Chapter 196

And in the corner not far away, neatly arranged rows of cylindrical like cocoons.

These cocoons reminded Chen Xuan of a classic sci-fi horror movie that he had watched in his previous life, that is, the worm in the alien.

It’s just much larger than the cocoon of the face-carrying bug, at least one foot tall.

These cocoons are all flesh-colored, and they are still bulging slowly, as if something is conceived in them.

Chen Xuan could see clearly that the black qi he was following was swallowed by a mouth that kept closing one after another, and then turned into black thin lines, which merged into the cocoons.

“Ding, the host signs in at Yinmodong and rewards the host with a bottle of suet jade.”

As the system’s prompt sounded, a white bottle with a delicate luster appeared in Chen Xuan’s Sea of ​​Knowledge, with a green branch inserted in the bottle.

Looking at this white bottle, Chen Xuan was very satisfied: This should be the jade clean bottle in Bodhisattva’s hand, not the bottle that could turn people into sewage after grabbing Sun Wukong.

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s jade net bottle contains nectar water, which once saved the ginseng fruit tree of Zhen Yuanzi, is a kind of fairy water with magical effect.

Of course, it is not as good as the Eight Treasures of Merit Water taught in the West or the Three Lights Divine Water that I got a few days ago-what is said here is not as good as the fairy nectar water that is not so magical. Effect, but its healing effect is stronger.

In particular, this healing effect is effective on human figures as well as vegetation, which is very rare.

Chen Xuan put the Yujing bottle away, and then began to inspect this large and somewhat excessive hall.

There are three thousand such cocoons in this hall. Every cocoon seems to be conceived with an unknown life, and the nutrients they need are the black air inhaled from that big mouth. By.

Although I don’t know what the life in these cocoons is, just looking at the ominous black air that the cocoons need, you can also know that it is definitely not a good thing.

Chen Xuan stepped back a few steps, squeezing a magic formula in his hand, and out of thin air gave birth to countless fireballs falling from the sky, enveloping these cocoons in the raging flames.

Although these flames are not Xiantian fires, their power cannot be underestimated. They just don’t seem to have any effect on these cocoons. Instead, the frequency of their expansion and contraction suddenly increases, as if they are absorbing these flames.

In a short while, the flames that could melt steel had been absorbed, and those cocoons had grown to a degree that was visible to the naked eye.

Unexpectedly, they have such abilities. Chen Xuan’s temptation not only failed to solve these cocoons, but instead sent them much-needed nutrients.

At this moment, Chen Xuan saw a human face slowly appearing on the stone wall covered with fungus blankets.

This face was impressively the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu, who had been turned into ashes in Heaven’s Punishment not long ago.

“Luo Hui, it’s actually you?” Chen Xuan was a little surprised, “How could you survive the punishment?”

However, Chen Xuan soon realized that this Luo Hu was a bit different from the Demon Ancestor he had seen before.The Luo Hu in front of him, although he looked exactly the same, was ugly and rushed out of the prehistoric state, reaching the advanced level of Chaos, but his aura was weak but not only a little bit weak.

Not only that, but even the body shape is much smaller, looking like a “juvenile version” of the demon ancestor Luo Hu.

At this time, “young” Luo Hu spoke, his voice was hoarse and weird: “Zuan Daoist, why are you here?”

“Just kidding, this is the underground of the Nether Blood Sea, why can’t I be here?” Chen Xuan said confidently, “This ancestor of the Nether River refined the Nether Blood Sea to create the Ashura clan, or I gave him the idea, isn’t it? do not you know?”

The young Luohu’s face became paler and paler, like a piece of white paper without a trace of blood: “I said that it is called the first filthy land in the wild, and only a drop of sea water can cut off the three-flowered sea of ​​blood on the top of Daluo Jinxian. Why is it gone? It turned out that it was Zuan Daoist and you were playing tricks!”

“Last time I let you off with Nuwa, I didn’t expect it to be a scourge!”

Chen Xuan was taken aback, this Luohu was mentally stimulated recently and was a little forgetful: “You let me and Nuwa a horse? Obviously I was there, and Zixiao Palace used the rewards and punishments for the heavens to chop you into ashes!”

“I just don’t know what method you used, you can escape the punishment from heaven, and even the glaring eyes of mine. It’s really amazing.”

Not to mention the ability to escape his own eyes, Chen Xuan is also willing to call Luo Hui the second strongest in the prehistoric!

This “juvenile version” Luo Hui is obviously much weaker than the Demon Ancestor he has seen before, and even his reaction has become much slower.

He seemed to be a little unable to accept such a large amount of information for a while, and it was not until a while after that he digested Chen Xuan’s words:

“Unexpectedly, during this period of time, so many things happened. Zuan Daoist, you are a lot stronger than you were before.”

What Luo Hui said was also strange. Chen Xuan squeezed his chin and thought for a long time before feeling a bit of a clue: “Let me guess that it is Luo Hu in the Sun Wonderland; it is Luo Hu who turned into gray in the Purple Cloud Palace; and The you in front of me are also Luo Hu.”

“Did you use some secret method to split the own soul and open countless trumpets?”

“Small?” Luo Hu obviously didn’t understand the meaning of this word, but he soon realized, “Well worthy of being the first wise man in the wild, this word is indeed very appropriate. Only you are only half right!”

“Half? Which half?”

“I am not only dividing the soul into countless parts, but dividing the devil ancestor Luo Hu into countless parts!”

“Every part of this is a great demon ancestor, but I am just me!”

“Stop, stop, are you discussing philosophy with me?” Chen Xuan had a headache listening to Luo Hu’s words like tongue twisters, “but I understand what you mean.”

“What you meant was that you divided the existence of the demon ancestor Luohu into countless parts. Each of these parts is Luohu, but it is an independent existence.”

“Smart, talking to smart people saves trouble.”

“It’s very simple. If you don’t turn every part into an independent existence, you will never survive the penalty of heaven.”

Chen Xuan thought about it, and there is only this one possibility: “In this way, although the strength of each individual has become very weak, it has changed from one core to N core.”

“At least survivability is much stronger.”

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