.

Back home, Wutong took a nap for a while. In the evening, as soon as he walked out of the bedroom, he heard interesting news.

Qian Jie was injured by Hua.

According to Xiao Ba, who had just returned home and watched the whole process, Hua and Xiao Shi had a chance to learn martial arts in the afternoon, and the madman named Qian Jie found it out of nowhere, and he seemed to be able to "smell" it. To the "taste" of the battle.

When Qian Jie saw Hua and Xiao Shi, he was overjoyed, and he insisted on giving pointers to the two of them. He wanted to personally check whether Hua had grown over the years.

Then Qian Jie was severely injured by Hua split.

Xiao Shi didn't even make a move.

In Hua's memory, Qian Jie was an extremely terrifying opponent, so she didn't hold back at all.

As everyone knows, Hua forgot one thing, how many years did he live after a thousand calamities? And how many years did she live?

Cheng Lingshuang is over 400 years old, and even her life is nearly twenty times the age of Qianjie.

Hua is more than 4,000 years of "buff", and has never been seriously injured.

How could Qian Jie be Hua's opponent when neither side used weapons or equipment?

Qian Jie could afford to lose, and he didn't feel angry at all, and he didn't feel that he had lost face. He was even very excited because of Hua's strength.

The more frustrated a person like Qian Jie is, the stronger the opponent, the more excited he is.

According to Xiaoba, at that time, when his life was on the verge of being put on a stretcher, he said to Hua in a "full of energy", "We will fight again tomorrow!"

Pissed off the medical staff.

Qian Jie's wounds may not be healed even after a month.

"Uncle Qian Jie is very reasonable!"

In the living room, Xiaoba stood behind Wutong, and while actively massaging his father's shoulders, he said softly, "It's much more reasonable than mother."

Sakura was not in the house, she helped with the dinner party.

Wutong had long been used to his daughter always speaking ill of Sakura in front of him.

"Where did you find it?" Wutong asked with a smile. He also agreed with his daughter's evaluation.

"Uncle Qian Jie can admit that he lost, and he won't be upset. Unlike my mother, who lost to me in a game last week, not only did she not admit it, but she also criticized me, saying that I played with things and lost my mind." Xiao Ba said resentfully, "She was the one who insisted on pulling me to play."

Qian Jie is indeed not a person who does not distinguish between right and wrong. His madness and rebelliousness are just like his dark mask, which is just his appearance.

He didn't become a "Berzy Warrior" because of his nature. For him, wearing a mask might be to get along better with others.

"You know that people who mess around are the most annoying." Wutong smiled, "You can be as careful as your mother, but don't imitate her to be unreasonable."

"I didn't care about my eyes!" Xiao Ba said dissatisfied.

In her heart, she wrote down what Wutong said about her being careful today.

"Haha, you accidentally hit me with your mother's 'little report'? Can you remember that little thing for a week?"


Xiao Ba suspected that Wutong was cursing, and she made another note in her heart.

At this moment, Xiao Rin, who was sitting on the side and playing a single-player game, suddenly turned his head and asked curiously, "Dad, do you know what Uncle Qian Jie looks like?! Do you have a photo of him?"

Wutong shook his head and said, "I'm not familiar with him. Under his mask may be a tender baby face or a charming face, who knows what he looks like?"


After listening to Wutong's words, Sister Yae Sakura became even more curious about Qian Jie's appearance.

Wutong and their two daughters sat on the sofa and chatted for a while. After half an hour, Qiana, holding a candied haws in her hand, ran into the house with her short legs and asked the three to go to Mei's house. feast.

Sugar cane and sugar beets have not been selected by Dr. May as plants for large-scale cultivation, so rock sugar is a relatively luxurious condiment in this world.

Indus also became a person because of this, and didn't grab Qiana's candied haws to eat by herself.

If this were in Linshan, Wutong would eat three hawthorns. Although he didn't like eating candied haws very much, he liked to see the expression on his daughter's little face.

Gu Yu Sisters Sakura Rin and Qiyana are relatively familiar with each other, and they like this silly, very cute little sister very much.

However, the relationship between them is very general, not as close as Wutong expected. After all, for this pair of sisters, Kiana will share part of the "father's love".

If the insects were not the daughter of Indus, their relationship might be better.

Although the dinner party was not very luxurious, there were quite a lot of people coming to eat and it was quite lively. The space in Mei's house was almost not enough.

Kevin and the others moved the furniture in the living room upstairs, and moved a few dining tables, so that they could barely get everyone to sit down.

Fortunately, Qian Jie left the arena early. If he brought Yimer and others here again, he might not be able to sit still.

Praise Hua.

"Long time no see, Hua."

With a bowl of inferior fruit wine, Himiko walked to Hua's side. She still had a "bad" smile on the corner of her mouth, and her cheeks were slightly red, as if she had secretly drank some wine in advance.

Although the wine brewed from wild fruits is very cheap and the bowl in her hand is very "earthy", it did not destroy her charming and elegant temperament.

Himyhu was wearing a black evening dress, the left side of the skirt was slit to the thigh, and her long gorgeous red hair was pulled up, making her more mature and attractive.

Hua swallowed the food in his mouth, raised his head, and replied softly, "Long time no see, Captain."

She leaned to Wutong's side, leaving a place for Himiko, indicating that the captain can move a stool over and sit down and chat.

Hime said with a wicked smile: "Hehe~ You are still so taciturn, it's really cute. I heard that you have lived for more than 4,000 years, how come you haven't changed at all? You still look so serious. "

After saying that, Himihu stretched out his hand and pinched Hua's cheek, but Hua didn't dodge, let alone resist.

"Oh, it really hasn't changed at all, it's the same as before." Himy exclaimed.

Xiao Yun, who was beside him, frowned slightly. For some reason, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. She always felt that this red-haired woman was a little annoying. Maybe it was because of Himehu's slightly frivolous demeanor, or because of Hua's attitude...

In short, Xiao Yun didn't like this "fire fox spirit".

The master's little face never even pinched her a few times.

so envious……

Xiao Yun thought to himself: "Master was once the captain... She might be the enemy of the concubine!"

"People say that I have changed a lot." Hua said calmly.

"They may be talking about your strength." Himi said thoughtfully, "It may also mean that you are not so immature."

"The captain said the same, what did he mean?"

"Nature." Himy smiled wickedly, "and your figure."


Seeing that the master was silent and hadn't hit anyone yet, Xiao Yun raised the danger level of Himiko by another level in his heart.

Just when Beimihu was about to move a stool to sit next to Hua, Xiao Yun moved his position and sat down first.

"You are?"

Carrying a stool, Himiko tilted her head, slightly puzzled, what's going on with this beautiful and fair-skinned girl with big breasts? How can you be less polite than her?

Could it be... Hua's suitor?

Huati's disciple introduced: "This is my apprentice, his name is Xiao Yun."

After speaking, she said to Xiao Yun again, "You sit back."

But Xiao Yun didn't move her nest. She stroked her front and changed the subject: "Master, my disciple's heart is uncomfortable and his chest is tight, can you help me check on my condition?"

Hua glanced at the apprentice's "You Rong", and her fist gradually became hard. If it wasn't for the crowd and the poor hands, she would have swung her fist over.

Take turns to mock her, right?

Still having chest tightness? Huaneng pierced Xiao Yun's chest with a fist, and his heart was cold and he was no longer bored.

At this time, Himiko sat beside Xiao Yun, she put her elbows on the table, leaned her cheeks lightly, turned her body sideways, and said with a smile, "Haha, the relationship between you master and apprentice is really good! It's enviable."

"Of course." Xiao Yun turned around, looked at Himihu, and said, "I have been by the master's side for more than 2,400 years, and I have never left. As far as my concubine is concerned..."

"It's just a rebel." Hua replied with gritted teeth.


Himiko almost laughed out loud, this is really interesting for the master and the apprentice.

She felt very relieved, Hua's personality was much brighter, and there was no haze in her heart. It seemed that she had made many real friends.

Xiao Yun was silent for a moment, and then said, "Concubine's body observes that the true qi in your body is hot and bright, and the evil fire penetrates into the five internal organs. Presumably Your Excellency has a strong ability to control the flame."

"What is true qi and evil fire?" Himyhu was confused when he heard it.

"Hengkai Energy." Xiao Yun explained simply.

Himihu thought for a while, and after learning Xiao Yun's way of speaking, Yingying smiled and said, "Of course."

Xiao Yun added: "Everyone knows that Qiankun has six sons, water and fire are incompatible. I don't know what Your Excellency thinks, water and fire, which is stronger or weaker?"

Himyhu closed his eyes, covered his eyes, pondered for a while, and said, "Water has quality, but fire does not. Therefore, they cannot be compared by quality, and neither can be said to be stronger.

"Water is matter, and fire is energy. Both matter and energy are immortal, so there is no way to tell which is more powerful.

"If you have to compare, I think... energy is more flexible than matter, exists in a wider range, and manifests in more forms."

Xiao Yun shook his head and said, "It sounds reasonable, but my concubine thinks it's not right. In the world, nothing is softer than water, and no one who attacks the strong can win.

"That... can you say something human?"

Xiao Yun's way of speaking made Himiko very unaccustomed~www.readwn.com~ How could he be so invincible? Is this apprentice Hua a little... too self-centered?

"Your Excellency is good at using fire, and I'm good at using water, why don't you give it a try?" Xiao Yun took out Ruoshui.

Himihu narrowed his eyes, and was about to challenge Xiao Yun to teach him a lesson, but Hua suddenly coughed lightly: "Cough! Captain may not know, this apprentice of mine... is out of blue."

With a whimper, Himi put out her desire to "compete" with Xiao Yun. Her current state is not very good. She doesn't have the core of Yan Law in her body, and her fighting ability is far from her peak.

Moreover, the civilization of this world has just started, the concentration of Honkai energy is not high, it is difficult for Himiko to condense a new core of Herrscher.

"Hehe, my body is very weak at the moment. When I recover my body, I will discuss the issue of fire and water with you." Himihu said with a smile, "As a senior, I will give you some pointers. I have seen the fire of sin that burns the sky."

Hearing this, Xiao Yun put away Ruoshui, and she felt a little disappointed in her heart: "Okay, concubine is looking forward to that day. Seniors may not have seen the best kindness that purifies all things like water, and the fire of sin can be washed away. And pure."

"No, the sin of fire can only be purified by fire, not water."


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