Chapter 258

When he picked up two long eyebrows, he was about to refute. Yuanshi Tianzun also rushed to say at this time: “Senior, you don’t know something. They are called Pure Land. There is a reason.”

“The people there have nothing in their minds except to worship these two old men. Without other things, wouldn’t it be a ‘pure land’?”

Suddenly he was furious, and a wrinkled old face flushed red: “Yuan Shi, Tong Tian, ​​you two bastards, how can you innocent people out of thin air?”

“Our brothers and brothers taught the rule of the people, dedicated to the Tao, and cultivated hard, even when we got to Heavenly Dao, we also have a clear conscience!”

“I’m pooh, is that called teaching people? You are…”

“Enough!” Just as these people were arguing, Nuwa suddenly gave a soft drink and slapped the table hard, “What do you think this is, your back garden?”

When Nuwa became angry, Sanqing, Jiying, and Zhun said were chilling, and she didn’t dare to chatter again.

Even without Chen Xuan, her own identity was enough to deter these people-she had already opened up her mind and transformed form before she opened the world, the leader of the demon race, the quasi-sage Realm, and the two corpses had already been cut out.

It was even the chief disciple of Daozu Hongjun. If you really want to talk about it, Sanqing and Jiuyin Zhunti will have to call a master sister.

At this time, the elder sister was really angry, and the few of them naturally did not dare to be rude.

“Senior Sister calmed down my anger, I was so rude.”

Nuwa put his hands on his hips and opened his aura. He cursed the five like a grandson.

As the old saying goes, thunder, rain, and dew are all graces.

No matter which one of these five people is taken out, they are all characters who can tremble with a stomping on their feet, but now they are scolded so badly by Nuwa, but they dare not even lift their heads, for fear of being misunderstood by Nuwa and not convinced.

It took Nuwa a few hours after the fire was released, until the few people said they couldn’t bear it, and they couldn’t wait to cut out a three-bedroom and one hall on the ground with their feet.

“Now, all three of you, go back to your dojo and devote yourself to cultivation.” After finishing the Sanqing, Nuwa said to the two Western teachers, “There is still a reference to the guide, how do you teach the rule of the people? I don’t care, but don’t do anything against Heavenly Dao. This is the last piece of advice I can give you as a senior sister.”

“Did you understand?”

“Yes, I will understand.”

The five were ashamed, and after saluting Chen Xuan and Nuwa, they were ready to leave.

Chen Xuan stood up suddenly and said to daddy: “I know you are obsessed with the Tao, but now you are a little too anxious, this is a step down. You originally cultivated the way of quietness and inaction. How can you do it now? Isn’t it just going against your own way?”

Daddy shook his whole body, stood still in the distance, his eyes were confused, and he muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

Chen Xuan can take a high look at daddy because he almost doesn’t say a word. He is the most worry-free among the five.

If this is the case, it is natural to encourage others to know that it is not the crying child who has candy to eat.

“All chances are free, and the time has come, and the chances will naturally come.”Daddy stood there for a long while, the confusion in his eyes was gone, replaced by a clear light, and finally a smile appeared on his face, which had remained constant for thousands of years:

“Thank you senior for your advice, Li Er understands.”

With that, he respectfully saluted Chen Xuan and Nuwa, laughed loudly, even the two juniors did not care, and turned away.

The remaining four people were sweating profusely, and they finally understood that they were looking for the wrong path.

I didn’t get the chance, and I even wicked Zuan Daoist. It was a loss of his wife and the army.

The four of them regretted it, but the matter was over, and there was no other way, so they had to leave.

Seeing that these mourning stars were finally sent away, Chen Xuan heaved a sigh of relief and slumped into a chair: “Good guy, I finally got them away. It’s really bad that this wicked guest is here. response.”

Nuwa picked up the teacup and drank a cup in one gulp: “It’s better that the two of us negotiated it out. If you don’t get it out with some harsh means, these dog skin plasters will not be able to get rid of it.”

Chen Xuan gave his daughter-in-law a thumbs up: “Isn’t your acting skills good? Good fellow, you were so stupefied just now that you scolded me!”

“Oh, you said this.” Nuwa drank another cup of tea and said comfortably, “Actually, I think of them as you, and then I feel that the more I curse, the happier I am, and the more I curse, the more excited I am. Then I wanted to stop. I can’t stop it.”

The elder Chen Xuan pulled a face: “It looks like, what my husband said today is going to be shaken up!”

“I’m afraid of you, come here if you can! Wow…what are you doing?”

“What are you doing, today I will let you taste how good your husband is.”


Early the next morning, Chen Xuan came to the garden while yawning while rubbing his sore waist.

Hey, this woman, as sung in the song, is a tiger who cannibalize human bones…

My old waist, it seems to be broken, my…

Chen Xuan’s thoughts were interrupted because he saw that the place where the fairy grass was watered yesterday was already empty, there was nothing but a piece of mud.

How could this be possible, Chen Xuan quickly shouted: “Hu Mei, Hu Mei? Where are you, come here.”

Originally, the black bear spirit Xiong Jie was taking care of this garden, but now she has become the Lunar Star Lord and stays on the Lunar Star.

Even the sisters who brought her rushed there, and now they are probably studying how to decorate the place with enthusiasm.

Since then, the garden was handed over to Hu Mei to take care of it-but don’t take this as a chore. If one day Chen Xuan is on a whim, he will post a recruitment notice in the predicament and want to find someone to take care of it. In this garden, those who signed up can almost line up from the Wa Palace to the Zixiao Palace.

Moreover, as far as Chen Xuan estimated, the top few should be Yuanshi, Tongtian, and Jiuying and Zhunti, the four wicked bastards.

As long as you can get close to Zuan Daoist and meet him from time to time, let alone taking care of the garden, that is, cleaning up the five grains Samsara place, there will be countless people rushing to do it–

Of course, this is just an analogy.

In this imperial palace, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is extremely abundant, and it is also a place where the underground spiritual veins meet. It is enough to absorb these Spiritual Qi in the daily life. How can I still need to eat?

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