Chapter 193

The Heavenly Dao person shook his head: “It’s not that I can’t believe the second brother, but this matter is definitely not that simple.”

“Think about how powerful Zuan Daoist is. If the gifts we bring make him happy, and if we give us a finger, wouldn’t our elder brothers be able to make progress?”

“I understand what you mean by the third brother, but I am asking you a question.”

“Second brother, please.”

“What do you think of the character of that Zuan Daoist?”

“Why did you ask this question?” The Heavenly Dao person was taken aback, but he still thought about it for a while. “As far as I can see, Zuan Daoist has a very straightforward character and doesn’t like to bend around. I said Is it right?”

“Yes, third brother, you are right. That’s why I made this judgment.” Yuan Shi said categorically, “If Zuan Daoist wants a gift, you can just say it. It’s not a big deal. Why is it necessary to hide it?”

“How can a person of Zuan Daoist’s status be inconsistent and contradictory?”

Yuan Shi had a good lesson for Tongtian, the expression on his face was thoughtful, and it took a long time before he arched his cupped hands: “Second brother is still thoughtful, I have been taught.”

“In this case, let’s follow the second brother’s idea and go with sincerity.”

Yuan Shi looked at Tong Tian and nodded, but in his heart he secretly said: I’m sorry, my third brother, because I lied to you when I was the Big Brother. It’s just that I have to be canonized first, so I can only wrong you temporarily.

When I succeed in canonization, I will definitely support you, so don’t worry.

At this time, Laojun Taishang suddenly interjected: “If this is the case, then we are settled, without gifts, just with a sincere heart.”

“This is natural!”

“This is natural!”

Sanqing glanced at each other and all smiled.


In the Zixiao Palace, Haotian was staring dumbfounded as his master was rummaging through boxes and cabinets there.

“Master, what are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m looking for a few gifts, which will be used as gifts in time.”

“But I understood just now. Didn’t Zuan Daoist say that you are not allowed to bring gifts? Then, what are you doing with gifts?”

“You don’t understand this. Although Zuan Daoist said so, he may not think so in his heart.” Hongjun found out something and threw it aside, thinking it was inappropriate, and continued to look for it, “No matter what he is doing. I think, this gift must be prepared.”

Hongjun is also a little worried, what kind of gift should he prepare?

Since Chen Xuan said that it was his five daughters celebrating their birthdays together, he had to prepare five gifts.

And the value of this gift must be equal. Don’t favor one or the other, or the gift is not a gift, but a suspicion of instigating discord.

After searching for a long time, Hongjun found a suitable gift as a gift.

Five shining little swords-these were made by him when he was idle before.

Xiantian Magic Treasures can’t be achieved naturally, but compared to ordinary Houtian Magic Treasures, it is also much stronger, so it is very suitable as a gift.”Haotian, Yaochi.”

“The disciple is here.”

“Get ready, let’s set off now and rush to the Wa Palace.”

“Master, shall we go now?” Haotian’s problem has committed again, “Didn’t Zuan Daoist say that the birthday party will be held after March? In your capacity, it should be the last one.”

“Hey, you…” Hongjun almost didn’t get puffed to death by the own boy. After taking a few breaths, he kept telling himself that this was what he ordered before he continued, “Forget it, you still don’t know. , Even the master has no identity in front of that Zuan Daoist.”

“We’d better arrive earlier, otherwise, if it arouses his unhappiness, it’s just asking for trouble.”

“Right, Haotian.”


“You don’t need to go anymore. You will be guarding the Purple Cloud Palace well, and you will just wait for us to come back.”


At this time, the Wa Palace was also very busy. The Sanxiao sisters and others were busy going round and round, and even Nuwa took five little girls to set it up with great interest.

However, Chen Xuan unexpectedly went idle–no way, his aesthetics was really very different from these people.

After gesticulating for a long time, but Nuwa vetoed all the results, Chen Xuan was decisively deprived of the right to work.

He can only wander around like a landlord veteran.

At this moment, Bi Xiao suddenly brought a piece of news, and Styx asked to see him.


Before entering the living room, Chen Xuan suddenly smelled a smell that he didn’t know what words to describe.

“Hey, isn’t someone cooking shit?” Chen Xuan immediately covered his nose, and then hurriedly called out a breeze to blow away the spleen and lungs, “It’s terrifying!”

He is okay, but the little Phoenix sitting on his shoulders has been so confused, his eyes are a bit straight.

Chen Xuan quickly checked the little girl’s condition and found that she had only been smoked, and there was nothing serious about it, so he was relieved.

Before he could speak, Nuwa frowned behind him and let out a low voice, “Who is it that dares to come to my Immortal Cave to put poison?”

Chen Xuan said in his heart: It shouldn’t be poisoning, I can probably guess who did it.

Sure enough, a green figure flickered in front of her eyes, and a chicken nest-style wild hair style Styx had already jumped out, hugged Chen Xuan’s thigh and screamed: “My dear man, my dear man! I miss you so much, I am I really want to kill you! Uuuuu…”

When Styx rushed over like this, the smell of the weasel stewed skunk suddenly increased several times, and even with Chen Xuan’s ability, he was almost blown upside down.

He quickly handed the little Phoenix to Nuwa to take care of him, then took out the golden hoop, and shouted angrily: “Stay away from me!”

With that said, Chen Xuan picked up Styx’s collar with a golden hoop and flew out.

After flying out of Immortal Cave and coming to a small river, Chen Xuan threw Styx into the water: “No matter what you want to say to me, wash your body clean first!”

Styx was very happy to see Chen Xuan, but he did not expect to be treated like this, which made him very unhappy: “Blessed man, why are you like those laymen? What you said is just a trivial matter. Your wisdom, you shouldn’t be so!”

“I’m special to let you minutiae, I’m special to make you a layman!” Chen Xuan pinched his nose, kicked Styx again, “You can’t come up unless you clean it!”

Seeing Chen Xuan’s remarks, Styx knew that he would not be able to escape today’s level anyway, so he had to admit his fate.

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