Chapter 190

Hearing Chen Xuan’s words, Nuwa was silent for a while before slowly saying: “I think Dao Ancestor was to spread the Dao, so that all living beings have a chance to enlighten Dao.”

“Why, do you think what I said is wrong?”

“Of course it’s not right. If your answer is right, then there won’t be so many things happening in this predicament.” Chen Xuan rolled his eyes and looked at Nuwa like a fool. “Do you really think , Would anyone be so great?”

“Cut, I just said it casually.” Nuwa was not surprised at all, “I am not a three-year-old kid anymore.”

Chen Xuan’s face showed the same smile as a child: “Of course, you are certainly not a three-year-old child, you are already four years old this year.”

“Bah, don’t speak well, beg!” Nuwa groaned, “I know what you want to say, Daozu just wants to use the opportunity of preaching to get enough merit.”

“Bingo! You are right, it is merit!” Chen Xuan snapped his fingers, “Gouzi, you’ve grown up…ah!”

One bite of his hand touching his hair, Nuwa’s eyes fired until Chen Xuan begged for mercy and finally let him go.

“Okay, okay. Let’s stop making trouble!” Chen Xuan sucked in the air-conditioning while rubbing the back of his hand covered with tooth marks. In this way he can truly accomplish his own mission.”

“Teacher, he has not completed his own mission to truly complete his own mission?” Nuwa was surprised, “Teacher, isn’t he already Sage at this time?”

“Of course not yet. Although the old thief Hongjun is Sage who has killed the three corpses, he still needs the merits gained from preaching to make the final step.”

After listening to Chen Xuan’s explanation, Nuwa understood. She suddenly remembered a question: “I remember you told me last time, don’t be holy?”

“Yes, that’s how I told you.” Chen Xuan nodded, “Because I don’t want you to become that kind of emotionless machine.”

Seeing that Nuwa was still talking, Chen Xuan put a finger on her cherry lips: “Do you believe me?”

“…” Nuwa was silent. She had never seen this “rogue” so solemnly, “Believe.”

“Then listen to me, don’t be holy, at least don’t take that step until I am strong enough.”

Chen Xuan knew what happened in the original prehistoric mythology after Nuwa was fabricating people and gained enough merit to be canonized.

Although she is noble to be the mother of the human race, one of the seven sages, but after that, the luck of the human race was taken away by the Supreme Master.

And it’s not over yet, the human race she squeezed out by herself is treated like food and slaves by her own clan.

Has Nuwa ever thought of changing all this?

The answer is of course, but although as Sage, Nuwa’s every move must comply with Heavenly Dao’s regulations.

Although it is often said: Under Sage, all are ants. But in front of Heavenly Dao, Sage is just a pawn.

Heavenly Dao doesn’t allow Nuwa to do anything, so she can only stare at her own child being bullied by her fellow clan.

If Nuwa is really desperate to shoot, I’m sorry, what awaits her is perish.

Chen Xuan looked into Nuwa’s eyes with an extremely serious expression: “I will never do anything against you.”

“Well, I believe you!” Nuwa nodded heavily-although there are so many bad things about this perverted and stinky rascal, she still treats herself sincerely.Chen Xuan smiled happily and took her into his arms, only feeling the warm fragrant nephrite, and the faint fragrance of Nuwa’s body filled his nose.

Looking down, she only felt that the girl in front of her was very charming and her lips were full of temptation.

Nuwa’s face was covered with blush, she watched Chen Xuan staring at herself intently, and a pair of green light appeared in her eyes.

What does he want to do with this dead pervert?

Is he going to…

Although the two have been on the first line of the marriage book, they can be called a pair of gods dao companion in the eyes of others, but…

But after all, I haven’t gotten married yet, how can I do such a thing?

If this pervert dared to kiss himself, if he dared to kiss, after he finished kissing, I would not spare him!

Chen Xuan didn’t know that just for a while, Nuwa had already filled so many things in his mind, and at this time, only a little pink was left in his eyes.

Damn it, daddy can’t help it!

No matter what, even if it’s after the kiss, he will summon God’s punishment. Daddy can’t control that much anymore!

Chen Xuan swallowed his heart, closed his eyes and kissed him.

Nuwa had already closed her eyes, she didn’t dare to look at him, her whole body was trembling slightly.

Just as the two were about to kiss, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open, and Bi Xiao rushed in irritably, and yelled as soon as he came in:

“Chen Dage, Chen Dage…Oh my god, I didn’t see anything!”

It was not only Bi Xiao who broke in with her, but also Xiao Huang Yao who was sitting on her head.

Little Phoenix was also covering his eyes with his hands at this time, and didn’t dare to watch this shameful scene, but the gap between the little girl’s fingers was a little bigger.

As if a loving young couple were discovered by their children, Chen Xuan and Nuwa hurriedly separated and sat back in their own position.

“What the hell is going on, frizzy, without any courtesy!” Chen Xuan, who has always been cheeky, couldn’t help getting ashamed, staring at this girl, “I’m discussing the avenue with your master, you just go through it like this. Come in, is there too little homework?”

Nuwa is also like a child who is being hit by a bad thing, with a blushing face: “Don’t say more, the future homework will be tripled. If it can’t be done, then don’t blame the master!”

Bi Xiao: “…”

“Go ahead, what’s the matter?”

“Oh, Chen Dage, it’s Huang Yao’s birthday. I will take her to ask how you are going to celebrate the little guy’s birthday.”

Chen Xuan was taken aback: Little Phoenix Huang Yao is already ten years old, why do you think she is still the little guy who likes to roll in her palms and sit on her head to watch the excitement?

Well, it’s not different. For the Phoenix family, ten years is like a blink of an eye and it doesn’t matter at all.

Chen Xuan waved, and little Phoenix flew into the palm of his hand: “Daddy’s darling, how do you want to celebrate this birthday?”

The little guy lay down in his hand, fingers against his small chin and thought for a while: “I want my father, mother and aunt to accompany me on my birthday!”

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