Honkai Biography

Vol 5 Chapter 12: Sing all the old words

Central Yucatan Peninsula,

Mayan city-state ruins,

"Anything urgent for me? Kevin."

"Su, can you observe the world bubble where Wutong is currently located?"

"Sorry, I can't observe it. According to my speculation, there... it should be a forgotten and abandoned world, and even Honkai will not set its sights on that world. Hmm... If it is a world, it may be praised there, you Are you worried about Mr. Wutong?"

"No, I just want to seek revenge from him."

"Hehe, okay. Unfortunately, we don't have coordinates, so we can't help Mr. Wutong."

"He will not succeed."

"But we all hope he can succeed, don't you? Kevin."

"The hope of others alone is of no use."

"Mr. Wutong is a strong man."

"No, he is weak."

"If he is weak, then what about us?"

"We are also weak."

"No, Kevin, we are all strong."

In the afternoon,

The temperature is not getting warmer.

In the courtyard,

Eden, who was wearing a white "sick uniform", was walking on the black grass with a pair of crutches, doing rehabilitation training.

Now, her complexion has turned a lot more rosy, and her skin has become white and shiny.

Although she was leaning on crutches, her demeanor was still so dazzling and graceful that the end in the sky couldn't help but look at her twice.

At this moment, Sakura, who was wearing a black dress, walked over quickly with a wooden round pastry box in hand.

"Good afternoon, Eden, it's time for afternoon tea."

"Please wait a moment, Miss Sakura, wait for me to walk around again."

Sakura didn't say any more nonsense. She grabbed Eden's crutches, hugged her, and gently placed her on the bench beside her.


Eden sighed with emotion: "Ms. Sakura's character has become a little stronger. You were very gentle in the past, but cold at best."

"You're still the same, still like a slow-moving old lady."


It seems that Sakura is not only strong, but also not very pleasant to speak.

"It's getting harder and harder to get along with..." Eden thought.

Sakura controlled the clear water to wrap Eden's slender and fair hands, rinsed it back and forth a few times, and then handed her a handkerchief.

"Thank you." Eden said, "Please take care of me for so long."

"No trouble, take care of your job, I'm rushing to do it with Mebius." Sakura brewed black tea and said calmly, "After all, this job allows us to steal something. What does the doctor think? Yes, I don't know, but I'm not here for you, I'm here for food, and you're nowhere near as attractive as food."

Sakura seems to have some hostility towards Eden, but Eden doesn't care, she knows the reason for this hostility.

Moreover, Eden, who has been in despair for a long time, has already learned one thing, and that is... to look on the bright side of everything, Sakura's attitude towards her also indirectly proves that she is very attractive.

"It's the first time I've been evaluated like this. As expected of Miss Sakura, this feeling... is amazing." Eden said with a smile, "Actually, you can't be regarded as stealing food. Wutong will prepare it for you very intimately every time. Two meals."

Sakura sneered: "Oh, don't mention that unscrupulous scumbag. His food is prepared for you and Mebius, and it's just Shekou taking food."

"Doctor, she's pregnant after all, you should understand."

Gu </span> "No! I don't understand!" Sakura said in a bad tone, "Also, she's just evolution! Evolution! It's not pregnancy!"

At the moment, Sakura looks like a fox with frizzy hair, and Eden thinks that Sakura still looks interesting.

"Well, I'm not very clear about that kind of thing, so I won't make an evaluation. Miss Sakura is very concerned about this matter?"

"No, I don't mind at all next time."

"Then... Miss Sakura wants a child?"

"I don't want it. Besides, I have a daughter, although it's not my own."

"Then why do you still mind the Doctor..."

"I said I don't mind." Sakura interrupted coldly.


Sakura picked up a piece of cake and changed the subject: "Sing a little song for me."

"Sorry, I haven't composed a song for a long time."

"Why? Are you not interested?"

"No, it's hard for me to create good works again." Eden's expression looked a little sad.

"If you don't believe me, how could you not be able to write songs with your talent? Are you dissatisfied with me?"

"No. I... can really write songs, but those songs don't satisfy me."

Eden sighed and explained slowly: "Art is inseparable from the world. If a work of art cannot reflect the era it is in, it will have no meaning."

"Is that so, the world is indeed a bit..." Sakura thought thoughtfully, "If that's the case, then sing your old songs, don't say you can't sing, real art will never go out of style."

"Okay, but..." Eden hesitated, "your unique aesthetic for music may not be in tune with my songs."

"Are you sarcastic about your poor aesthetics?" Sakura raised her eyebrows lightly.


Eden thought for a moment, but didn't answer. She raised her plump and slender legs, patted gently with her hands, beat the rhythm, and hummed a beautiful and beautiful melody.

Eden's voice is like a clear spring, which can flow into people's hearts and make people involuntarily indulge in it.

Her singing is also like the warmest sunshine in winter, so heart-warming that it can shine on everyone's heart.

Even if Sakura doesn't like this type of music, she has to admit from the bottom of her heart that Eden's voice is very beautiful.

Eden, as the most accomplished existence in various artistic fields of the pre-civilization, even if it is a cappella, her singing is enough to shake people's souls, UUkanshu www.uukanshu. The sound of com is an extremely rare purity and beauty.

This sound should only exist in the human world.

Songs are really magical things. They don't need to tell stories for people to listen to, but people can know the emotions it wants to express just by listening to the melody of the song.

When people are feeling good, time becomes very short.

Sakura listened to Eden's songs and occasionally chatted with her. Before she knew it, the snacks were finished and it was getting late.

A faint Honkai energy appeared in the air. On the bench, the two raised their heads and watched silently as the Herrscher of the End was "swallowed" into the moon by an unknown force.

"It's getting late, let's take you back."

"Thank you."

"I'll stay at your place tonight."

"Huh? That sycamore..."

"I don't want to worry about him, let him hold back for a few days."

Eden thought for a while, then calmly said: "Yes, but... you can't touch me like last time, and you can't hold me to sleep, otherwise, I won't be able to sleep."


Sakura scratched her long ears and nodded. Then, she hugged Eden and disappeared into the courtyard in the blink of an eye.


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