Honkai Biography

Vol 3 Chapter 63: Shaohua before the stars, late night dinner

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late at night.

The stars are sparse and the shadows turn, and the frost is heavy and the moon is solitary.

Wutong walked downstairs in a thin pajamas, and turned on the light in the living room. It just so happened that Hua was not asleep, and she was sitting at the door meditating.

Wutong discovered one thing a long time ago, that is, Hua never dislikes ice buttocks.

Noticing the brightening of the light, Hua opened his eyes and looked up at the person beside him, slightly surprised.

She tightened the cotton shawl on her body and asked, "Tonight, why haven't you been with Sakura...?"

Wutong followed Sakura upstairs very early, and Hua thought that the two would toss until dawn.

"She wasn't in high spirits tonight, she wanted a good night's sleep, so she ended up doing nothing." Wutong took two cushions, sat beside her, and explained.


Since Wutong gave Sakura the Herrscher core, the couple hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time. Sakura would grit her teeth every night to test whether she had become stronger again.

This also caused her to be very tired physically and mentally recently.

What disappoints Sakura is that although her fighting ability has become much stronger due to the Herrscher core, her physical fitness is still the same, and even because of the pressure brought by the core, her physical fitness is unexpectedly high. In a short period of time, it has dropped a lot.

Fortunately, Ji Lin came up with something very counter-intuitive, which gave Sakura hope.

"Why haven't you slept yet? It's so late, why are you still sitting here?" Wutong poured a cup of hot tea for Hua.

Hua held the steaming teacup with both hands, looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and said with emotion: "The deeper people go to be quiet, but the lonely lights on the wall reflect each other. The old age is a dream.


Wutong was silent for a moment, then said with a smile, "You miss a man?"

"Go! You just miss a man!" Hua Bu Yue said, "I just feel a little lonely and deserted."

"If you have a daughter-in-law to warm you up, you won't be lonely."


"By the way, is the yin and yang complementarity that Ji Lin created a few days ago useful?" Hua changed the subject.

"It's alright, it's very useful to Sakura. Her physical fitness is getting better and better every day, but the effect on me is very general, which is optional."

Wutong doesn't understand Ji Lin very much now, why can she always come up with something that goes against common sense.

The red kite bird, which is the current specialty pet "Aji" in Taixu Mountain, was created by Ji Lin more than 4,000 years ago.

And the exercise she created a while ago is even more outrageous. Not to mention how much it violates the laws of all things, just to say that Ji Lin has never experienced the taste of a man. How did she come up with it?

Hua held the teacup, took a sip, made his lips moist, and said, "Does that practice need to be further improved?"

In Hua's eyes, she didn't think that kind of exercise was dirty at all, and Hua was even very interested in it. If this exercise could be fully popularized in China, it would be a good thing to improve the physical fitness of the whole people.

Although it can't improve the mortal body's resistance to the collapse of the body much, at least it will make them healthier, maybe even longer, even if it can't, it would be excellent to have one less disease.

Of course, whether those mortals can find a daughter-in-law or a husband is not something Hua should worry about.

"It doesn't need to be perfected anymore. When Sakura's physical fitness is getting stronger and stronger, she can naturally benefit me through that exercise." Wutong thought, "The reason why it has low effect on me now is because Sakura and There's a huge physical gap between me."

"So that's the case... Can it be fully universalized?"

Wutong thought for a moment, nodded and said: "It should be possible, there is no problem with that exercise, the biggest obstacle is actually the literacy rate, but the education popularity of Shenzhou has been very good in recent years, and there are very few young people who don't know how to read. ."

"Then I'll talk to Stargazing tomorrow?" Hua asked.


Wutong touched his stomach and said, "I'm a little hungry, go and give me something to eat."

Hua put down the teacup, got up and said, "Okay, do you want to eat scallion noodles?"

"Can't you just bring some meat?"

"No, I like to eat or not."

"...Then why are you asking me? Okay, you can cook whatever you want, I'm not picky eaters." Wutong said helplessly, "Remember to wash your hands when kneading the dough."


Hua took off his shawl and threw it into Wutong's arms, then turned around and went to the kitchen.

Since the cooks have all gone to bed, then Hua is the boss now. Wutong is really afraid that he won't even have any scallion noodles anymore. Maybe Hua will make him a bowl of plain soup that doesn't even have oil and water. Putting him a plate of pickles is considered Hua's good intentions.

After half an hour.

In the restaurant, Wutong and Hua sat opposite each other, eating noodles together.

Hua's cooking skills naturally did not say that the noodles made are very fragrant.

But Wutong seriously doubted that Hua made scallion noodles because she wanted to eat it. She ate more than Wutong. Wutong only ate two mouthfuls, and Hua had already finished a big bowl.

"Don't eat like this, take a break first." Wutong waved at Hua, and quickly stopped her from continuing to sew.

The noodles they eat are freshly cooked, one bowl and the next.

Hua is not rude when eating, she looks like a well-bred little girl, but she does eat a little fast.

Hua used the bamboo chopsticks to hold a handmade noodle that was about to be put into the pot with the end of the chopsticks, and said blankly: "But...the noodles will not taste good when they are cold."

"...you won't get cold if you don't make noodles?"

"But I'm hungry."

"Don't eat in such a hurry when you're hungry. It's been a long night. Since you don't want to sleep, talk for a while, otherwise you won't be able to eat any more, so you can only watch me eat."

Hua heard the words and silently put down the noodles in his hand.

Wutong got up and took out a plate of mutton slices, a plate of fat beef and a plate of flying fish **** from the refrigerator in the kitchen, and then took some dipping sauces and changed the scallion oil noodles into simple ones. Clear water hot pot.

"Lin said that eating hot pot late at night is not good for your health." Hua Haoxin reminded.

"It's okay, our physical fitness is good." Wutong said indifferently.

With his physical quality, he can't even drink poison, and he still cares about his diet?

"Then... let's order some vegetables." Hua compromised.


Wutong got up and cut some potato chips and yam, and by the way, he also processed some green vegetables and placed them on a large plate.

During the period, he asked casually, "What would you like to drink?"

"Boil water."

Hua felt that in terms of the weather at the moment, it is better to eat and drink lightly.

Wutong heard the words, took out a bottle of aged liquor from the cabinet and put it in front of her. The degree of this bottle of liquor can be ignited with fire.


Hua stared blankly at the baijiu in front of him, and didn't speak for a while. Did she just say boiled water? Does she seem right? Did Indus hear it wrong?

Wutong helped her fill up the wine while she was still in a daze.

Hua returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "Hey, wait... it's alright..."

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