Chapter 326 I’m Sorry

Faced with Taiyi’s accusation, Houtu became angry all at once.

Although she has little experience in working with people, she usually scolds those rascals in the clan, and she has a lot of experience in talking about things.

“Taiyi, don’t you look at your shame!” The ancestor of the earth, with his hands on his hips, waited for a pair of phoenix eyes, “You dare to propose marriage with your aunt and grandma? Do you think of your chamber pot? After the hip flask, drank till dawn?”

“No wonder, the dignified Demon Clan Donghuang actually colluded with the demon ancestor Luo Hu, and deliberately let Luo Hu seize the house! My pooh!”

“Even a dog raised by our Wu clan people would not do such a sordid thing! As a demon god-tier, you are still licking your face and wandering around?”

“If I were you, I would have found a tree with a crooked neck, closed my eyes, kicked my legs, and died!”

What Hou Tu scolded was spit flying, which was very enjoyable, and Chen Xuan was surprised by her performance Deva: Good fellow, it seems that Hou Tu is the person of my Zuan line of heaven!

If she can inherit my legacy, she can definitely carry forward the essence of Zuan’s line!

Hou Tu cursed happily, and after the cursing, he spit on the ground fiercely.

“How is my performance?”

“High, really high!”

Chen Xuan convincingly gave a thumbs up: As expected of a woman, this curse is simply self-explanatory without a teacher, and there is no need to teach it at all!

Thinking of it, it seems that I should also accept some female disciples.

Not only is it eye-catching at ordinary times, but it also takes a lot less effort to teach.

I just don’t know if Nuwa sister can pass that level?

Chen Xuan was thinking wildly here, and that Taiyi was already angry with the three corpse gods. There was heat rising above his head, and he was about to be angered when he looked at it.

“Bold Houtu, you dare to insult me!” Tai Yi roared, and pointed at Houtu, “Today I will let you taste the power of Tai Yi!”

As he said, a pointed cone with glittering golden light appeared on his fingertips, only to hear Taiyi yell: “Go!”

This sharp cone pierced Houttu like a meteor.

This sharp cone was obtained after Taiyi used the essence of the sun star to sacrifice it. It was named the scorching cone, which was extremely powerful.

After that, Hou Tuzheng and Chen Xuan showed off, and they didn’t expect his next offensive to come so fast and so fierce.

Seeing that the scorching sun cone had already arrived, she was so frightened that her hands and feet were cold, and she stood there without any dodge or defense.

not good!

Chen Xuan secretly said a bad sound, this time he must take action and can no longer hide.

Chen Xuan hugged Hou Tu and avoided the sharp edge of the scorching sun cone at the moment of his death.

It’s just that this scorching sun cone is really too powerful. I don’t know how many Yuanhuis I have practiced. Even Chen Xuan was scratched a little by it, and Hou Tu was not spared. A line was drawn on his forearm. Blood stains.

The blood of the two people mixed together and fell to the ground.

“How about it, are you okay?” Without paying attention to Taiyi, Chen Xuan went to check Houtu’s injury first, “Is it serious?”

Houtu felt for a while and moved his arm again: “It seems that there is nothing wrong with it, it’s just a skin injury.”

Chen Xuan grabbed her hand and slid in own Divine Sense, felt it carefully, and then heaved a sigh of relief: “It’s just that the Meridians were injured by the Yang Qi. It’s not a big problem. It will be fine for a while. .”Seeing that Hindur was about to die under the own scorching sun cone, she had already put on a celebration posture, but saw that she had escaped dangerously in an unfavourable moment.

Although he was still injured, this injury was nothing more than a skin trauma to an ancestor witch, which made Taiyi feel very uncomfortable.

And that Zuan Daoist, who hated him so hard to remember, also appeared in front of own, and hugged Hou Tu tightly.

Watching this scene, Taiyi felt a pain in his heart, as if someone was holding his heart hard.

Why, why every time I want to do something big, this damn Zuan Daoist always appears?

Could it be that my destined nemesis is Zuan Daoist?

My heart is so tired, I don’t feel any big ambitions anymore.

Then, something that made him feel more uncomfortable happened.

A loud shout suddenly fell from the sky: “Sister, don’t be afraid. Dage is here!”

At the same time as the sound sounded, a red light flashed across the sky.

After the red light dissipated, the remaining eleven ancestral witches appeared in front of everyone.

Wu Xuanming, the ancestor of northern water with a human face and a bird body, black scales, black dragon feet, and two green pythons wrapped around his wrists, saw the little girl’s arm with a blood stain, but she was distressed enough.

He quickly grabbed Houtu’s arm and said, “Sister, how are you? Is the injury serious?”

Several other Big Brother Big sis also came up, babbled, you said every word, and the head of the noisy Houtu was big.

If you don’t look at Houtu’s injuries, just look at the posture of the Eleventh Ancestor Witch, and those who don’t know think she will burp soon.

Chen Xuan was squeezed to the side and suddenly became an “outsider”.

He touched his nose awkwardly, and looked at Tai Yi: “Hey, I met again. What are you doing bad this time?”

Taiyi licked his lips a few times, but he didn’t know what to say, but he was already terrified in his heart.

He had made a shot against Houtu before, and naturally there was a mistake, but that was also a matter with the Wu Clan.

What he never expected was that Zuan Daoist also got involved, and he was actually injured by the own Sun Cone. The trouble has gone…

Taiyi was thinking hard about the countermeasures, and suddenly thought: Although his own scorching sun cone was obtained through sacrifices and I don’t know how many Yuanhui he got, it can be said to be very powerful.

But this doesn’t necessarily hurt Zuan Daoist?

Who is Zuan Daoist?

Let Dao Zu Hongjun praise him, how could he be hurt by himself for the existence of respectful discipleship?

No, this old boy did it deliberately, he deliberately let the scorching sun be hurt!

This bastard, he touched porcelain!

Taiyi suddenly wanted to understand the joints, and he couldn’t help but gritted his teeth and pointed at Chen Xuan: “Zuan Daoist, you are really a good strategy, you actually framed me like this!”

“You have badly done my good several times and took away my companion Magic Treasures. How did I offend you?”

“Why are you targeting me like this?”

Chen Xuan looked at Tai Yi innocently, and scratched his nostrils: “What do you mean by targeting you? I still want to ask you!”

“Why do you let me run into it every time you do something bad?”

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