Chapter 311

Yang Mei Daoist heard Chen Xuan’s words and was quite surprised.

He couldn’t think of how Chen Xuan could refuse to own good intentions for a woman-even if this woman was beautiful and beautiful, she was also the youngest and most favored among the twelve ancestral witches.

To Yang Mei Daoist, this woman has long been like a pink skull, totally unattractive: “Yuanfeng fellow daoist, just for a woman, is it worth it for you to do this?”

“Although your understanding of Tao is better than me, Yang Mei is not someone who has never seen the world. When Pangu god-tier fought three thousand demons, the old man was a bystander.”

With that, Yang Mei’s body exploded with an awe-inspiring aura.

Chen Xuan sighed again and pointed to Houtu and said, “I can’t help but hope that Lao Yang can understand. She is too important to me-without her, my life would be meaningless. NS.”

What he originally meant was to say that if he couldn’t get close to Hou Tu, there would be no possibility of arranging secrets. If that was the case, his bottleneck period didn’t know that it would take the year of the monkey to break through.

But these words fell in the ears of Hou Tu, which has another meaning: my God, this Zuan Daoist actually likes me?

What should I do, should I reject him?

But, is this not so good?

He is so hot and handsome, and his character is very good. If he is really with him, it seems to be good too…

Thinking of this, Houtu’s face was like a coat of rouge, scary red.

At the same time, her heart was like hiding a small deer, bumping into it endlessly.

“Since this is the case, then we have nothing to say.” Yang Mei Daoist’s long eyebrows drooped, “It’s better to let us fight a game and decide by winning or losing.”

“Okay!” Chen Xuan shouted, “I am a junior, and you are a senior. I know you will make me 30,000 moves!”

Houtu: “…”

Yang Mei Daoist: “…”

Dao, please drop a chaotic robbery thunder to kill this stinking not wanting face thing!

Chen Xuan raised his hand, and the golden cudgel was already flying in midair, carrying a strong wind straight to Yang Mei’s forehead—he actually did not want to crack the old man’s Heavenly Spirit Cap, no matter what it was. The Xiantian god-tier, how could it be so easy to hang up, but just want to seize an opportunity.

Then Yang Mei Daoist saw that the golden cudgel had flown in front of him, he just snorted softly, and did not dodge at all.

Seeing a wave of his wide sleeves, the two-foot-long Dinghai God Needle Iron flew into his sleeves, and then disappeared.

Hou Tu exclaimed, and quickly reminded: “I remember, Big Brother Big sis once mentioned the character Yang Mei Daoist. He has a talent, that is, he can accept everything, even if it is Chaos Supreme Treasure, it is no exception. .”

“The Chaos Supreme Treasure can be collected, so exaggerated?” Chen Xuan was a little surprised, “If he is really so powerful, why is he not famous at all in the predicament, I have not even heard of it in other populations before. Yang Mei?””Because he is too low-key, even a few yuan will not leave the cultivation dojo, so very few people know him. Even if they know, they won’t just mention it.”

Chen Xuan was silent, it was the truth, who would always mention such a deep-sea mud beast?

Seeing his dignified expression, Houtu also knew that he had said the matter too seriously, and it was a bit of a blow to his morale, so he quickly comforted: “Don’t worry too much, maybe my Big Brother Big sis said. Not allowed?”

Chen Xuan: “…”

You said it was too late, you stupid girl.

Yang Mei Daoist looked at Chen Xuan, and said in a deep voice: “Yuanfeng Fellow Daoist, you and I are old friends, I didn’t want to make trouble to this point. But this is too important for me to hear, today I Be sure to take it back.”

“Who dares to stop me, even if it is Heavenly Dao, Dao, I have to touch it!”

“Hey, why are you doing this?” Chen Xuan would not shrink at all at this time, even if Hou Tu said that Yang Mei was terrible.

His path is to go forward courageously and never turn back.

If you retreat at this time, it would be a violation of Dao heart, a violation of the faith that has been believed in since coming to this prehistoric world.

If that is the case, Realm will fall, and it will be only light to make no progress from now on; if it is a bit more serious, I am afraid it will immediately become a useless person.

Chen Xuan stretched out his right hand, and Houtian saw the golden light leaning down continuously from his fingers.

This golden light is exactly the essence of Nine Heavens after being refined by Qiankun Ding. Chen Xuan knew that Yang Mei was the strongest enemy he encountered, so he didn’t plan to keep his hands. He took out the housekeeper from the beginning. Magic Treasures.

This Nine Heavens has been with him for countless years, and he has repeatedly made great achievements and eliminated many powerful enemies, but this time, he missed it.

I saw this Nine Heavens swelling soil in an instant, wrapping Yangmei Daoist in it

Then Yang Mei Daoist didn’t know what method he used, and with a wave of his sleeves, the golden sand all over the sky suddenly disappeared, as if he had never appeared before.

“Yangmei Daoist, what Magic Treasures are you using, can you tell me?” Chen Xuan took back the remaining Nine Heavens and asked in a deep voice, “Of course, if you don’t want to say, I I won’t say anything.”

“Yuanfeng, you don’t need to use this radical technique.” Yang Mei laughed, not caring, “I am not afraid to tell you that this is not the power of Magic Treasures, but the old man’s own talented spells.”

“You know that the old man is a hollow poplar and willow tree. There is a natural space in his body to collect all things that are majestic and chaotic! As long as it is something in this world, there is nothing I can’t collect!”

As he said, Yang Mei stretched out his hand: “Yuanfeng fellow daoist, for the sake of acquaintance with you and me, now you give the ginseng doll to the old man, and then you can leave here with the girl doll. How about?”

“The old man has done his best to you, please understand it!”

Yang Mei also thought that it would be best to solve this matter properly. He is low-key by nature and is unwilling to make any unpleasantness with Chen Xuan. If such a period of Karma is formed, then there will not necessarily be many things in the future. .

This is not what he wanted, it would be best to take a step back.

But Chen Xuan now has no retreat, and he can’t look back anymore—even if it’s the matter of the ginseng doll, he can’t do that.

“Hahaha!” Chen Xuan suddenly laughed, “Yang Mei Daoist, even if you have a space to collect everything in the world, it will not threaten me.”

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