Chapter 165

Chen Xuan and Hong Yun stared at them with big eyes, and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

The atmosphere is dull, and the two are embarrassed.

At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly remembered something and patted his thigh: “It’s over!”

“Teacher, what’s the matter?” Hong Yun was taken aback, thinking that another enemy appeared. “But there are still enemies? Let’s see the disciples share the worries for the teacher.”

“Oh, it’s not this.” Chen Xuan was quite annoyed, “I just remembered that Dao Ancestor preached in Zixiao Palace, the two of us might be late already!”

Hong Yun could hardly remember what he was going out for this time.

“What can I do, teacher?” He was anxious all of a sudden, “I’m afraid Dao Ancestor preaching is over now, right?”

“Probably not, I was only two days late.” Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, “We will rush to the Purple Cloud Palace now.”

“However, the Purple Heaven Palace is located 33 days away in Tianwaitian. Not only is the environment bad, ordinary people will be crushed as long as they get close, and the journey is far away!”

“Don’t worry about this, I have a way!”

Chen Xuan murmured, and when he shook his body, Yuanfeng’s true body appeared: “I’ll take you there. If this is the case, I will be there in less than a day.”

Hong Yun looked at the huge Phoenix that was more than a thousand pieces long in front of him, as well as the surging aura, and he couldn’t even speak for a while.

“What are you waiting for, don’t you want me to leave you behind and can’t walk by myself?” Chen Xuan couldn’t help getting angry when he saw Hongyun still wandering. ”

“No, teacher.” Hong Yun swallowed, and said with some difficulty, “It’s just that the disciple thinks that sitting on your back is a bit too rude.”

“If you are in a hurry, don’t think about these useless ones at this time. The big deal is that you will let the master ride once in the future.”

Hong Yun scratched his head, always feeling that there was something wrong with what he said, but it was indeed as Chen Xuan said, he had to act in a hurry and didn’t have time to think so much.

“Then the disciple is offended.” Hong Yun gritted his teeth and jumped onto Phoenix’s back. “Teacher, the disciple is ready.”

“Then leave you!”

With a call from Phoenix, his wings flicked, and it rushed into the sky like lightning.

At this time in the Zixiao Palace, Hongjun waited for Chen Xuan not to come, and waited for Chen Xuan not to come, waiting for him to pace back and forth in the Great Hall, anxious.

Standing aside, Haotian asked curiously: “Master, what’s wrong with you?”

Since following Hongjun, Haotian had never seen him act so impatiently.

Could it be that the master is not suffering from hemorrhoids?

At this moment, when Haotian saw Hongjun standing still suddenly, he muttered to himself: “No, it’s no way to wait like this. Haotian, Yaochi.”

Boy Haotian, virgin Yaochi glanced at each other, bowed together and replied: “The disciple is here, please let the master give orders.”

“You two, come with me to meet a distinguished guest.”Before Haotian and Yaochi could answer, Hongjun took out the Magic Treasures Tai Chi diagram and threw it in the air.

This Taiji diagram is the supreme heaven-opening holy artifact, possessing the power of calming water, fire and wind, the power of transforming Yin & Yang Five Elements, the power of dividing the Heavenly Dao mystery, and the power of encompassing thousands of elephants.

One of the three most treasures of Xiantian. It is in the color of chaotic Yin & Yang, which fits the image of Dao Wuji.

The Tai Chi picture has thousands of rays of light and thousands of rays in the sun. The “Dao Yanyan” on the outside of the picture surrounds it, and the “Heavenly Dao Fulu” in the picture is looming in it. The five colors of light illuminate the mountains and rivers and the earth, and the nine-color aura stuns the heavens and the world.

Tai Chi Tu is infinite in mystery and good fortune is infinite, which can resolve all attacks and ignore any defenses.

In the Tai Chi exhibition, the world moves, the sun and the moon change color, and the power of the supreme treasure is undoubtedly revealed.

Tai Chi diagram first: can be transformed into a white jade golden bridge, connecting Heavenly Dao Shengwei, destroy all invading enemies; second: can turn countless time and space into chaos; third: can surrender countless treasures and weapons.

This Magic Treasures was bestowed by Hongjun in the original mythology, and finally became the supreme Magical Item taught by people.

The Taiji Tu slid around in mid-air, turning into a golden bridge, extending from the outside of Zixiao Palace, and connected to the chaos.

And Hongjun took Haotian and Yaochi, standing on the side of Jinqiao, waiting for the arrival of the “Supreme Being” in his mind.

Taoist ancestor Hongjun is already waiting here, and those immortals who come to listen to the Tao naturally dare not hold big, and stand behind Hongjun in a certain order and wait together.

This wait lasted three days, and the gods who waited were also complaining and talking.

“Who is it that dare to be so big, and Dao Ancestor can also be late for preaching, it’s really damn it!”

“Yes, and Dao Ancestor is still waiting here, which is incredible!”

“I’m going to come and see, who is so bold that allowed Dao Zu to wait here for so long. Could it be someone with three heads and six arms?”

The discussion behind him became louder and louder, and finally even Haotian and Yaochi secretly criticized.

What Hongjun heard was getting more and more impatient. In the end, he couldn’t help it. He shouted: “If you are willing to wait with the old way, just stand here; if you don’t want to wait, just return on your own. The old way will not insist. !”

His words were still very useful, and the discussion disappeared.

After all, these people are here to listen to the sermons. If they really return, wouldn’t they just come here in vain?

No way, just wait, it’s better than being driven away by Dao Zu Hongjun.

Upon seeing this, Hongjun’s anger was slightly weakened by three points, and then he nodded slightly to the people in the first row behind him, expressing his approval.

There are few people in this row, with only Nuwa, Tianzun Yuanshi of the Three Qing Dynasty, Taishang Laojun, Heavenly Dao people, the guide and Zhunti from the Western religion, and a strange man.

The strange man stood by Nuwa’s side and looked at the appearance of the two of them. They were definitely very familiar.

At this moment, a Phoenix scream came from the dim chaos-this name is very penetrating, and it can be transmitted to this place through the chaos full of Xiantian Five Elements aura. Thirty-three days away, in the Tianwaitian Zixiao Palace.

Before everyone was amazed, a red light suddenly lit up in the chaos, and then a suffocating Phoenix appeared on the edge of the golden bridge.

Although there was no trace of Phoenix in the predicament at this time, I had seen it many times before.

But everyone has never seen such a huge and powerful Phoenix.

Every feather of this Phoenix is ​​full of power, and the ubiquitous sense of oppression makes people almost involuntarily want to kneel down and worship.

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