Chapter 277

“You, you,… who are you?” Lu Zhan pointed at Chen Xuan, his voice started to tremble, “Why can you touch the long sword bestowed by the king without being affected at all?”

Chen Xuan threw his phalanx sword up and down with a smile: “It’s just a piece of bone, so you think of it as something incredible. With this kind of thing, I don’t have To put in one’s eyes.”

The look of fear on Lu Zhan’s face even worsened: “You, who are you? If you have any, you can sign up for it.”

“You are like this, you are not qualified to let me declare my name. What’s more, if I really say it, I’m afraid you will pee your pants in fright.”

Lu Zhan finally couldn’t help it, screamed, turned his head and ran away.

Throwing the phalanx sword aside, Chen Xuan pointed his hand at the old man as if there was an invisible big hand, pulling his hair and dragging him back abruptly.

“Spare, be merciful, God.” Lu Zhan’s face turned pale in fright, and his whole body trembled constantly, “I didn’t do anything, I don’t know anything.”

“Now, tell me everything you know.” Chen Xuan showed a fierce face and pointed casually, “If you dare to hide anything, I will let you be like them.”

Lu Zhan watched as a large rock beside him turned into powder silently – the stone here was nourished by the corpse gas day and night. Although the exterior did not seem to have changed, the inside had already undergone a qualitative change.

He knew that it looked like stone, but it was already countless times harder than steel. This strange young man could turn it into powder with just one gesture, if he was referring to himself…

Lu Zhan didn’t dare to think about it anymore. He trembled and said everything he knew.

It turns out that this old man, as the leader of the tribe, has been suffering from the poverty of the clan and has been trapped by his own talents. So far, his cultivation is only a real immortal Realm.

By chance, Lu Zhan found a bone in this mountain col-this bone can only be seen with eyes, and its extraordinary features can be found.

The entire body of the skeleton was not damaged at all, and a faint white light continued to radiate outward, making it look like this skeleton was a work of art carved from beautiful jade.

Lu Zhan thought he was lucky and made a fortune, and he planned to bring the bones back to the tribe to see if he could exchange some cultivation resources with other cultivators.

But when his fingers touched the corpse bone, a huge suction force immediately stuck him on it, unable to move at all.

Lu Zhan was horrified to discover that his own flesh and blood was also pulled by this suction, as if it was about to break away from the skeleton and become a part of that corpse.

The old man knew at once that he had provoked an existence that he shouldn’t provoke, and he didn’t have the strength of a cultivator. He immediately knelt and begged for mercy, begging the other party to let his own way out.

What is strange is that after Lu Zhan begged for mercy, the corpse actually let go of him, only to see a vague figure standing on the corpse, looking at him with hollow eyes.The look in his eyes made people feel like looking at an ant.

“Give you a chance to say the reason why this king can forgive you.” The figure made a voice, “Otherwise, die!”

Lu Zhan’s brain is not very bright in normal days, but at this critical moment of disaster, he suddenly became smart: “Major, what you need is flesh and blood. I can find more flesh and blood for you.”

Sure enough, this sentence silenced the figure for a while, and after a while he nodded: “Go on.”

Lu Zhan knew that he was alive for the time being, and quickly continued: “My lord, the villain is the leader of a tribe nearby, and there are still many tribesmen in the tribe. As long as you can let the villain out, the villain will Those tribesmen are offered as sacrifices to you.”

“Hahaha, you are the leader, you should have sheltered the tribe, but now you want to take them as a sacrifice?” The voice of the figure could not express the sarcasm, “You can even give up the owner, how does this king know you will not Will you also betray this king?”

“My lord, to you, I am as small as an ant. Which ant have you ever seen dared to defy the order of the dragon?”

“Haha, well said, well said!” The figure suddenly laughed, “Okay, then I’ll give you a chance. By the way, let me find some more long bugs. This king has a few hundred yuan meeting. I can taste them.”

“Long…long worm?” Lu Zhan was dumbfounded. He knew that the scornful name of those giant dragons was this, but don’t care if he could fight it, where would you let him find this?

“Why, do you have any doubts about this king’s order?”

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.” Lu Zhan quickly knelt on the ground, kowtow begging for mercy, “Great King, it’s not that the villain doesn’t want to do this, it’s just that there is no Dragon Clan in this predicament.”

“What? Impossible!” The figure categorically shouted, “This king remembers that although those long worms are not very powerful, they have good fecundity. In the once prehistoric times, they were everywhere, how could they not be found. ?”

“Great King, what the villain said is true.” Lu Zhan quickly explained, “In the current predicament, no one can find a dragon, and it has been slaughtered by the ancestor of the Feng clan, Yuanfeng. That is the ancestor. Dragon, it is said that they have been exiled from this Hongmeng and will never come back.”

“Oh? There is such a thing? Didn’t Yuanfeng have fallen, you will tell me the whole story one by one.”

Lu Zhan didn’t dare to hide anything, and told him everything he knew.

After listening to his narration, the figure fell silent for a while. It took a while before he said: “Unexpectedly, after this king’s sleeping meeting of several hundred yuan, such a character will appear in the predecessor?”

“Well, this king hasn’t recovered his strength yet, so I don’t want to provoke him. You have to be careful when you do things. First find some flesh and blood of the lone demon race and sacrifice to this king, and wait until the king’s strength gradually recovers. Make a decision.”

Lu Zhan squatted his head and said, “Yes, the king, the villain understands.”

This figure also knows that the emperor is not short of starving soldiers. Since he wants this old man to do things for himself, he must first give him some sweetness.

He stretched out his hand, and a white light shot into Lu Zhan’s body, and then said: “This king now grants you supreme magic power to help you in your cultivation. As long as you can do things for this king with all your heart, there will be benefits in the future. Do you understand? ?”

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