Chapter 177 I’ll Give You A Chance

Yun Xiao was full of admiration: “Chen Dage this strike is really beautiful. It wiped out all the demons in one shot, and not one was left out.”

Qiong Xiao also said: “It’s not just that. When destroying these demons, he can still do not hurt his own people. This is extremely rare.”

“I see, this is not the hardest.” Bi Xiao’s eyes rolled, “It is Chen Dage who is willing to help them. This is the most difficult thing!”

When this girl said this, her eyes kept looking at Sanqing and Zhunti and others.

Several people were very uncomfortable by her, but there was nothing to say, after all, Bi Xiao was telling the truth.

“Sanmei…” Yunxiao was still kind, and quickly stopped, “Why are you always telling the truth?”

Well, she is actually not very kind.

Chen Xuan and Nuwa looked at them: You might as well leave them alone.

“Zuan Daoist, you really didn’t let me down!” Although the demons were completely folded, Luo Hu didn’t look very angry, “These demons really can’t trouble you.”

“Luo Hui, if you have any abilities, just use it.” Chen Xuan retracted the feather fan, still acting like a world-class expert, “It’s all this time, it doesn’t make much sense for you to hide and tuck it, doesn’t it?”

“Well said, I deserve to be my confidant of Luo Hu!” Luo Hu laughed loudly, “In that case, let you see how good I am!”

As he said, he pointed to the nine black dragons pulling the chariot: “Zuan Daoist, do you know these nine black dragons?”

Chen Xuan was taken aback. He just felt that these black dragons were a bit familiar, but he had an idea in his heart, but he didn’t dare to recognize it.

Hearing Luo Hui’s question, Chen Xuan hesitated and said, “I look at them, they seem to be the nine sons of Zulong.”

“Impossible, Chen Dage!” Before Luo Hui had spoken, Bi Xiao had already yelled, “Didn’t you have skinned and cramped all the nine sons of Ancestral Dragon and buried their keel in the ground? Even their souls are scattered in the heaven and earth. Time?”

“Haha, you guessed it right! These are the nine trash sons of Zu Long!”

The nine black dragons just drove the car and stayed quietly, as if they hadn’t heard anything from Chen Xuan and Luo Hui.

“It seems that you are going to test me again, right?” Chen Xuan smiled, as if not surprised at all, “You should have used some method to give them a little bit of scattered spirits. After collecting them, they dug their keel from the ground, and then they have this black Nine Dragons Agarwood, right?”

“It is said that your Zuan Daoist is the first wise man in the wild, and it is true.” Luohu clapped his hands gently, “but there is one more thing you can’t guess.”

“Although the primordial spirits of the nine sons of Ancestral Dragon have been collected by me, I only retain their hatred for you, and I have erased everything else!”

“Although they have lost most of their spiritual wisdom, after being strengthened by my power, each of them possesses power that is no less than that of the ancestral dragon before!”

“Now, I want you to have a taste, they are amazing!”

As he said, Luo Hui waved his hand abruptly, and the nine black dragons opened their mouths together as if they had been ordered, and uttered a silent roar.

Nine black lights spouted from their mouths and gathered together in mid-air, forming a black screen like night, pressing against everyone present.

The gods who had just fought hard with the devil were still in shock at this time, and now they saw such a dark scene pressing over, and they all felt despair in their hearts.

“Good job!”

Chen Xuan yelled, and then opened his mouth as well, and an incandescent flame spurted out. This was the real fire of Yuanfeng’s Xiantian Phoenix, which had collided with the shady scene.

Seeing the black curtain collided with the flames, there was a sizzling sound, and the black curtain, like Mount Tai’s topping, was suddenly stagnant and could not fall down again.It’s just a stalemate together, hovering in mid-air, not going up and down.

“Why doesn’t the master use those five-color divine light and supernatural powers?” Hong Yun said with some doubts. “According to the master, his old man said, that is a supernatural power that no one can use.”

“It’s useless.” Nuwa looked up at the shady scene with a solemn expression, “This black light is not in Five Elements, and even the five-color divine light can’t do anything.”

“Yes, Hong Yun has been taught.”

“Master, should we help Chen Dage?”

Seeing the shady flames lingering, Bi Xiao was a little worried about Chen Xuan, so she couldn’t help but ask.

Nuwa looked at it and shook his head: “No, I believe him, he will be fine!”

Hongyun and Sanxiao immediately lifted their spirits when they heard this: they are worthy of being the master (Nuwa empress), and they really know Chen Dage (master)!

Then they heard Nuwa continue to say: “The dead pervert often said one thing, “Good people don’t live long, they can live for thousands of years!”

“Judging from the extent of his sore sores on the top of his head and pus on the soles of his feet, even if the Hongmeng is destroyed, there will be nothing wrong with this pervert.”

Hongyun listened to cold sweats: How do I feel that this is not like complimenting?

Your old man really loves the master…

At this moment, the stalemate between the flames and the shady scene was broken: Chen Xuan took a deep breath, his eyes firmer, and a more powerful mouthful of real fire from the Xiantian Phoenix spewed out, and the shady scene was immediately burned. Without a trace.

“Zu’an Daoist’s supernatural power is invincible!”

“Zuan Daoist, you are my idol!”

“Zuan Daoist, I want to give you a monkey!”


Everyone cheered, even Hong Yun and San Xiao showed a smile on their faces, but Nuwa’s expression became more solemn.

“Master, what’s the matter with you? Didn’t Chen Dage win this trick?”

“What do you know?” Nuwa glanced at Bi Xiao, “Then Luohu didn’t take any action personally, but this pervert has already been a bit difficult.”

“If he doesn’t have any back then…”

Nuwa did not continue, but everyone felt a little crisis.

“Zuan Daoist, are you just so capable?” Luo Hui looked at Chen Xuan and suddenly laughed, “You can’t even beat the one who drove me, why are you regressing to such a level?”

Chen Xuan’s face was a little pale, and there was sweat stains on his forehead: “Huh, can you control it? My uncle is here these few days, and I feel unwell!”

Luo Hui: “…”

Nuwa: “…”

other people:”……”

What the hell is this, what the hell is the big uncle here?

Luo Hu was choked for a while, and then he woke up: “Haha, Zuan Daoist, you also used the means of delaying time, do you want to take advantage of this effort to regain your breath?”

“I won’t give you such a chance!”

After finishing speaking, Luo Hu waved his hand again, and the nine black dragons sprayed out a more solid black light than the one just now, as if they had become a real object, and went straight to Chen Xuan.

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