Chapter 340

With the help of Magic Treasures, it is much easier to collect the pouring water of the Tianhe River.

Zhen Yuanzi and Bi Xiao were very energetic. One was to show it to the master, and the other was to collect the Sanguang Divine Water, and soon they collected almost everything on the ground.

Chen Xuan pointed to the two of them and smiled and said, “Look at these two guys, it’s different when they are motivated. It’s just like taking out the strength to feed them.”

Sanqing, Jiying and Zhunti have also saved a lot of people, but they are not as easy as Zhenyuanzi and Bixiao to collect the water of Tianhe, so they don’t want to mix it up.

Hearing what Chen Xuan said at this time, he couldn’t help but roll his eyes: If we have such a baby, we promise to do it faster and better than them!

Na Hongjun didn’t take it seriously, but asked Chen Xuan with some worry: “Dare to ask Daoist, how can I remedy the situation that Zhoushan has fallen?”

Saving people and collecting the water of the Tianhe is just a prelude. The important thing is to make up the big hole in the sky, and then support it, so that it can be foolproof, once and for all.

Otherwise, can Zhen Yuanzi and Bi Xiao keep holding the Universe Map and the Eight Treasure Glass Bottles here?

After hearing this, Chen Xuan thought for a while and nodded: “Don’t worry about this, I have my own way.”

As he said, he looked at Nuwa: “Sister Nuwa, go get those Chaos Stones from your house, I have my own use.”

Nuwa nodded, and hurry back, but it took half a day to fetch the Chaos Stone from the Wa Palace.

Chen Xuan put these Chaos Stones in the Qiankun Ding and began to make sacrifices.

While observing the situation in the Qiankun Ding, he said to Hongjun: “This sky was originally formed by the Chaos Stone after being refined by the Earth Fire water and wind day and night, but we can’t wait that long. In the words of my Qiankun Ding It only takes ninety-nine and eighty-one days.”

Hongjun was overjoyed when he heard the words: “Daoist is compassionate and saves hundreds of millions of souls from fire and water. Admire and admire the old ways!”

Sanqing, Jiying and Zhunti also spoke in unison, praising Chen Xuan’s feat loudly.

They are now getting the pulse of Zuan Daoist: Although Zuan Daoist has a changeable personality, there is only one thing that is extremely good.

If you let him lose face in front of everyone, then he will definitely lose you face and life, which is quite overbearing and unreasonable.

But if you make him happy and get him in a good mood, he will become very talkative and even take the initiative to share some benefits for everyone.

Sure enough, the flattery of Hongjun, Sanqing and others really took the right place, and Chen Xuan laughed loudly: “It’s not worth mentioning, it’s not worth mentioning, it’s just a matter of effort.”

“If you praise me like this, I will be embarrassed!”

Hehe, we would rather believe that now there will be a chaotic robbery thunder that will smash this predecessor, or believe that your old man will be embarrassed.

However, such words can only be swallowed in the stomach-unless someone does not want to live, otherwise no one will say it.

We waited together for nine, ninety and eighty-one days, but during this period it was not very boring, because it was possible to watch the three cleansing and lead and quasi-arguing.

What are they quarreling about, mainly fighting for an orthodoxy——Sanqing believes that the three of them are Pangu god-tier souls, and they are naturally heirs of course. This prehistoric has an inseparable relationship with their three brothers since ancient times.

Therefore, this orthodox word is the most suitable for the three of them to inherit.

But the quote and Zhun mentioned don’t think so. They feel that all beings are equal—the Pangu god-tier in the past was not for the three of you to dominate here today.

Several people were arguing, but no one was arguing. In the end, there was no way, so they simply came to Chen Xuan as the referee.

As a result, Chen Xuan gave them a bad scolding: Pangu god-tier broke the ground and collapsed. Today is not a week, the natural disasters are frequent, and the resignation is in danger of life and death!

You guys are arguing about this kind of trivial matter here, and you obviously have too little homework!

Since you have nothing to do, you can do all the work for me, so as not to dangle in front of my old man, which is annoying.

All the people who could be saved were rescued, and there was not a single drop of the Tianhe water that could be collected. You don’t know what to do?

It’s very simple. The disaster-stricken prehistoric creatures are now homeless, and you have nothing to do anyway. Every day you are shaking your arms and making trouble everywhere, then build a house for me!

It is necessary to ensure that every disaster-stricken creature has a home. If one cannot do it, one hundred years will be cut off, and ten cannot do it, then one thousand years!

Anyway, you guys have lived long enough, and you are not afraid of cutting it into a negative one.

Ever since, Sanqing and the lead and quasi-mention were all at once honest, and they all turned into the construction team obediently, and went as coolie.

On this day, Sanqing hurriedly carried a person and came to Chen Xuan: “Senior, who do you think this is?”

Chen Xuanzheng was chatting with Hongjun, and when he turned his head, he saw Taiyi who was unconscious: “Where did you find this turtle grandson?”

“When we return to senior, we found Taiyi at the foot of Buzhou Mountain. From his appearance, he was seriously injured and it was going to die soon.”

Chen Xuan was about to speak when he suddenly heard someone coming to report, and people from the Wu clan also came to the door.

Dijiang took the other ten ancestor witches to meet Chen Xuan, and gave gifts to Taoist ancestor Hongjun.

The loud-sounding Xing Tian naturally followed. When he saw Taiyi, he was immediately furious: “Wow, this guy actually lies here and sleeps comfortably? Let me wake him up!”

With that, he drew out the big axe and was about to chop it down, but Chen Xuan stopped him.

Chen Xuan is very strange: Why don’t I know that you and Taiyi have such a big hatred?

It wasn’t until he asked Dijiang, who hesitated and talked about what happened that day, that made everyone understand the ins and outs of it.

It turned out that Taiyi had an appointment with Dijiang and the others that day, and they delivered the goods at the foot of Buzhou Mountain-he promised to pay compensation to the Wu clan, but with Chen Xuan’s Face in it, he absolutely couldn’t, and he didn’t dare to go wrong. of.

This Taiyi is also a bit bachelor. Since you can’t rely on it, you can give it out happily. It’s better to have late pain than early pain.

If this is the case, even Chen Xuan would have to praise him for being upright, at least accepting a bet, not like that kind of rascal.

But things still went wrong. On the day of the delivery, Dijiang brought Xing Tian and the others – Di Jiang’s original idea was to let them be porters, but Xing Tian’s body was the result.

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