Chapter 156

Just when Chen Xuan was about to change his body shape to reveal Yuanfeng’s true body, he suddenly heard a voice: “This fellow daoist, why is he angry?”

“Huh? Who is talking?” Chen Xuan looked left and right, except for a few clouds, no one was seen at all, “Who is it, don’t hide, come out!”

Shouldn’t you encounter unexpected things again, but don’t delay your own time.

“Pan Dao didn’t hide, Pang Dao is here!” The voice continued to sound, and then under Chen Xuan’s gaze, a cloud not far away slowly changed its shape, a Daoist who looked a little silly. Appeared in front of him, “Poor Dao Hongyun, I have seen a fellow daoist.”

“Pan Dao is the first red cloud in the world to gain Dao. I am so lucky to see fellow daoist today!”

Hao guy, it turns out that this Daoist is Hongyun Daoist, the legendary No. 1 Honest Man… No, it should be said that he is the No. 1 hapless person.

Why should I say that Hongyun is the first unlucky person, because he is very honest, and his ears are soft, and he obeyed the two old glass provocations of Western religion, and gave up the futon that originally belonged to the own sanctuary to Zhunti.

But if it’s just like this, it’s all right, but Kunpeng, who was involved, has also lost the holy seat futon-Chen Xuan knows the descendant of own very well.

Kunpeng usually wants to cause trouble when he has nothing to do. What’s more, Hongyun is sorry for him this time, and even hates him.

In the original history, after Hongjun from Zixiao Palace finished his preaching, Kunpeng stayed on Hongyun’s way home, and then attacked Hongyun seriously.

That Kunpeng is so powerful, even though Hong Yun is not an ordinary person, he was still destroyed in his body, leaving only the original spirit, and escaped into the Nine-Nine San Po Calabash, and barely escaped from birth.

What’s worse, the destruction of the body is not complete–Hong Yun wants to continue cultivation and start from scratch, just because he has lost his body, it is very difficult to gain the Tao with only the original spirit.

So he made a dangerous move and wanted to invest in Six Paths of Reincarnation. After he obtained the body, he would cultivate again.

What I never expected was that this time Hongyun met Styx, the primordial spirit was broken up by the two companion Magic Treasures of Styx, Yuantu Abi, and finally only a strand of primordial spirit managed to escape and entered Six Paths of Reincarnation.

After several reincarnations of this primordial soul, he eventually became the Yandi, one of the three emperors and five emperors of the human race…

But this is something to do.

Chen Xuan looked at Hongyun up and down for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion:

Hey, looking at this hapless guy’s silly look, it’s normal to be cheated by someone.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was just staring at herself, Hong Yun couldn’t help but look at herself: “I don’t know why fellow daoist is looking at me like this. Is there something dirty on my face?”

“Oh, it’s nothing, I just remembered something suddenly, I feel a little bit emotional.” Chen Xuan said in his mouth, but in his heart was thinking about whether to save this Hongyun once, “Hongyun fellow daoist, may I ask you where are you going? ?”

In fact, Hong Yun didn’t say anything, Chen Xuan also knew that he was going to the Zixiao Palace to listen, but it would be better to ask.

“Oh, this fellow daoist doesn’t hide it. I have been in the Dao for a long time, but recently, Cultivation Base has made no progress, just in time for Dao Ancestor to preach in the Zixiao Palace, so I want to listen to the Dao and clarify the confusion.” He is a naive person, he can say whatever he thinks in his heart, and he has no defensive heart. “Oh, yes, I don’t know the fellow daoist Dao name yet, can you tell me?”

“At Xia Zuan Daoist, I wonder if Hongyun fellow daoist has ever heard of it.” Chen Xuan politely said.

He only helped Nuwa win the position of the demon leader, and defeated the ancestral dragon earlier, this Hongyun should have known it.At that time, Hong Yun would definitely pay his respects, so he took this opportunity to persuade him not to give up the saintly futon.

Plan to pass!

What Chen Xuan did not expect was that Hong Yun thought for a while, and then shook his head apologetically: “I’m really sorry, Hong Yun has been idle for too long, and I haven’t heard the fellow daoist name. Please forgive me.”

Chen Xuan: “…”

I’m so famous, you have never heard of it, are you the legendary otaku?

Hong Yun was a little embarrassed by Chen Xuan, and after thinking about it, he said, “I haven’t consulted yet, fellow daoist, where is this going?”

“That Dao ancestor preaching is an unprecedented event in the prehistoric times, don’t fellow daoist go and see it?”

Chen Xuan sighed: “It’s not that I don’t want to go, it’s just that I’m entangled in things, I don’t want to separate myself. I want the giant elephant department in the former far north before I can rush to Zixiao Palace to watch the excitement… listen.”

“Oh? The poor Dao of the giant elephant department has heard about it. It is said that capable people in the tribe are born in large numbers. It is the northern land tyrant. I don’t know what the fellow daoist is going to do to the giant elephant department?” Hong Yun’s curiosity was aroused and asked. Said, “Pan Dao once heard that the giant elephant department is rebellious and very difficult to deal with.”

“Oh, no wonder. I was ordered by the demon leader to destroy the giant elephant department that raised the flag to rebel!”

Hongyun: “…”

It seems to be very powerful, but it has nothing to do with me. Daozu’s preaching is already imminent, and he has slipped away.

Thinking of this, Hong Yun gave a salute: “Since the fellow daoist is in a hurry, the poor way will not delay the fellow daoist’s time, so don’t live it!”

With that said, Hong Yun turned around and was about to leave.

Chen Xuan was moved in his heart at this time, because he had already thought of how to save Hongyun.

I can take him to the Giant Elephant Department together, and then rush to Zixiao Palace, so that Tie Hanhan can miss the futon distribution?

Anyway, the Hongyun in the ancient history did not have the saint futon, even if he missed the saint futon, it would not be a pity that he did not have to offend Kunpeng.

Simply perfect!

Chen Xuan gave himself a thumbs up: It is estimated that only he can come up with such a reasonable and foolproof method.

Seeing Hongyun turning around and about to leave, Chen Xuan shouted to him: “Hongyun fellow daoist, please stay.”

Hong Yun was already ready to transform. Hearing Chen Xuan calling him behind his back, he couldn’t help but subconsciously turned his head and asked, “I don’t know if Zuan Daoist shouted at the poor Dao, is there any order?”

Chen Xuan smiled and said, “I don’t dare to be commanded. I just hope Hongyun fellow daoist can get his head together. I have a big baby to show you.”

As he spoke, the sand between his fingers quickly deformed and finally turned into a powerful treasure.

Hong Yun was a little worried that he would be late, but the honest and honest he didn’t think too much, and he would leave after a quick glance. Anyway, he couldn’t waste time. It was too late to listen to Daozu’s preaching.

“I don’t know what treasure the fellow daoist got. That poor Dao will be an eye-opener.”

Without knowing it, Hong Yun leaned forward, wanting to see what the treasure Chen Xuan was talking about was.

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