Chapter 202: Followers

No matter what Styx said, Chen Xuan just refused to accept him as a disciple.

Styx looked at him with tears in his eyes: “Gong, do you despise me? If this is the case, then you can just say it, it doesn’t matter.”

“No, no, how could it be possible?” Chen Xuan shook his hands, his face was full of sincerity, and his expression was very sincere. “The reason is that, as I just said, you are also a famous god in the wild. Now, how can I be your master?”

Although he said that, but deep down in his heart, he thought like this: Although he can accept Styghe as a disciple, it is also a matter of Beier having a face, but…

But this Styx is really fucking sloppy, and if he were put into the door wall, this would seriously lower the average level of Zu’an’s family.

Is appearance important?

The answer is yes!

Haven’t you heard that sentence: Whether you are strong or not is only temporary, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifetime matter.

It was for this reason that Chen Xuan resolutely refused to accept Styx as a disciple.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was very resolute, Styx had no choice. He considered for a long time, and tentatively asked: “Then you can’t be lucky enough to be accepted as a disciple by En Gong, then can Styx follow En Gong?”

Be my follower? this……

This doesn’t seem to be impossible. Although I still live in the Wa Palace, it doesn’t mean that I won’t change places in the future.

With such an unused personality, I am afraid that I rarely have time to deal with those chores. Although this Styx is a bit sloppy, he can manage so many people under his control in an orderly manner, and he can definitely be called powerful.

If you think about it from this perspective, this is also a good idea.

At the same time, in a secret room in the Sun Temple.

Taiyi Lotus Position was sitting on the futon, and his companion, Magic Treasures, the Eastern Emperor Bell was hanging on the side, making an inaudible buzzing sound.

Tai’s eyes were closed tightly, and his lips kept moving, as if he was talking to someone-but there was only one person in this secret room, and his behavior seemed rather strange.

If Chen Xuan saw this scene, he would definitely suspect Tai Yi had schizophrenia.

However, Chen Xuan is not completely wrong in thinking this way. At this time, Tai Yi is talking to a certain voice in his head.

“Luo Hu, the emperor saved your life, if there is no emperor’s Eastern Bell, I am afraid you would have disappeared long ago!”

Taiyi’s face was distorted and not what it looked like, and the blue veins popped out: “So you are not qualified to bargain with the emperor, you only need the strength of the emperor Ascension! Others don’t need you to talk too much!”

“Huh, stupid Taiyi, I finally understand why you lost to that Zuan Daoist and Nuwa!” Luo Hui’s contemptuous voice sounded, “Mother-in-law, indecisive, how can you succeed?”

“The way I told you is already the easiest and the best way to ascension your strength in a short period of time, but you are concerned about the meaningless so-called brotherhood?”

“Forget it, anyway, if you go on like this, sooner or later, you will end up in failure. The dregs swallowed by Zuan Daoist and Nuwa are not left. Then you can get rid of me from your soul now. It makes no difference.”

“You are threatening the emperor!” Tai Yi roared, his fingers were already on the East Emperor Bell, “Do you think the emperor really dare not move you?”

“Hahaha, then come on!” Luo Hu laughed loudly, “If you can really do this, I, Luo Hu, will really think highly of you!”Taiyi’s hand touched the Donghuang Bell several times, but finally let go: “If you win, but if you let the emperor murder brother Own, you can’t do it anyway! Don’t have this idea! ”

“Okay, okay. Although you can’t do exactly what I tell you, we still have the same enemy…”

“Yes, that’s Zuan Daoist and Nuwa! I must take back everything that belongs to the emperor!”

“Well, let’s start with the top ten demon commanders.”

Not long after, Baize Lion, the head of the ten demon commanders summoned, hurriedly came to the door of the secret room with a goat head:

“His Majesty, Baize Lion was ordered to arrive, what can your Majesty give?”

After a while, Tai Yi’s hoarse voice sounded: “Baize Lion, come in. I have something to discuss with you.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Baize Lion didn’t hesitate, and opened the door-he just felt a little surprised why there were so many decorative objects in this secret room that he didn’t know what to use.

Forget it, Taiichi likes these things that look luxurious but have no practical meaning.

Shortly after Baize Lion walked in, a strange sound suddenly sounded in the secret room, but it disappeared quickly.

After a while, Baize Lion pushed out the door, hurriedly left, and found the heroic trick that was on duty at the Sun Star.

“Brilliant move, your majesty tells you to meet, come with me.”

Among the lunar stars, Chang’e, who was doing nothing and was boring to death, suddenly heard the maid calling him, and Baize Lion, the head of the ten great monsters, begged to see him.

She didn’t take it seriously, and waved her hand casually: “Let him come in.”

“I have seen Her Royal Highness.” Baize Lion strode in and pointed at Chang’e with a cupped fist, “His Majesty the Eastern Emperor summoned Her Royal Highness to meet.”

“Why did the second uncle look for me?” Chang’e was very surprised, “what’s the matter with him?”

“This… Your Royal Highness will know it when she goes.”

“Then why didn’t he go to my mother, but instead came to me?” Chang’e was too interested to see her, and she hugged Jade Rabbit, who was lying next to her, “I don’t really want to go.”

“This… Your Royal Highness is better to go there. What your Majesty the Eastern Emperor wants to say, but it involves His Majesty the Demon Emperor.”

“Ah? It has something to do with my father?” Chang’e immediately stood up when she heard it, “Why didn’t you say it earlier, I’ll go with you.”

“That’s right, you go…” She had just found a maid and wanted her to inform Xihe. Baize Lion had already said: “Your Royal Highness, don’t worry, the Sun Goddess has arrived. You are the only thing left for her.”

Chang’e didn’t doubt that he had him, nodded and followed him away.

I don’t know why, she always thinks Baize Lion is a little weird. As for what is strange, she can’t tell.

When she came to the door of the secret room, Chang’e didn’t wait for anyone to report, so she opened the door and broke in – she usually did this, and she didn’t think there was anything wrong.

“Mother, queen, where are you?” As soon as she entered, Chang’e yelled, “My daughter is here, where are you?”

As soon as she turned around, Chang’e saw Xihe standing quietly in front of own, without saying a word.

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