At this time, Qin Yu also saw some fiery red liquid suddenly appearing in front of Jigulaya.。

And at this time, he also felt a wave of space fluctuations. Apparently someone provided him with some unknown drugs in a distant place.。

Jiguraya pushed the medicine in without thinking, and then suddenly a super powerful energy wave erupted from his body.。

At this moment, Jigulaya suddenly made an earth-shattering sound. Then he stretched out his hands and clamped his throat tightly, as if something was crawling in his throat.。

“I feel like I'm going to explode………”I also felt the fierce energy storm in my body at this time, raging everywhere in my body.。

He felt that the power in his body was getting stronger and stronger at this time.。

This powerful power was something he had never heard of before. He felt that he was about to break through his own shield and reach a new level.。

“Hahahaha... You are dead, I have gained the strongest power? "Jigulaya couldn't help laughing after feeling the boiling power in her body at this time.。

At this moment, on his body, the original power of fire and ice had slowly spread out of his body.。

Two completely different forces actually merged on the surface of his body。

Then the void around him showed two kinds of light, red and blue.。

Qin Yu couldn't help but frown slightly at this, because at this time he felt the power emanating from the jeep, which was becoming more and more surging. The power had exceeded the limit of his current body. Exploded more than dozens of times。

“The power you are using now will pose a threat to your life. It is not your own power. If you use this false power, it will only harm you in the end. While there is still time, hurry up Just spit out those drugs, it might save your life.。”

At this time, Qin Yu saw that the drug would cause great damage to the human body, so he spoke out about the side effects of the drug at this time.。

But in the face of Qin Yu’s kind reminder, Jigulaya didn’t take it seriously at all.。

Now the only thought in his mind is to defeat Qin Yu. As for other things, he doesn't want to pay attention to them at all.。

Now her body is only filled with endless power. Naturally, it will not believe what Qin Yu said. It thinks that Qin Yu is afraid of the power rushing out of her body, so she uses such an excuse to deceive her. Own。

“Go to hell now! "Jigulaya stepped lightly at this moment, and in an instant, the whole person disappeared directly on the spot. The speed was so fast that it was like teleporting.。

At this time, Yingying narrowed his eyes slightly and immediately lowered his head. At the moment when he lowered his head, a pair of fists burst out from the void. Although he did not hit Qin Yu, the energy emanating from the fists The powerful air wave formed a visible impact cannon in the void, and then shot into the distance. A huge rock nearly thousands of kilometers away was instantly blasted into pieces by the fist.。

Such power is terrifying。

Qin Yu felt it at this time, and the fighting power of Ji Laiye in front of him had improved a lot, and then he began to become more serious.。

The strength that guy's body gained now was almost draining all his body functions.。

In his current physical condition, his strength can only be maintained for about twenty minutes at most. Once it exceeds twenty minutes, his body's functions will rapidly regress, his cells will die, and he will eventually be destroyed by those drugs. poison to death。

So his brilliant power now is just a flash in the pan.。

“Haha, that’s interesting. You can actually dodge my super punch?”

At this moment, Jigulaya, who was completely blinded by the powerful power, couldn't help but proudly said this sentence。

Just when he said these words, he was about to attack Qin Yu, but Qin Yu teleported and appeared behind Jigulaya, followed by a powerful punch that directly tore the space apart and hit him hard. On Jiguraya's back。

Jigulaya didn't react for a moment. After being hit on his back, his whole body turned into a stream of light and smashed into a nearby planet. Suddenly, the surface of the planet suddenly collapsed, creating the largest the hollow。

After Qin Yu succeeded with one move, he did not continue to pursue the victory. Instead, he stood in the void and looked at the situation below indifferently.。

Just as the couple was waiting to see what kind of reaction they would have after getting off work, the original deep pit suddenly exploded, and then Jiguraya's body instantly rushed into the void. , appeared in front of Qin Yu again。

“Hahaha, it’s so powerful, it doesn’t hurt at all………”Nicholas also showed off his proud figure at this time. At this time, the muscles on his body were very hard and glowed like metal, especially the red color flowing in his blood vessels. and the two powers of blue, which are constantly hitting back and forth.。

At this moment, Jiguraya's body is dozens of times stronger than before.。

“Can you hit me harder? Did you tickle me just now? "Jigulaya showed his extremely powerful body to Qin Yu at this time, and planned to use a discriminatory tone to watch Qin Yu say such humiliating words.。

But Qin Yu didn't get angry and didn't take it seriously. After all, this guy was just a flash in the pan. Even the couple looked at Jigulaya with a very pitiful look.。

At this time, Jigulaya saw Qin Yu's eyes looking at him with pity, and immediately felt quite uncomfortable, making him feel as if he was about to die.。

“This guy's eyes are so disgusting, I'm going to dig your eyes out. "When Jigulaya finished saying this, he suddenly rushed out.。

The speed was very fast, and he appeared in front of Qin Yu as if he had moved instantly from a distance of one hundred meters, and then his hands directly clasped Qin Yu's eyes.。

Judging from his appearance, he simply wanted to pluck Qin Yu's eyeballs out of his sockets. His moves were extremely vicious and vicious, showing no trace of humanity.

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