Chapter 169 Strange Magic Treasures

The square is extremely spacious, and you can hardly see the head at a glance. There are twenty-four huge pillars near the gate of the palace, corresponding to the twenty-four solar terms; and the bricks on the ground are all forged by Hongjun himself, a total of three hundred. Sixty-five yuan, exactly the number of Universe stars.

“Zuan fellow daoist, please take a seat.” Hongjun led Chen Xuan to a high platform at the gate of the palace and said, pointing to the highest seat.

“Let me sit here, how can this work?” Chen Xuan looked at the seat, which should be the place Hongjun was going to use for preaching, “No way, this is your seat, Dao Zu, how can I sit?”

“Don’t be polite to fellow daoist, this seat is yours!” Hongjun waved his hand again and again, with a sincere attitude, “If fellow daoist doesn’t sit, then no one dares to sit.”

When Chen Xuan looked at him, he couldn’t help being a little surprised: What on earth is this old man being so polite to me? Is he asking me for something?

He thinks this way, but I don’t know that Hongjun also feels a little depressed. You said that I am a Sage directly under Heavenly Dao preaching, and you are Heavenly Dao clone to join in the fun.

Could it be that it is here to check the post to see if I can preach a good sermon?

Hongjun already had an idea in his heart: Since you Heavenly Dao can send a clone to investigate the post, then I will simply let you preach in person. Isn’t that all right?

It happens to be able to get closer to the experience of Heavenly Dao, this is simply killing two birds with one stone!

Thinking about it, Hongjun almost laughed out loud, and by the way gave Own wit thirty-two likes.

At this time, the boy Haotian behind Hongjun suddenly spoke with disdain: “Huh, I don’t know where the scammer came from, but he actually lied to the master. Not only did we wait for so many days for no reason, now we come here. I still have to grab the position of the master.”

Before Chen Xuan could say anything, Hongjun sighed, his face turned pale as paper, and he hurriedly shouted: “Bold Haotian, I dare to be rude to Zuan’s fellow daoist. Don’t hurry down and kneel and confess his mistake to the fellow daoist. ?”

This Haotian was transformed by a stone in the chaos, that is to say, his mind is full of stones, and there is nothing else.

He didn’t think there was anything, but it scared Hongjun enough. This remark also meant to cover up for Haotian-after all, he had served himself for many years, so he still had to help.

Chen Xuan didn’t have any thoughts, but thought that this was another bear kid, so he didn’t bother to care about him at all: “It’s okay, it’s okay. This is originally the place where you should sit, I’d better sit here.”

As he said, his hand raised, a brilliance flashed, and a unique style car appeared in front of everyone.

The style of this car is very weird. Everyone has never seen it before. It only has two wheels and two small wheels on the front and rear, which seem to be used as an aid to maintain balance.

Looking at the car, the whole body is shining with rays of light, it is obviously made of extremely rare materials.

Based on Hongjun’s knowledge, he could only recognize a few materials such as star gold stone, true sun gold, and copper from the first mountain. As for the others, he couldn’t recognize it at all.

Chen Xuan sat down on the car, and didn’t know where to pull out a feather fan, and gently fanned it: “I’ll just sit on this one, Daozu, please be welcome.”

Everyone looked at the car, tut-telling, and talking a lot.

But no matter how they guessed, they couldn’t think of the origin of this car.Chen Xuan looked at them bulging their cheeks and gnashing their teeth. He knew what these people were thinking: Hey, even if you were tired and vomiting blood, you would never guess what it was.

This is the sign-in system just gave Own a reward, and there is only one in the entire prehistoric—a wheelchair!

When he learned that the system rewarded him with a wheelchair, Chen Xuan originally refused—I am not disabled. I have hands and feet. Why do I want a wheelchair?

But after listening to the introduction of the system, Chen Xuan changed his mind.

The whole body of this wheelchair is made of dozens of rare materials, such as star gold stone, real gold of the sun, and copper of the first mountain.

Moreover, this wheelchair travels extremely fast. The various means of transportation in the prehistoric civilization, Magic Treasures, such as Tai Chi Tu, Qiankun Tu and even Nine Dragons Agarwood, look like a tortoise in front of this wheelchair.

Not only that, the shape of this wheelchair is extremely magnificent, and people will know that it is an extremely powerful Magic Treasures at first sight, and no one will think of its true use in the past life.

Chen Xuan thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing left.

Isn’t it just a wheelchair? The big deal. Daddy is used as a means of transportation. According to the system, the wheelchair does not need to be manipulated at all. As long as you think about it, the wheelchair will move automatically, which is very considerate.

Sure enough, sitting in the wheelchair, Chen Xuan felt very comfortable, without any discomfort.

“Well, not bad!” Chen Xuan nodded. Although it is only a wheelchair, it is quite practical. When you fight with people in the future, you can sit in the wheelchair and use the feather fan.

Think about it, it’s really a bit of Zhuge Wuhou’s demeanor.

At this time, Hongjun saw that Chen Xuan didn’t care about Haotian’s rudeness just now, and he let out a sigh of relief.

He took Haotian aside, and said in a severe tone: “Idiot, idiot! How many heads do you have, dare to say such things to that person?”

“Don’t talk about you, even if I saw the man, I must be respectful and courteous. That is to say, there are a lot of people and I don’t want to care about you. Otherwise, even the lord, I can’t keep you small Life.”

“Huh, I also blame me for being too spoiled for you and Yaochi so that you have developed such a defiant temperament. I will be cultivation in the Zixiao Palace in the future, and I shall not go out! If there is another time, sir, I I will not be merciless!”

“do you understand?”

I’ve never seen Hongjun’s tone so severe that he scared Haotian, who had only one tendon, to death, and quickly nodded and said yes.

Although Chen Xuan was in a wheelchair, Hongjun still did not dare to follow his instructions to sit on the sermon futon at the highest point: the boss was polite and polite to you, but if you take it seriously, then you really don’t want to. You’re welcome.

At that time, it won’t help to make up for it.

Hongjun was very conscious and put the futon in a lower position: he would never dare to sit on top of Chen Xuan.

Nuwa was a little surprised. She couldn’t guess why the canonized Dao ancestor would be so polite to this pervert: Does this pervert have other identities that have been concealing herself and not letting herself know?

And this identity is absolutely surprisingly high, so high that Dao Zu Hongjun has to call himself Junior, not even sitting in his upper capital.

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