Chapter 179

“Reward and punishment on behalf of the heavens is indeed the ability of Heavenly Dao. It represents Heavenly Dao’s continuity. Naturally, no one can resist.” Hongjun said slowly, with a serious expression, “But if someone can have the strength far beyond others. , Maybe it can be blocked, right?”

“This Luohu originally possessed the strength of the Quasi-Sage Realm. At this time, he swallowed the nine sons of the demonized Ancestral Dragon, and his strength has reached the peak of Quasi-Sage-even surpassed it.”

“If he can really stop God’s punishment, hey…”

When Hongjun said this, he shook his head slightly: “It’s a pity that the strength of the old way has not been fully restored, otherwise, if you join forces with Zuan senior, you can at least have a little more chance of winning.”

“Teacher, why do you value him so much?” Nuwa was a little surprised. This question has troubled her for a long time. “You have been canonized. Even if your strength has not fully recovered, you shouldn’t treat him so politely?”

Hongjun pouted, I wanted to tell you, but since Zuan Daoist didn’t say anything by himself, I’d better not talk too much.

“Well, you will understand later. Telling you now is not a good thing.”

Seeing that Hongjun said nothing, Nuwa was reluctant to tell herself, so she had no choice but to stop asking questions.

At this moment, Chen Xuan and Luo Hui changed again.

At this time, Luo Hui’s body suddenly became a little fuzzy, and at the same time, a mixed red and black light shot from above his head and went straight to the dark clouds that filled the entire sky.

The dark cloud cloud group was almost blown away by this light, and the red and black light has a tendency to expand continuously-both Nuwa and Hongjun understand that if this cloud group is really blown away, it would be equivalent to Chen Xuan’s generation. Heaven rewards and punishment fails.

At that time, he might really be unable to resist Luo Hu.

“Deadly perverted, you have to be careful!” Nuwa felt his own heart was about to jump out, and couldn’t help but yelled at Chen Xuan, “Don’t lose, or I will, or I will…”

She even said it several times, but she didn’t know what to say.

Then Nuwa saw Chen Xuan in mid-air suddenly turning back into a human form, and turned his head and smiled at her: “Don’t worry, look at me! I’ll squeeze this Luohuo round and flatten it for you to kick it. !”

After speaking, Chen Xuan turned his head and looked at Luo Hui: “Okay, I’m tired of playing too. It’s time to end this farce and send you on the road!”

Luo Hui laughed loudly when he heard the words: “Zuan Daoist, the rewards and punishments that you lean on as a trick are about to be broken by me, what are you taking to send me on the road?”

“I haven’t seen you in a few days, you still like to talk big. Hahahaha!”

“Luo Hui, I didn’t want to treat you this way, but you’re looking for death twice, so you can’t blame me!”

“Although God has good virtues, even the so-called ruthless Heavenly Dao has left a ray of life for hundreds of millions of living creatures, but you are different.”

“You are the first person to let me give birth to murder. As this, you should still be proud of it!”

“Haha, Zuan Daoist. You still don’t speak big words! What tricks do you have, just use it!”

Chen Xuan smiled at Luo Hu, showing eight teeth: “You are a member of the prehistoric, but you are disrespectful to Heavenly Dao. You act recklessly on weekdays, and the prehistoric creatures who died in your hands do not know where they are.”

“Today, my Zuan Daoist is going to act for the sky, and for the billions of prehistoric creatures to save you this evil!”

“Luo Hui, wait for death!”After speaking, Chen Xuan raised his right hand:

“Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. The lower part is the river and the mountain, and the upper part is the sun.

Huanglu is Qingyi, Hanhe Tuming court. Seeing the poor seasons, one by one will be green. In Qi Taishi Jian, in Jin Donghu pen. ”

As soon as Chen Xuan exited this righteous song, Hong Jun and everyone present – including those low-powered passers-by, A, B, C, D, and Ding saw a white ball floated from Own.

“Fuck, what is this?”

“Why is there something missing from me when Zuan Daoist reads the poem?”

“Fuck, maybe Zuan Daoist can’t beat Luo Hu, should you suck something from us?”

Hongjun only felt a little bit with Yuanshen, and was immediately taken aback.

Because he felt a kind of awe-inspiring righteousness from these white balls.

Immediately, from the dim chaos, countless white balls floated out. These white balls appeared on the creatures in the predicament. They passed through the dangerous chaos unscathed and appeared in the third. Thirteen days away, outside the sky.

More and more white balls are gradually gathered together-the awe-inspiring righteousness extracted from the hundreds of millions of creatures is obviously extremely large, even if not everyone has such intangible and invisible things, but now These are enough.

Countless white balls gathered together, and finally formed a white ball with a diameter of tens of thousands of miles.

This white ball gave everyone present a feeling that as long as one glance at it, they would feel righteous, and there would be no more evil thoughts.


Chen Xuan raised his arms and held the white ball straight into the cloud.

The cloud cluster, which had already shown signs of dissipating, changed again at this time, becoming more solid and thick.

The red and black light shining from Luohu’s body can no longer disturb him any more, it is just like doing useless work.

Suddenly, a god pointed at the top of his head and shouted, “Look, what is that?”

Everyone looked up-they only saw the cloud in the center of Luo Hui’s head tumbling quickly, finally forming the shape of an eye.

These eyes are huge, although they still haven’t opened, they are already exuding terrible pressure that everyone can’t look directly at.

Even Hongjun felt a shudder, showing how powerful this eye is.

Compared with the size of this eye, Luo Hu is like an ant under the feet of an elephant, inconspicuous.

He also realized that the real crisis was coming-this was not the last time he encountered in the Sun Wonderland, but a real despair.

Luo Hui yelled, and the red and black light that was emitted was once again several times stronger. He had gathered all his strength and hit the eyes on the top of his head:

“These are hallucinations, I can’t scare my Demon Zu Luohu!”

This red and black light that was several times stronger hit the eyes of the sky, making them tremble, as if they might disappear at any time.

Luo Hui was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that the own crisis was about to pass, he couldn’t help but laughed: “Zuan Daoist, you just like to play with these vain things. I said long ago, these are hallucinations, for me It doesn’t work at all!”

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