Chapter 288 Qiankun Needle and Yin & Yang Mirror

Styghe was shocked with fright. Although he didn’t know what he had said wrong, he changed his words immediately: “But Niang Niang said, there will be a banquet to celebrate. By the way, the preaching thing is still Let’s talk about it later.”

After saying these words, Styx suddenly felt relieved, and the feeling that seemed to be about to die at any time finally gradually left him.

Secretly wiped the cold sweat on his forehead: Phew, I finally got my life back.

At this time, Mosquito Daoist saw that there was already a candidate for master own, so he hurriedly came to Hong Yun and gave him a teacher apprenticeship: “Mosquito Daoist has seen a teacher!”

“Well, get up quickly.” Although Hong Yun didn’t particularly want to accept apprentices, the matter was over, and he couldn’t say anything.

Chen Xuan looked at the two of them and suddenly moved in his heart and took out two things from his arms: “Come on, mosquito. This is a meeting gift for you. Your master is very poor, so I gave it to him.”

He put something in Daoist’s hands. Daoist saw that it was a thin needle about three inches and five minutes long. He didn’t know what it was. He looked up at Chen Xuan with curiosity on his face.

“Your name is the mosquito Daoist, and the mouthparts you used to draw blood should have been used by you as your natal Magic Treasures, right?”

Mosquito Daoist didn’t know why Chen Xuan asked, but he nodded.

“This needle is called Qiankun Needle. It is a Houtian Magical Item created by my ancestor when he is idle and bored. Keep it away. You don’t need to suck blood in the future, so naturally the mouthparts are useless.”

“My Qiankun Needle is obtained by using the essence of the West and the sun’s fine gold. I have refined it in the Qiankun Ding for seven or seventy-nine years before getting it. If you encounter an enemy that is difficult to kill in the future, take the Qiankun Needle away from it. When his Niwan Palace is nailed down, he can lock his soul and Hun and Po. Under the quasi-sage, there is absolutely no physiology.”

Mosquito Daoist’s hand holding the Qiankun Needle trembled a little: This master’s hand is a bit too generous, isn’t it? The first one is a Houtian spirit treasure level Magic Treasures-although it is only a Houtian spirit treasure, it is the Da Luo Jinxian who has come and cannot stop this needle. The effect is comparable to the top Houtian treasure.

Mosquito Daoist quickly kowtowed nine heads to Chen Xuan respectfully: “Thank you, Master, thank you!”

“Well, it’s all a family, you are welcome.” Chen Xuan waved his hand and looked at Hongyun again, “Hongyun.”

Hong Yun stared at the unknown thing in his hand, his eyes straightened: “The disciple is here.”

“You can share the worries for the teacher, and I am very happy for the teacher. This Magic Treasures was also created for the teacher when he was idle and fine, so I will give it to you.” Chen Xuan put a small mirror on his In the hand, “You can put it away.”

While talking, he glanced at Styx and Jin Yuanzi, whose eyes were already red.

Hong Yun took the mirror and asked respectfully: “Dare to ask my mentor, what is the magic of this mirror?”

“This mirror is called the Yin & Yang mirror. When you see the opponent, you can determine life and death. It is chaotic Yin & Yang, and the mystery is endless.” Chen Xuan pointed to the mirror and explained, “This mirror has two sides of Yin & Yang. Red, red is life, white is death, and it can kill or survive the person who is exposed to it.”

This Magic Treasures is too powerful, Hong Yun listened with ecstasy, and turned a blind eye to the maddened eyes of Styx and Jin Yuanzi.

Humph, let you hide so fast, do you regret it now?

It’s too late to regret. There is no regret medicine in this world.Hong Yun held the Yin & Yang mirror, and respectfully knocked Chen Xuan three heads: “The disciple, thank you for your teacher.”

After praying, he stood up, his childlike heart suddenly rose, and said to Zhen Yuanzi, “Junior Brother Zhen Yuanzi, I see your expression, and I seem to like this mirror very much, but is that so?”

Zhen Yuanzi looked at the Yin & Yang mirror enviously, and sighed in his heart: “Envy is useless, I have no relationship with this treasure, and I can’t ask for it.”

Hey, master, if I had known this, even if I rob my head, I would be the master of the mosquito Daoist.

Hong Yun smiled, picked up the Yin & Yang mirror and said to Zhen Yuanzi: “This Magic Treasures is bestowed by a mentor, so naturally I can’t transfer it to you, brother. But I have another way, that is to let him If I take this mirror to look at you, it is better than nothing. What do you think?”

Zhen Yuanzi was shocked, and hurriedly hid behind Styx: “Fine, that’s all. Brother Styx also loves this Yin & Yang mirror very much, so please take him to the surgery, don’t take pictures.”

So Hong Yun pointed the mirror at Styx again, and then it was Styx’s turn to beg for mercy…

In this happy atmosphere of Zu’an, Nuwa announced a three-day banquet to celebrate Chen Xuan and Daoist Mosquitoes.


When everything is done, half a month has passed.

Although Nuwa ordered Qiong Xiao to suppress Bi Xiao’s girl who didn’t keep the door on the bottom of the Nether Blood Sea for five years, it was just a joke after all—

Don’t think this joke is too much. If it weren’t for chanting such a curse from time to time, the famous Bixiao Fairy might have even lit the Wa Palace at this time, and the power is almost as powerful as two ha.

Knowing her own family affairs, Bi Xiao naturally also knows that she has this problem, and she won’t have any complaints about Nuwa and others—in fact, she doesn’t have time to complain.

When she knew that Chen Xuan had let Hongyun accept an apprentice, she was extremely happy: she has always been the youngest.

Whether in the Fairy of Sanxiao Fairy or among the disciples of Nuwa, she is the youngest one-Xuannv, Hu Mei, and Xiong Jie, who is far away in the lunar star, are not Nuwa’s disciples.

Now suddenly there is a nephew, which makes her incredibly happy.

Catching the mosquito Daoist was a violent irritation, almost spit out the heart and liver of Hongyun, the apprentice who had just received it not long ago.

It wasn’t until Chen Xuan couldn’t see it, and he helped Daoist mosquitoes.

Played with a few baby girls for a while, coaxed them to sleep, and then returned to the room impatiently.

Hey, it took too long to leave, and a few little girls were entangled in it, otherwise he would have gone back long ago-because there is still a beautiful woman waiting for him in the room.

Standing at the door, Chen Xuan couldn’t restrain himself proudly when he thought of what was about to happen, rubbing his hands, and let out a hey sneer.

“Little lady, I’m coming.” Opening the door of the room, Chen Xuan looked around and saw Nuwa sitting in front of the vanity mirror at a glance.

At this time, Nuwa had already taken off the complicated and gorgeous palace dress, put on regular clothes, and also took off the accessories on her head.

Although it was not the first time I saw her take off her costume, Chen Xuan’s mouth was still open.

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