Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 104: Showdown, Miserable Kevin

Chapter 104: The Peak Showdown, Miserable Kevin


On the calm sea level, a spray of water more than ten meters high suddenly exploded, and the sycamore tree was split from the bottom of the sea by Kevin's sword.

A large number of broken fish and shrimp flew out together.

With its back to the sky and flying out of the sea, the phoenix tree instantly stopped its upward kinetic energy in the air, stabilizing its figure in violation of the laws of physics.

He floated in the air, patted the undamaged and damp clothes on his body, and quietly watched the sea, waiting for Kevin to appear.

After the three Wutong came out of Haiyuan City, he always wanted to find an opportunity to sneak attack on Kevin, and it was better to start first.

But what Wutong did not expect was that Kevin would swing his sword first without warning, from the bottom right to the top left, slashing at his waist and slashing him out alive.

Fortunately, Wutong had been prepared, otherwise his bones and ashes would be gone.

Wutong is also fighting Kevin for the first time. In his impression, when Kevin fights with the Herrscher, he is always positive and rigid. Every sword is simple and unpretentious, not even the so-called swordsmanship. At the same time, it adds elemental damage, without any bells and whistles.

However, except for the end, no one can stop it.

Unexpected! Kevin seems to be upright and upright, but when he fights Wutong, he will do everything he can to do a sneak attack? !

What Wutong hates most is people who engage in sneak attacks!

Pooh! shameless!

Indus spit into the sea.

At this time, Kevin just "crawled" out of the sea with Jie Mie in his hand. He frowned, and dodged the saliva of Wutong.

Is this on purpose? !

A huge piece of solid ice automatically formed under Kevin's feet, and it floated smoothly on the sea.

He raised his head and looked at the intact phoenix tree with a solemn expression.

Kevin just found out that this guy's hair seems to have changed from pinkish purple to pale pink, will it fade back to white in the future?

Kevin didn't want to have the same hair color as him.

Thinking of this, his expression became more solemn.


At this moment, the ice under Kevin's feet suddenly shattered, and a golden Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition shot out of the water, like a bullet, straight into Kevin's...

Unfortunately, it didn't plug in.

The simulated Heavenly Fire Sage flew back to Wutong's hands.

Indus was disappointed.

Kevin stabilized his body, and another piece of ice floes formed under his feet. This time the ice surface was much thicker.

He was in a cold sweat, and he was afraid of thieves. Fortunately, he was agile, and there was a shield on his body that blocked him for a while.

Otherwise... he may capsize in the gutter and be "killed for a thousand years" by the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge!

good guy! The grandson of Wutong is too cloudy! No martial arts! It really can't be taken lightly! When did he hide a weapon in the sea?

By the way...where are you hiding? Why didn't Kevin see it when he swam out? Could it be... hid it in advance?

This guy knew he was going to fight before he came?

What Kevin hates the most is people who engage in sneak attacks!

Thinking of this, the fiery Kevin clenched the Zedui in his hand and lifted it up.

Kevin decided to launch a super-beeping attack to kill the grandson.

With Kevin's movements, the surrounding temperature became higher and higher. After a while, the sea surface was already boiling, bubbles continued to bubble up, and thick water vapor rose.

The maximum temperature of water vapor is higher than that of water, and a slight accident will cause burns.

Seeing this, Su retracted his head into the sea.

The aroma of "seafood soup" mixed with the misty water vapor made Wutong feel a little hungry.

The "immortals" fought, fish and shrimp suffered, and a large number of "boiled" red and bright fish and shrimp floated on the sea, all of which were very large.


The bright Jie Mo was like a red-hot soldering iron, and it made a "呲呲" sound when it came into contact with the air.

Its high temperature changed the density of the surrounding air and distorted the light, which also led to, from the perspective of Wutong, Kevin seemed to be in another space.

The higher the temperature of the robbery, the colder the temperature on Kevin's body. Although the ice under his feet is in boiling water, it has not melted.

Wutong didn't choose to "open the door" and ran, he hugged his shoulders, floated in the air, and looked down at Kevin condescendingly.

Behind him, gradually emerged... more than one hundred golden Tiangong main artillery.

The length of each cannon is about 100 meters. Compared with the stature of Wutong and Kevin, they appear to be very small.

The truth is only within the range of the cannon.

The overwhelming muzzles were aimed at Kevin.

Indus chose to be tough.

Su turned his head and ran to the bottom of the sea, Kevin should not die.

Kevin swallowed, and to be honest, this scene made him a little clueless.

He was not cowardly or panicked, he was very puzzled.

Where did the grandson of Wutong get so much Honkai energy? The Herrscher can't use so many Houkai energy at one time, right?

Also, can Void Wanzang withstand this kind of power at one time?

Kevin didn't believe it. He believed that the new Herrscher of Reason and the Void Myriad Treasures were enough to release this kind of power.

How did Indus do it?

"He won't become the end, will he?"

At this moment, this thought suddenly appeared in Kevin's heart.

Valley Less.

The robbery in his hand has reached a critical point, and he has to send it out. Kevin gritted his teeth and didn't call the name of the move, and he slashed out at the Wutong.

The fire burns the sea,

The water vapor was emptied by the sea of ​​fire,

A huge fire sword soared into the sky.

At the same time, Wutong floated back, a golden door appeared behind him, and his figure disappeared quickly with the door.

Before disappearing, a finger click came from the door, and more than one hundred Tiangong main artillery simultaneously emitted dazzling beams of light, shooting at the same location.

The collision of light and fire.

No sound, no sound,

In other words, the sound has exceeded the frequency range of human hearing.

Kevin, who was in the battlefield, felt that the world around him had turned into a dazzling light.

Three hundred kilometers away,

Some languid parasols floated out from the golden door. He looked at the large mushroom cloud that connected the sky and the sea in the distance and shone with strong light, and he was very emotional.

Another "nuclear level" day...

No! What is "nuclear level"!

It should be said... It is a day that is even more "nuclear" than "nuclear"!

He thinks Kevin is likely to be fine.

Just kidding.

That kind of attack won't beat Kevin, it will tire him out at best.

The simulated Tiangong main cannon does not have the power of the real Tiangong main cannon.

Wutong did not return immediately, he was waiting for the shock wave, strong wind and tsunami to arrive.


In the turbid deep sea,

Su is concentrating on searching for and collecting the fragments of the Heavenly Fire Holy Inquisition, turning a blind eye to the friend who is in the distance with his eyes closed and ragged, slowly falling to the bottom of the sea.

The sea water around Kevin is cooler than the water in other places.

The key of destruction in his hand has been destroyed, and only a sword hilt remains, which is tightly held in his hand. Because of this, Su thinks that his friend should be fine.

Just let him rest for a while.

But at this moment, a golden beam of light suddenly appeared in the depths of the seabed, attracting Su's attention.

He didn't see what it was, but it seemed to be a... pseudo-like black abyss white flower?


The pseudo-like Heiyuan Baihua shot at Kevin at an extremely fast speed, silently, and Su wanted to stop it, but it was too late. After all, the distance between the two of them was too far, and he could only watch. Watching the black abyss and white flowers inserted into a friend's...


Su's eyes widened, shocked.

Kevin also opened his eyes wide, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Kevin, who was in a state of intoxication, was instantly refreshed.


It was the first time that Su saw a friend so gaffe and embarrassed.

Kevin stretched out his trembling hand and pulled out the black and white flower that was stuck on his butt. He watched as the 30 cm long blood on the gun head slowly dissipated in the sea~www.wuxiamtl.com ~ My heart almost hates crazy.

Kevin can't believe it, he also has today? ! He even thought he was having a nightmare, but the pain in that position...

Su regretted it in his heart, and stopped looking for the wreckage of the Seventh God Key. He swam to Kevin's side, snatched the golden spear from his friend's hand, and threw it to the bottom of the sea.

Su was not too cold, he hugged his friend who was trembling and trembling with anger, and silently healed his wounds.

Kevin passed out again, and he didn't know if he passed out this time, or for some other reason.


Wutong held a pseudo-like Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and leaned over to pick up the pseudo-like black abyss white flower that Su had left behind.

He cut off the head of the gun, took out a golden camera, and did not want the white flower of the black abyss.

"Hehe~ Count me? A doctor, a soldier, just the two of you still want to count me?"

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

Looking at the camera in his hand, Wutong couldn't control the smile on his face.

"Haha~ After so many years, I finally persecuted Kevin! It's not easy!"

No, no!

He can't be the only one happy,

Happiness needs to be shared.

Kevin is the greatest hero. The other side of the hero should be known to the hero's friends. This is worthy of being remembered by the hero's friends.

Wutong, who was not a human being, left Haiyuan City with a happy body and mind.

Indus watched Kevin shriveled, happier than he became stronger.

"Oops~ It can be considered that a wish has been fulfilled, and I feel a little empty in my heart...

"Well... I am really a weak and despicable person! But... I am a despicable person who did it, so... what kind of person am I?"


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