Chapter 237

Chen Xuan walked over, held his daughter in his arms, put the egg on one hand, and carefully probed the soul into it, carefully investigating it.

After a while, he withdrew his hand and sighed.

Nuwa was also very curious, and came over and asked, “Husband, do you know what kind of egg this is?”

“This is a peacock egg.” Chen Xuan said, “and it’s a peacock egg that has been seriously injured and has a serious shortage of Xiantian.”

Nuwa was surprised, and used the Yuanshen to investigate and said: “This peacock egg is not only lacking in Xiantian, but also seems to have been severely injured when it was in the mother’s phoenix.”

Then, she turned her head and asked the lead: “Junior Brother, I don’t know how long it has been since you got this bastard?”

Then he said, “There are two Yuanhui’s time.”

Two Yuanhui, that was two hundred and fifty thousand years ago, Chen Xuan couldn’t help but ask strangely: “I think this egg’s vitality is like a candle in the wind, it can be extinguished at any time. How did you make it? Live to the present?”

Zhunti said: “Good teacher senior learned that after Junior got the egg, he has been soaking it in the water of the Eight Treasures of Merit, so that it can maintain its vitality.”

It turned out to be the case, no wonder this egg was so badly injured and could still live to this day. It turned out that these two old things consumed such treasures as merit water.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan sighed: “It really cost you money.”

Xiuying and Zhunti didn’t even dare to talk, and then the two of them looked at each other—they didn’t have any good intentions at first, but they took a lot of effort to figure out the Cultivation of keeping this egg for them in the future. Base helped a lot, so that’s why.

Otherwise, how can these two old things, who are invisible and not hanging on, make this kind of loss-making business?

Of course, no matter how stupid the receiving and quasi-referencing are, they won’t tell the truth about the matter.

“Senior is absurd, this is what Junior should do.”

Chen Xuan was happy, and another Huang Zhongli handed it out: “This Huang Zhongli, even if I thank you for your kind deeds.”

The lead took over Huang Zhongli and was overjoyed: “Thank you senior for your kind gift.”

And Zhunti also stretched out his hands and looked at Chen Xuan eagerly: and me, senior.

Hongjun, Sanqing and the hundreds of thousands of cultivators present once again have a new understanding of the degree of not wanting face of these two old men:

Guys, when you give gifts, you are alone; now when you receive gifts, you are two people?

One can’t be too shameless, let alone your status!

Jiuyin and Zhunti thought well, but Chen Xuan didn’t pay attention to them at all, and focused on the peacock egg.

Little Phoenix landed on his shoulders, lying in his ear and said, “Dad, you must save it.”

“Don’t worry, I will be able to do it.” Chen Xuan said to his daughter, and then beckoned to Nuwa, “What can you see?”

Nuwa thought for a while and said, “This egg Xiantian is not enough. It is very difficult to maintain it until now.”

At this time, Hongjun and others also leaned in, and after obtaining Chen Xuan’s permission, they checked.”Taozu, what do you think?”

Hongjun thought for a long time, before Fangcai cautiously said: “This egg is indeed as Nuwa said, Xiantian is insufficient and injured. So the vitality in this egg is weak, and the Five Elements disorder eventually formed.”

“Just say if there is any way to save it.”

“According to the old ways, if Daoist wants to save him, he must first fill up Five Elements and strengthen his Xiantian. This is the way to treat the symptoms and the root cause!”

Many things are just separated by a layer of window paper. Chen Xuan heard what Hongjun said and slapped his forehead: “It turns out that it’s that simple. Just make up the energy of Five Elements?”

Hongjun shook his head: “No, no…”

“You shook your head with me again, mother-in-law, babbled and crooked, believe it or not, I will punch your shit out?”

“Daoist don’t panic, the Five Elements gas that the old way said is not the ordinary Five Elements gas, it needs the Xiantian Five Elements gas.”

“This atmosphere of Xiantian Five Elements has disappeared after the Pangu god-tier opened up. Only in the chaos can I occasionally find the trace. It’s just that the aura of Xiantian Five Elements hurt this egg. Say, it’s just a drop in the bucket. Old Tao thinks it’s better than…”

Hongjun was chatting there, and then saw Chen Xuan reach out and hold the eggshell, the five-color light appeared behind him like a cloak.

The color of this five-color light is extremely pure, without a trace of Impurities in it, it is the purest air of Xiantian Five Elements.

After a while, the five-color light was like a giant silkworm cocoon, wrapping the giant egg in it.

Until then, Chen Xuan suddenly remembered something, and raised his head and asked Hongjun: “What did you just say?”

Hongjun: “…It’s nothing, Daoist, please.”

Good guy, I just said that the air of Xiantian Five Elements is rare in the world, and this Zuan Daoist gave this egg such a huge amount of air of Xiantian Five Elements like he didn’t need money.

How could he have so much air of Xiantian Five Elements, as if he didn’t need money, he poured into the bill desperately.

It makes people jealous and angry!

Not only Hongjun, but also Sanqing, Dian Ying and Zhun Ti, as well as hundreds of thousands of cultivators who are knowledgeable and insightful, are all dumbfounded.

They have already seen that these five-color lights are the air of the legendary Xiantian Five Elements.

After the Pangu god-tier opened up, the air of Xiantian Five Elements is even thinner than the hair on the bald head. Only those who have a big chance can get such a trace.

At most, others can only get a thread and a half, and then they have to be as precious as a treasure.

But this Zuan Daoist is good, look at the almost condensed cocoon, how much Xiantian Five Elements air is needed?

Looking at the distinct colors of Five Elements, it is even more pure. I am afraid that ordinary Xiantian Five Elements must be purified ten times or eight times to achieve this level.

If you can give yourself a little, not to mention the achievement of Xiantian Five Elements Taoism, even if you become a Houtian Five Elements Taoism, the help for future cultivation is unimaginable.

The eyes of these people were crimson watching there, but Chen Xuan didn’t feel anything: Isn’t it just a bit of Xiantian Five Elements aura? There is something in my heaven and earth tripod that I want to have as much as I want, and I’m worried that I have nowhere to put it. Woolen cloth.

This Qiankun Ding is like the same industrial mother machine, continuously providing Chen Xuan with all kinds of Magic Treasures and raw materials.

Chen Xuan first used several Xiantian Five Elements materials, purified them in the Qiankun Ding, and then decomposed them, and then used the law of Five Elements to generate and restrain each other to obtain the mass of Xiantian Five Elements gas.

It’s just that it has been infused for almost a whole day, and the egg still has no response.

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