Honkai Biography

Vol 8 Chapter 106: Old trees and new branches, where to go

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Late at night, the moon is white and the wind is clear.

"Oh, being weak is the original sin? In what age are people still saying this? I saw a sentence on the Internet that is not necessarily correct. If you are ignorant, you think it makes sense, and you treat it as the truth, don't you use it blindly? Have you graduated from elementary school? Are you still on the Internet?! Wouldn't it be better to read more books? Use your shrunk brain to think about your own words when commenting!

"How old is Xilin? How many years has Immortal Chiyuan lived? Are they comparable? Is it fair? Isn't it normal to lose to Immortal Chiyuan in the arena? How can you be weak in your opinion? Original sin? How could Xilin be wrong? How could it be 'original sin'?

"According to this statement, everyone except the first place is also guilty, but what did they do wrong? Where did they go wrong? What law did they commit?

"It's not hard enough", can Xilin catch up with Immortal Chiyuan with hard work? Does she want to lose? She also wants to win the Unlimited Individual Championship, but does she have that ability? Don't give others time to grow up, right?

"Aside from the facts, there will be a sentence 'weakness is the original sin'? Those who didn't know thought you could beat Xilin! What else can a silly dog ​​keyboard man do besides typing on the keyboard? Are you out of your mind? With all due respect, you may not live as well as Sirin, so is living a sin? Why don't you die? You might not even be able to find someone like you, you stupid dog! "

After typing a large paragraph of text eloquently, she quickly "blocked" the other party. Bronya, sitting cross-legged on the bed and pinching her toes, closed the page with satisfaction.

She doesn't want to argue with silly dogs, and winning is not worthy of joy.

At this time, the water boiled. After Bronya asked Reloaded Rabbit to help herself soak the instant noodles, she set an alarm clock for two minutes and pressed it on the instant noodles cover.

She prefers to eat noodles that are a little more chewy.

Just as Bronya was searching for the newly updated anime on the web and was about to watch it while eating supper later, on the other end of the "network cable", Bell was so angry that she slammed the wireless mouse onto the ground. .

Not too hard, the mouse still works.

"I'm furious!"

Ling grabbed the fox's ear on top of her head with her small hand, and said angrily, "Why are people on the Internet always so uncivilized? Why can malice be so big? Didn't I just say something wrong? Ironic? No! I have to teach that stinky keyboard warrior a lesson! I'm going to erode her computer!"

"Huh? Don't be angry, don't be angry, Bell."

On the side, Higamaru, who was frightened by the mouse drop, came back to her senses, hurriedly grabbed Ling's sleeve, and stopped: "Although she is not polite, but what she said still makes some sense, just a little bit. Hmm... Your comment is really inappropriate."

"Makes sense? Do you mean to agree with her words and think I'm that so-called 'stupid dog'? "The bell was even more angry.

In fact, what she said just now was just talking, and Ling didn't intend to erode the other party's computer.

"Well... The eldest brother-in-law said that foxes are indeed canines, oh, no! They are canines, oh, almost. Besides, compared to the eldest brother-in-law, we are indeed not very smart." Higamaru scratched Scratching his cheeks, he said in an uncertain tone, "It doesn't seem wrong to call us 'dumb dogs'. "


For a moment, Ling didn't know how to respond.

wrong! She and Higamaru are humans, not foxes! Bell suddenly reacted.

"Also," Feiyuwan continued to say slowly, "If you can't beat Sister Hua this year, it's normal. After all, Sister Hua is very powerful. I don't think you can't beat Sister Hua, it's just not good."

Ling's comment on the Internet "Weakness is the original sin, not enough effort" actually refers to not Xilin, but what she told herself, but netizens don't know this, who knows who she is? ?

Although Ling is one of the strongest Herrschers at the moment, it is very difficult for her to defeat Hua. Relatively speaking, Hua is very good at fighting all kinds of Herrschers or the transformed Honkai Beast, and it is almost impossible to defeat Hua. After passing the car, on the Internet, Huadu has been hailed by netizens as "the nemesis of collapse".

"No, I want to become stronger, as strong as my eldest sister and brother-in-law."

Ling couldn't hold her breath. Although on the other end of the network, the other party didn't know who she was, she still wanted to prove herself to people.

But she didn't know how to prove it, so it would be better to become stronger.

"Everyone wants to become stronger, I also want to, but how to become stronger?!" Hiyomaru scratched the root of his tail, and suggested in a childish and earnest voice, "Linna, don't be too tired, It's already very happy to have fried tofu and barbecue every day, it's getting late, let's wash and sleep, although we can't do it in reality, we are especially good at dreaming."

Hiyomaru is easy to satisfy, so she is not aggressive, otherwise she would have grown up long ago.

In fact, Ling's character is very similar to Higamaru's, and she is not aggressive and competitive. In addition, these two people influence each other, and it is normal for them to be "rotten" all the year round.

However, Ling seemed to be a different person today. Maybe she was really stimulated. Of course, it was more likely that she was too busy and didn't know what to do.

Ling bit her lip and said, "I have a way to become stronger."

"How?" Hiyomaru tilted her head.

"I want to be the Herrscher of Corruption."


Hii Yumaru looked around and was a little helpless. She suspected that Ling Mo was stunned, and her mind was out of whack.

Herrscher of Corruption? Aren't they the Herrscher of Corruption?

"That, Ling, I miss the eldest brother-in-law, shall we find him?" Higamaru shook Ling's sleeve.

She wanted Wutong to give Ling Zhizhi a brain.

Ling knows Hiyomaru too well, and her mind is easy to guess, so she can see at a glance what this little guy is thinking.

She sighed and explained, "My brain is fine, I mean, I want to become the Herrscher of erosion of this civilization."

"Oh... oh, oh! That's it."

Higamaru breathed a sigh of relief, and then thought for a while, but unfortunately she didn't think of anything, she didn't know whether what Ling wanted to do was right or wrong.

"This is not good?" Hiyomaru subconsciously attacked, she wanted to persuade Ling.

Higamaru likes a stable life and doesn't like unnecessary changes, so she doesn't want to accompany Ling to do things.

"There's nothing wrong, our power is inherently flawed and incomplete, and the powers of the Herrschers of the current civilization and the previous civilization are not the same. Therefore, as long as we can become the new Herrschers of erosion, we will definitely be able to grow, become stronger."

"But... eldest brother-in-law wouldn't agree?"

Indus really does not intend to make Suzu the new Herrscher, even if we put aside feelings, just say whether it is right or not, it is not suitable for Suzu to become the Herrscher of the erosion of the current civilization.

The eroding power of the modern civilization will not bring transformation to the bell, it is just the icing on the cake.

If Ling became a new Herrscher, he would have wasted a precious "place".

People with "bad" talent can become Herrschers, because this will make them reborn and turn into butterflies, while people with special and good talents don't need to become Herrschers, it's too wasteful.

Just like Xiao Yun, Cheng Lingshuang, Bianca and Qiana, they can continue to grow without becoming Herrschers, and they are not weaker than Herrschers, so there is really no need for them to become Herrschers.

Ling thought for a while and said, "I can try to erode reality, 'shield', and bypass my brother-in-law. "

"Can you do this?" Hiyomaru's eyes widened, shocked.

Is the bell already so powerful?

Ling pondered: "If brother-in-law doesn't know our plan, it shouldn't be difficult. Although I can't erode the 'past' and 'future', I should be able to erode an area of ​​'the present'. "

"What's the meaning?"

"The relationship between space-time and matter is inseparable. Time is the continuous change of matter, and space is the coexistence of matter. I can start from this aspect."

"What do you mean?" Hiyomaru still didn't understand.

"...As long as you know, I have a way to do it."

"OK then."

Hii Yumaru compromised, she suddenly felt that the well-behaved herself was not like the Herrscher's consciousness, but Ling was.

Could it have been a mistake in the first place?

She didn't want to accompany Ling to do things, but since Ling wanted to change, she would accompany and support her.

"Do you want to grow up?" Ling asked, "If I can successfully deceive my brother-in-law, I can give you the new Herrscher core and new power."

"I don't want to." Hiyomaru shook his head decisively.


"Well... I am living very well now. With you, my eldest sister, my eldest brother-in-law, and sister Hua, who protect and take care of me, no one dares to bully me. I like the current life."

Higamaru paused and continued: "If I get new power, I am afraid that I will change, become no longer who I am now, and become annoying. The storybook says that once a person has strength , that breeds ambition, and I don't want my future self to be...the person I hate now, just as...the present I hate the old me."

"You can't think like that, Hiyomaru, you have to have some confidence in yourself, you should firmly believe that you won't be blinded by power."

"But I don't have that confidence." Fei Yuwan said aggrievedly, "I just don't want to become stronger! Wouldn't you be better if you were strong! Moreover, UU reading www.uukanshu.com storybook said that the more ability you have With great responsibility comes great responsibility, and I am afraid that I will not be able to shoulder that responsibility."


Bell wanted to ask which storybook had so much nonsense.

She was silent for a moment, and said: "Well, let's not easily decide the ownership of the new power. After all, it is not certain whether I will succeed or not! During this time, I also need to do some preparatory work, you can take this opportunity seriously. Think about it, and I will think about it again.”

"…All right."

"It's getting late, we should rest, I'll put some bath water, you can play with the computer for a while, and I'll call you when I'm ready." Ling leaned over and picked up the mouse, then touched the idiot of Feiyuwan The brain said, "Take a bath, relax, no matter how you want to choose your future path, don't have any psychological pressure, and I will help you carry it, even if I can't carry it, isn't there still a big sister and brother-in-law? "

"Yeah." Hiyomaru nodded obediently.

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