Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 27: End snake deal knife straight into

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1848 AD,

late at night,

Destiny Headquarters,

"Bump bump!"

Karen angrily slammed on the door of the study, while shouting: "Otto! Come out! Come out! You have the ability to write a love letter to Yae Sakura behind my back, why don't you have the ability to come out to see me?! Get me the tortoise!"

"Bump bump!"

in the library,

With one hand behind him, Otto stood by the window, holding a goblet in his right hand, tasting red wine, looking at the bright moon in the night sky with both eyes, ignoring Karen's cry.

Last month, he secretly wrote a love letter to Yae Sakura. Unexpectedly, the love letter appeared in front of Karen this afternoon.

Hey... Yae Sakura's learning is broken!

Otto sighed. It turned out that the cherry-colored light in his mind was so "naughty" that it would also hurt him.

Sure enough, one can't be too complacent!

Last month, at this point in time, Otto stood under the bright moon and reviewed what he had done over the past few hundred years. He believed that he was worthy of the title of "successor".

It's not inflation, it's fact.

Otto always looked at things objectively and rationally.

He is the leader of one of the three major organizations in the world, the holder of the Void Myriad Treasures, who knows astronomy from the top, and geography from the bottom.

When he was young, he had been gifted by Immortal Wutong, and now he can face the "snake" lord without changing his face.

In terms of resourcefulness, he is not weaker than stargazing, and in terms of force, he is not weaker than Karen.

In the world, the fate of countless people has been changed because of him, the nobles have disappeared, the poor people and slaves can eat and clothe themselves through hard work, and even their children can afford to go to school and learn valuable cultural knowledge. Get rid of the ignorance of the old days, and the pension and medical facilities are gradually improving.

The people do not have to worry about the attack of the Honkai Beast, nor do they have to worry about the coming of war.

The simple and kind people praised him, and the wicked and cunning feared him.

Otto thought that his qualifications were enough, and there was no woman in this world that he was not worthy of.

Of course, this does not mean that he can marry whoever he wants. There are many women who don't like him, and Otto will respect the woman's wishes and personality.

Therefore, he thought of starting a family. After all, he has been single for so many years, and he should have a wife.

Moreover, with his wife in front of him, the Valkyries who worship him are expected to restrain a lot, and Otto will no longer be wasted precious time by those annoying trivial matters. He can concentrate more on fighting the collapse and improving People's livelihood and well-being, and improve the quality of people's happiness.

However, the first question that comes to mind is... who should I choose as a wife?

Otto didn't want to randomly choose someone to be his wife, the existence of a wife was still very important.

A good wife can fight the collapse with him and move forward with him, while a bad wife will only cause him trouble.

Otto doesn't make trouble for himself.

His requirements are not high, just two points: first, to be immortal, and second, he likes it.

The first person Otto thought of was Karen, then Vera, and finally Yae Sakura.

He hesitated again and again and considered for a few days, but finally chose Yae Sakura.

He was too familiar with Karen, Otto was a little embarrassed, and Vera...

In Otto's eyes, Vera was his daughter, and he felt that if he attacked Vera, he would be a beast!

The despicableness of his character is almost catching up with the beast of the Immortal Indus!

Otto didn't want to look like a sycamore.

So, he wrote a love letter to Yae Sakura, and as a result, it became the current situation.

Otto really did not expect that the "kind" Yae Sakura would ask someone to hand the love letter to Karen.

This is the end of the unfamiliar.



It turned out that he was not a successful person.

The collapse is not yet destroyed, what is the family?

At this moment, Otto realized.

"Bump bump!"

The knocking on the door brought Otto's thoughts back. Karen is really a woman who doesn't want to give up easily, and good quality is not always a good thing.

"Lord Otto." Vera grabbed the goblet in Otto's hand and said expressionlessly, "You better go out and meet Lord Karen, otherwise, she will be able to knock all night."

"Then let her smash the door to vent her anger." Otto said calmly.

"I'm afraid she didn't hold back and accidentally broke the door."

"Then change the door, from Karen's salary... Forget it, let's deduct it from my salary."

Vera continued to persuade: "Lord Karen's behavior has a very bad influence on you."

She wants to see Outo, see what women who don't dare to give other women in the future? !

"Nothing, people are off work at this time." Otto's expression was still indifferent.

"But her shouting is so loud that it will attract people."

"It's okay, I don't care what others think... Fa..."


Vera opened the door of the study.


For a moment, Otto felt that this girl was raised in vain.

"Uh...hehe, good night, dear Karen."

Looking at the angry Karen, Otto Qiang squeezed out an unnatural smile: "Oh~ by the way, congratulations on defeating Leanna again in the morning, the Valkyrie with the strongest destiny."

Karen was not affected by Otto's words. Without saying a word, she snapped her fingers, clenched her fists, and walked towards Otto.

Otto took a step back involuntarily.

Vera locked the door with a smile, but it couldn't affect the image of Lord Otto in the eyes of others.

"Intimate little padded jacket" made of "black heart cotton".

The next morning.

Otto, who almost never rests, took a rare day off. According to the grapevine, the bishop was recovering from his injuries.

Destiny News and Publicity Department,

Vera found the director of the news department early in the morning and handed her a piece of paper that Vera had written overnight.

"I would like to trouble you to publish these contents in the next issue of the newspaper. Thank you very much." Vera ordered.

The director of the news department looked at the "little black material" of the bishop, and his hands were shaking: "That...this is not good?!"

"It's okay, Lord Otto said last night that he doesn't care what others think of him."

Vera smiled and said: "No one is perfect, everyone has shortcomings, and so does Otto-sama. If you don't dare to make these little things public, how can you be close to the people?! We need to let the people know more about Otto. grown ups."

"Is this the original words of the bishop?" The old director doubted.

"No, I said that myself."

"..." The old director felt that his position might not be guaranteed.

Vera saw what she was thinking and comforted: "It's alright, you can report the most real news with confidence, if Lord Otto is to blame, I will bear it for you, I will bear it if something goes wrong, no Get someone to fire you."

"Okay... the most real news..." The director of the news department stared at the paper in his hand, and said dumbly, "Master Bishop really touched your butt?"

"Of course!" Vera affirmed.

If you accidentally touch your elbow, you can count it as touching.

"These news are all true, including the affair with the man named Xu when Otto was 13 years old."


Otto's image in the eyes of the world is too good, there are too many girls who like him, and he needs some harmless "black spots".

In this way, many stupid girls can stop.

Vera is not stupid, she will not write too embarrassing things, which will damage Otto's majesty.

The people in the Ministry of Information are not stupid. Even if it is really "black material", they will not be so "black" through their "slight" polishing, and they will repeatedly check which things can be posted and which cannot be posted. with consideration.


One hundred and seventy years have passed in a hurry.

The fragmented world is like a mirror full of cobweb-like cracks. Although it is forcibly glued together by "glue", it is coming to an end.

The crack that first appeared had "cut off" the red moon.

Under the circumstance of "restriction" and the suggestion of Sakura and Mebius, today, the Herrscher of the End moved to Wutong's house and lived next to the study on the second floor.

With the emergence of cracks, the world is getting darker and darker, and it is full of dangers everywhere. There are countless "indus" that die every day. Therefore, the pressure on Indus is getting bigger and bigger.

His nearly white hair and eyes turned pinkish purple again, and the color was still deepening.

Although Wutong never said anything, he acted like a "smooth wind" every day, and would make time for others, but Mebius knew his real situation best.

Snake is worried about this. If memory is so easy to bear, then Hua would not give up memory back then. For Hua, memory is one of the most precious things.

Moreover, the huge memory is only one of the pressures that Wutong has to bear.

Mebius was very afraid that the parasol would not be able to hold on any longer, and suddenly fainted, could never wake up again, or even died suddenly or "exploded".


In the end, she returned to her new home. Although she moved here, she still appeared in the middle of the sky at noon every day. In the past few hundred thousand years, she has only been lazy twice.

The only difference is that instead of looking down at the earth, she is looking at the sky that doesn't exist.

in the room,

He closed his eyes and lay quietly on the bed, not sure if he was sleeping.

If you ignore the aura she exudes, then the end at the moment looks quite quiet.

Beside the bed, the soft and boneless Mebius sat on the ground with her legs slanted, her upper body lying on the bed, her head on her side, her arms resting on her back, and she carefully observed the end.

Yan Yan turned a blind eye to Mebius' actions.

For a moment,

"Hehe~ You look really noble! You look like a person." Mebius smiled, her eyes narrowed into slits, very cute, as if humans and animals were harmless.

"Honored Herrscher of the End, can you tell others why you want to get Brother Wutong? What are you going to do? Just tell them~ They promise not to say it.

"Secrets are meant to be shared.

"Aiya~ Don't stop talking~ You should take care of others~ You and I can become neighbors. Among them, there are other people's credits!"

Mebius raised his upper body upright, stretched out his fingers boldly, and poked Yan Yan's cheek.

Very deadly.


End Yan frowned slightly, she hated this annoying little green hair.

"Buzzing", like a mosquito, so annoying!

It's already night, why didn't Little Green Hair go back to his room to sleep?

It's not good to stay up late, you should sleep at night!

In the end, he was considering whether to kill Mebius. Anyway, this little green hair was not obedient, and he was still wasting "food".

Moreover, Snakes and Snakes have finished manufacturing the thirteen keys of the gods, and it is useless to keep them.

However, in the end, she was still a little hesitant. She felt that the behavior of "removing the grind and killing the donkey" didn't seem very good, and it didn't seem very good to let people die.

From a human point of view, it shouldn't be too good...

The end is not quite sure. Although she was once a human being, she has long been used to being a "god" for more than 500,000 years.

The so-called good and bad of human beings are still the judgment she made by observing the words and deeds of the "Indus Trees" for so many years.

To emphasize again, it is by observing the behavior of Indus... Indus! Can this be any good?

Therefore, even if it is the end of the power with the law of reason, the judgment of whether things are good or bad is not necessarily accurate, and it is not necessarily in line with human morality.

It will probably be consistent with Indus's definition of good and bad, but I don't know if it will be "distorted".

Just when she was thinking about whether or not to kill Mebius, the snake and snake, who had to take an inch, slashed the face of the end with her sharp index finger, and then she put the index finger in her mouth, squinting, Taste the "supreme" "delicacy" carefully.

On her cheeks, she was stunned by the unfamiliar feeling. Through careful analysis, she believed that it was pain.

Pain is not good.

Snakes are not good either.

Finally opened her indifferent eyes, at this time, the wound on her face had healed, not even leaving blood.

She looked at Mebius, and suddenly there was a wound on Snake's face.

The feeling of being stared at the end is like facing death, and it is death that cannot be reborn.

Mebius felt cold all over her body, as if she was in the mysterious ice, and all the cells in her body were warning her to run away.

Mebius is a person who especially likes to kill, and the more dangerous things are, the more exciting they are.

But at the same time, she is a person who cherishes her life very much. The more she dies, the better she lives.

"Hehe~" Mobius, who looked at ease, covered his small mouth and smiled coquettishly, "There is a way for you to get the parasol in a short period of time~"


Sensing that the pressure on his body had decreased, the smile on Mebius' face became even wider.

"What can I do?" End Yan asked, her voice was flat and did not fluctuate.

Now, the end has begun to use human communication, she thinks Wutong and others may prefer this kind of inconvenient communication.

Moreover, she tried to talk as much as she could, because Wutong always had a lot of words.

But even so, there are few final words.

"Hehe~ it's not impossible to tell you, but..." Mebius deliberately paused for a moment before continuing, "Well, let's make a deal, I'll tell you how to get Wutong, you can be me How about the experimental body?!"

"I can get him." The indifferent finality rejected Mebius.

"No, you can't get it, your method won't work. In another hundred, thousand, ten thousand years, you won't be able to get what you want." Mebius said with a smile, "Otherwise, you would have Got him."

In fact, Mebius didn't know what method she used to pursue Wutong, because she seemed to have never pursued it.

She didn't even know what the final thought was, but none of this was important, and it didn't prevent her from saying that. The important thing was that Mebius' method was extraordinarily effective.

And, it must be successful.


However, she still did not agree in the end, and she was not stupid.

"Okay, okay, it's okay to not be an experimental body." Mebius compromised, "Well, you give me a little blood and bone marrow, and people will tell you, how about it?"

After thinking for a while, he cut off his left arm and handed it to Mebius.

Thief bold.

During this period, no blood was spilled, and she grew a new arm.

Mebius took the tender white and slender arm in a daze, she really didn't expect that there would be a surprise.

End this guy! Generous enough! I can!

"How." Finally, Yan Yan said concisely.

"Giggle~" Mebius was in a very happy mood, "The solution is actually very simple, no matter which world you are in, power represents everything, as long as you are stronger than the phoenix tree, you can dominate him at will, why do you think so much? ?!"


After that, Mebius left the room impatiently and went to the laboratory.

Her method is very simple, rude, and effective, that is, to make the end hard, Mebius knows too much how difficult it is to pursue the Indus.

Indus seems to like to see the expressions of girls who want to get him, but can't.

So, you can't mess with that grandson, otherwise it's not over, and it's more useful to win it directly.

As for whether the Indus will hate the end even more because of this, that is not something that Mebius and Sakura are considering.

The more Indus hates the end, the better.

In fact, at the beginning, if Mebius' strength was stronger than Wutong and Sakura combined, she would have won Wutong long ago, and it would not have been possible to pursue it for so long. .readwn.com ~ almost desperate.

Mebius felt that she "won the numbness", she not only got the broken arm of the end, but also may appreciate the other side of the end, and also used the "little phoenix tree" to avenge the former civilization a little bit .

In the end, Yan also thinks that she is the winner, that arm has no influence on her, just give it.

However, this method of Mebius made her hesitate.

What she is considering in the end is not only that, but one of the "causes", not the "effect" she wants. If she can get the "effect" directly, she can completely abandon this "cause".

In fact, in the end Yan's heart, he was quite opposed to that.

To use an analogy: a normal person would definitely be unwilling to do something indecent with an inferior creature.

The same is true for the end. Compared with her, Wutong is a very special "lower creature".

Moreover, through repeated analysis, she believes that this method of Mebius has the possibility of pitting her, and there is a certain probability that Indus will turn against her.

However, there is still a great possibility...

Forget it, consider it as a last resort.

Not urgent.

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