Chapter 336

“Hey, wait for me, wait for me!”

Chen Xuan chased after him, while Nuwa and Hou Tu flew in front without looking back. They simply turned a deaf ear to his cry.

But a few disciples fell far behind, for fear that they would follow him.

After finally catching up, Chen Xuan sat down between the two.

Look at the left, look at the right, still no one cares about him.

“Oh, don’t do that. I’m just making a joke with you.” Chen Xuan smiled and put his arms around the shoulders of the two women, “Don’t be angry, I know I was wrong.”

Nuwa and Hou Tu turned their faces away: “Humph!”

“It’s me who is wrong, it’s me damn it. I shouldn’t use this method to deceive you, I really know I was wrong, so just forgive me this time.”

To put it bluntly, Nuwa and Houtu’s faces were finally no longer cold, and Chen Xuan was also careful to please, taking fruits and helping to peel them again, very diligent.

Nuwa and Hou Tu glanced at each other, faintly worried: Our husband, wherever is good, this is the mouth, which is too flowery. Although it is not an example, it may not necessarily bring another woman back.

If he really gets another one back, what can we do?

You can’t cook your husband and eat, and you can’t give that woman what happened. In the end, isn’t it the same as it is now?

Therefore, he must never be given this opportunity again!

Nuwa and Houtu secretly made a decision, they must strangle the roots from the source!

Chen Xuan still doesn’t know what happened, and it’s still there. Even if he is killed, he can’t guess what life he will live in the future.

But that’s the future…


After flying for another full day, I finally came to the foot of Buzhou Mountain. What made Chen Xuan feel at ease was that Buzhou Mountain hadn’t really collapsed yet, it was just shattered by a corner.

Looking at the mountains and rocks on the ground, I don’t know what kind of impact it was that made this pillar of sky support like this.

Fortunately, it didn’t really collapse, otherwise it would no longer be known how many innocent creatures would die in the predicament.

Chen Xuan said lightly: “If you look at it like this, you can fix it and it will be fine. I will work hard to complete the work as soon as possible! Then we can…”

As he was talking, he suddenly saw a figure flying over from the front.

Nuwa and Houtu were still talking in low voices there, discussing how to establish a perfect supervision system, but Chen Xuan had already seen that the figure that flew over was actually that one.

This kid, flying so fast, and coming straight to him, is he here to find death?

It was too late, it was fast, but Tai Yi had already flown in front of him in the blink of an eye, and Chen Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so he kicked him back with a kick.

Humph, dare to attack my old man, are you looking for death?That is to say, I am in a good mood today, otherwise I will definitely give you a crisp!

Chen Xuan thinks that this kick is quite handsome, not to mention kicking out of Chaos, how can it reach the most advanced level in the wild.

After the kick, he still showed off with Nuwa and Houtu: “How about, your husband, my kick is handsome, is it cool or cool? I can tell you, I…”

Before he could finish his words, he heard a loud rumbling noise. Chen Xuan turned his head and saw that the mountain, which was already missing a corner, was shaking violently at this time.

Not long after, there was a muffled noise on Buzhou Mountain, and then it collapsed, bringing up countless smoke and dust——

In his previous life, Chen Xuan had often seen the collapse of the building on the video, but compared with the spectacular scene of the collapse of the mountain, it was like a child playing house, and it was not worth mentioning.

Chen Xuan was dumbfounded, Nuwa and Hou Tu were dumbfounded, and even Styx and the others who rushed there were dumbfounded.

Everyone, look at me, I look at you, the boss with open mouth, but no one makes a sound.

At this time, there was a loud noise from behind, but it was the creatures of all races who lived on Bu Zhou Mountain when they saw Bu Zhou Mountain fall and escaped with their family.

On the way, there are really flying dogs, crying for father and mother, as if the end of the wild is coming.

However, there is a certain truth to saying this, but Zhoushan is the pillar that supports the sky, if it falls, the follow-up reaction it causes will destroy the world.

Chen Xuan watched most of the mountain hit the ground, causing the ground to tremble, and then there was a rumbling sound from the ground – centering on Buzhou Mountain, the spider-web-like cracks spread to the surroundings.

Countless cracks with a width of several meters appeared on the ground, which lasted tens of thousands of miles away.

The pillar supporting the sky fell, and the sky had no support, so naturally it collapsed along with it.

A big hole with a radius of tens of thousands of miles appeared in the place where Buzhou Mountain meets the sky. Countless Tianhe water fell from the sky, turning the lower part into a country of Zee, and there is a trend of continuous expansion.

But in the blink of an eye, the original clear sky suddenly turned into pitch black, and the four Xiantian elements of Earth Fire, water and wind in the chaos also gathered together, stirring up the chaos in this predicament.

I don’t know how many prehistoric creatures died under the natural disaster just now.

Bi Xiao pointed at Chen Xuan with a jealous spirit, and shouted, “Master, you give Bu Zhou Shan… um um um!”

With quick eyes and quick hands, Qiong Xiao covered Little Sister’s mouth, and whispered in her ear: “Don’t talk nonsense, which one of your eyes saw Master smashed the mountain, causing the world to change?”

Bi Xiao was taken aback, as if it was indeed the case, although they only followed far behind, they had never seen Chen Xuan doing anything like this.

The shout she just said was just a subconscious action-in Bi Xiao’s view, her Master is the one who can cause trouble the most. As long as something happens, it is definitely related to him.

Her guess was also reasonable, but Chen Xuan was indeed a bit wronged this time – no matter what, he couldn’t blame Zhou Shan for being broken.

If you want to blame, you can only blame the one too. Who made him put on such a posture of death?

At this moment, Taoist ancestor Hongjun arrived, and even the guidance and Zhunti from Sanqing and Western religions also arrived.

“I have seen Daoist.” Hongjun bowed to Chen Xuan, “Dare to ask Daoist, what is going on?”

Chen Xuan gave the old man angrily, and pointed to the direction where Bu Zhoushan originally existed: “What’s the matter, don’t you know it by just looking at it with your eyes?”

Hongjun knew that Zuan Daoist was not in a good mood now, and he did not dare to touch him anymore, even claiming to be.

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