Chapter 219

Chen Xuan was trying to find the location of the space door in the stone room, when he heard some strange sounds coming from behind.

The sound was like the boiling water bubbling. He looked back and saw that the air was being distorted in the center of the stone room, and then a light curtain of several tens of feet appeared in front of him.

Chen Xuan stepped aside immediately, and then felt that it was not safe enough, and then reached out his hand and turned into an ordinary stone.

Suddenly there was a shout from the light curtain, as if someone was driving away some beast.

Chen Xuan could see clearly, and slowly stretched out a bull’s head from the light curtain. The pungent, rancid smell of nausea.

The bull head slowly walked out of the light curtain, walking slowly, just like a newborn, toddler calf, and almost fell to the ground several times.

But when its entire body emerged from the light curtain, it seemed to have been buffed. First, it raised its hair and made a hoarse howl, and then a black light flashed up and down all over its body.

This originally huge zombie cow, after being illuminated by this black light, its body actually increased a little bit.

Not only that, but it has changed from difficult to light, and it is hard to believe that it can have such agility in such a large body.

Moreover, Chen Xuan, who was hiding in the side and peeping at all of this, also clearly felt that the strength of this zombie cow had also increased countless times just now.

It seems that this is indeed a biochemical experiment base created by the demon ancestor Luo Huo, and its experimental products are these zombie monsters that have lost their intelligence and only know how to kill and eat.

All kinds of monsters walked out of the light curtain, their experience was no different from that of the bull monster, and the same changes had taken place.

Finally, a giant wrapped in black walked out of the light curtain. He was more than ten feet tall, wearing a black leather armor of invisible texture, and holding a piece in his hand. The effect of whip.

Those monsters may have just regained their wits, and are rushing around in this stone room, as if they had gone crazy.

The giant looked at these monsters running around and didn’t speak, but raised his arm, whistling with the whip in his hand.

With a crisp “pop”, the monsters seemed to have received some kind of signal, and immediately stood there unanimously.

Unexplained shouts and shouts were heard from the huge crowd, and the whip was flicked again and again. As if they could understand what he said, the monsters actually gathered together and lowered their heads.

The giant uttered a loud shout again, and these monsters lined up in a neat line with the crisp sound of the whip and walked into the crypts leading to different locations.

Chen Xuan saw this scene and knew that there was nothing wrong with own guessing, this stone room was indeed the transfer station for these monsters.

And that giant should be the subordinate of Mozu Luohu, who was responsible for driving the monsters to the ground for him.

And that whip, if you guessed it correctly, is the key to directing the monsters to keep order.

At this moment, most of the monsters have already walked into the crypt, only a few are left, and the giant thinks that the task has been completed, stretched his waist, and strode towards Chen. The location of Xuan.Chen Xuan didn’t panic, because he knew that the own transformation technique was absolutely no problem—he wouldn’t turn into a small temple like Sun Wukong, which can also change seventy-two, but there was still nowhere to put a tail. , Can only turn into a flagpole tree behind the small temple, so that Erlang Shen Yang Jian can see the flaw.

Chen Xuan is confident that unless it is the existence of Realm above the quasi-sage, it is possible to detect a trace of something wrong.

It was absolutely impossible to find him without the Cultivation Base where the two corpses had been cut.

By the way, Nuwa had also beheaded the two corpses a long time ago, which is also a prank that Chen Xuan never made anything into her palace to startle her.

The giant strode to the stone that Chen Xuan had changed, and then began to untie his belt.

Chen Xuan:…

WDNMD, it turns out that you want to learn from Sun Monkey, and regard me as the place of five grains Samsara!

Originally, Chen Xuan planned to continue to hide his figure, and then secretly follow the giant through the light curtain in order to achieve the achievement of secret infiltration.

But now it seems that this is impossible.

The giant was unbuttoning his trouser pocket, but the whip that might be used to command the monster was still held firmly in his hand, which was obviously a very important thing to him.

Seeing the giant untied his trouser pockets, Chen Xuan was about to encounter the same thing as Buddha Tathagata, he suddenly saw a flower in front of him, and a figure appeared in front of own.

This figure is naturally Chen Xuan, he can’t do Realm that can tolerate even this kind of thing.

With a light leap, he jumped up to a height of more than ten feet, and came to a place that was level with the giant’s sight.

Although the giant looked tall, he was not strong enough. He didn’t even react to what happened. He only felt a sharp pain in his eyebrows, and then he didn’t know anything.

With a bang, the giant smashed a dozen feet tall to the ground, and even smashed a monster that hadn’t left to the ground, stretched out its four legs, and throbbed.

Chen Xuan hid the whip with his hand-this is the key to command those monsters, it is better to hold it in his own hands.

“Say, where is the devil’s ancestor Luo Hu?” Chen Xuan simply took out the golden cudgel and held it against the giant’s throat because of the huge difference in body shape.

The giant was a little dumbfounded by this sudden blow, but stared at him with a pair of eyes that were bigger than Chen Xuan’s whole body, and did not speak.

“Don’t play tricks on me, hurry up and recruit from the ground. Where is the demon ancestor Luo Hu.”

Chen Xuan was not at all polite to Luo Huan’s men, the golden cudgel smashed his face lightly, and immediately smashed the giant’s nose into it.

“If you don’t say anything, I will break the bones in your body one by one, then heal it, and then interrupt it again.”

In order to prove that he didn’t lie, Chen Xuan stepped on one of the giant’s fingers–he didn’t want to step off another place, but this giant was too damn tall.

The giant didn’t seem to hear Chen Xuan’s threat, and he didn’t even feel the broken bones. His eyes just fixed on the whip in Chen Xuan’s hand.

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