Chapter 254

This three-light divine water depends on how to use it, otherwise it is likely to cause catastrophe.

Sunlight Shenshui: Kill the flesh and blood.

Moonlight Divine Water: Corrupt the soul Hun and Po.

Starlight Shenshui: Swallow the true Spiritual Sense mind.

These three light divine waters are used separately, and that is the first-class murderous poison in the prehistoric, even if Sage encounters it, it will take a lot of effort to crack it.

However, once the golden sunlight divine water, silver moonlight divine water, and purple starlight divine water are mixed together, it can become the first healing medicine in the wild.

It can not only remove all poisons, that is, restrain all the so-called “incurable” poisons, but also treat all wounds and diseases. Even flesh and bones, alive and dead.

Speaking of it, the wicks of the Sanguang Shenshui and the Baolian Lantern also have similar effects, but the strong wick of the Baolian Lantern can add ten thousand years of wisdom to the user-although after using it up, the Baolian Lantern will lose all The magic is turned into an ordinary lamp.

Bi Xiao suddenly asked, “Master, are you using Sanguang Divine Water to purify this lunar star?”

“Yes, I have this idea.”

Bi Xiao muttered a few words and stopped talking, but looking at the expression on her face, it was clear that she was extremely reluctant.

Actually is not Bixiao can’t bear the Three Lights Divine Water-Although it looks like there are only three drops of the Three Lights Divine Water, this drop contains the water volume of 999 Tianhe Rivers, not to mention purifying a lunar star, it is for the entire flood. It’s not a problem for people to take a shower.

It’s just that she doesn’t like Chang’e a bit: I just stabbed Master for a while, and now I have to help her do this and that, this is too that…

Bi Xiao’s small face suddenly flicked, and there was a bad guess in her heart: Could it be the Master who fell in love with this Chang’e, and wants to use this lunar star golden house to hide her?

Although I have confidence in the Master, I can see that Chang’e, with a peach-faced face and spring in the corners of his eyes, is clearly a coquettish bastard, which I have to guard against.

Master, you have to resist these temptations, be loyal to my master, and do it all.

If you dare to do anything to sorry the master, even if you are Heavenly Dao, Dao, we have to ask for justice for the master!

How did Chen Xuan know that Bi Xiao had so many ghost thoughts in his heart in an instant, but thought she couldn’t bear it–if Chen Xuan knew that he was already a scumbag reserve in Bi Xiao’s heart, he might have to Hang her at the gate of Wa Palace, and be a sister and sister with Xiong Jie.

Yun Xiao is sister Lianxin, others didn’t see it, she immediately felt what the younger sister was thinking.

She didn’t have any episodes, but she glared at Bi Xiao secretly when everyone was not paying attention, and this made the girl press her mind to cause some trouble.

The eyes of their sisters flew wildly here, and everyone was in a big uproar.

Sanguang Shenshui?

That Sanguang Divine Water, which claims to be the first healing medicine in the prehistoric world?

Unexpectedly, Zuan Daoist still had this thing, and it seemed that he didn’t pay much attention to it, so he gave it to his disciples to use it.

It’s really enviable how rich this guy’s family is.However, Sanqing soon felt a little aftertaste: Since your old man is already so rich, there is no shortage of them. Why are you still thinking about the things in our hands?

Isn’t this just like grabbing food from a beggar’s bowl?

Chang’e was also stunned. She didn’t expect Chen Xuan to be so generous, and she was willing to take out a treasure like Sanguang Shenshui to help her purify the lunar star.

This favor is really too big, not to mention selling her to return favor, even if you catch the sun star, it won’t be enough.

Chang’e didn’t think that Chen Xuan fell in love with herself, she was not so passionate yet–

This Zuan Daoist and Nuwa mother and wife are deeply affectionate, and the husband and wife sing and follow each other, which is known to the entire predecessor. Although he has such a bit of beauty, it depends on who is compared.

Comparing with Nuwa Empress, it is like rice grains in front of the bright moon, there is no comparison at all.

So, why should he be so good to himself?

It should be because of the previous friendships, right?

Although the contact with Chen Xuan is not too much, Chang’e still knows Chen Xuan’s character very well. Compared with the tool people like Hongjun and Sanqing, Longjiajia, B, C, Ding is much better than Sanxiao sisters. Get up, that’s a big inferiority.

From the fact that Chen Xuan dared to face Taiyi directly at the beginning, and let him half to death, it can be seen that this is a person who values ​​love and righteousness, and does not value power and Magic Treasures too much.

It’s just that my family, including the second uncle Taiyi, already owes Chen Xuan how much, and can no longer accept his favor in vain.

If this continues, I don’t know how to face him.

When Chang’e thought of this, she had already made a decision in her heart.

She came to Chen Xuan and bowed to Yingying: “Heng’e, thank Chen Dage for taking care of her. If I can’t repay it, I just…”

Bi Xiao was anxious, and she was furious without waiting for her to finish her sentence: “Why, you don’t think you can repay you, so you want to be like you? Hey, my master treats you as a Junior. Excessive! I…mmm!”

This girl had a small mouth, like a machine gun, Yun Xiao couldn’t stop her by her side.

When she finally covered Bi Xiao’s mouth, the troublemaker had already said everything in her heart.

The scene suddenly became extremely dull and embarrassing. All of Chang’e’s face was flushed and purple, and her body was also shaky, and she was about to faint as she watched.

Chen Xuan was also dumbfounded: Where is this so special? I just did this by thinking about the friendship that I had eaten with pork together before.

The three-light divine water is put in the eight-treasure glass bottle, which is of no use. Only when it is actually used can it reflect its value.

You damn girl doesn’t keep the door open, dare to say anything.

If there is such a disturbance, how will everyone get along in the future, I am afraid they will be embarrassed to death, right?

Nuwa didn’t think so much, but she knew her husband’s virtues, that is, a strong mouth king, and really asked him to hook up other people’s little girls. This rogue might have to shake his head like a rattle.

Nuwa looked at Chen Xuan angrily and amusingly, and said with a straight face to Bi Xiao: “You girl, you know nonsense every day. After you go back, I will fine you Closed Door Training for one year. If you don’t repent anymore, I will not be merciless!”

Seeing her master had already said this, Bi Xiao also realized that own was reckless, and bowed her head in frustration: “Yes, master. The disciple receives the punishment, and the disciple will never dare anymore.”

I dare not to blame!

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