Chapter 154

Hearing Chen Xuan’s words like this, Nuwa looked at him angrily, his small mouth pouted, and his nose made a “humming” sound involuntarily.

Chen Xuan looked very funny. Sometimes this crazy woman still looks cute.

“Are you really reluctant to be married?” Nuwa twisted her clothes corners with her hands and tears in her eyes. “Are you sure?”

Chen Xuan: “…”

“Don’t use this kind of tears to attack, okay? How can I say it’s a dignified man.” Chen Xuan was a little mad. This crazy woman and violent woman suddenly changed his style, which made him very unaccustomed. If you do, you will insult your ancestors! You will be pricked in the backbone!”

“Insult your ancestor?” Nuwa bit her finger and thought for a while, “Where is your ancestor?”

Chen Xuan: “…”

His mother, forget that many gods in this predicament are born by nature, even without parents, they can still be born.

This excuse can’t be used anymore, Chen Xuan’s mind is spinning rapidly, trying to find a suitable reason.

Nuwa suddenly stood up, turned his head and walked out: “Hmph, I know, you say you like me and want to be with me, you are lying to me! You scumbag!”

“Hey, don’t use words indiscriminately, okay? I shouldn’t tell you those stories.”

“Then what do you think?”

“Of course you can get married, but I will never get married!” Master Chen stood up, his hands on his hips, majestic, “If you want to get married, you will also get married!”

“I also said that I am not a scumbag, and I always give up!”

“Fuck…you are too shameless, right?” Chen Xuan was shocked, “Why did I give up in chaos?”

“Hmph, you made me like this, and then just let it go. Isn’t this what is the beginning of chaos and the end of abandonment?”

“As a result, I became the leader of the monster race, and there are so many things for no reason…”

“Can you blame me? Isn’t you crying and crying to be the leader?”

“I do not blame you……”

“now it’s right!”

“Who can I blame?”

Chen Xuan: “…”

“Okay, okay!” Raising his hands and surrendering, Chen Xuan surrendered, “You are reasonable, and you should not be called Nuwa in the future. Change your name to Chang Youli!”

“I will ask you one last time, are you willing to become a parent?”

“I will say it one last time, absolutely not!”

Nuwa was furious: “Go and die!”

Just as the two of them were fighting cock-fighting, with their big and small eyes, a powerful momentum suddenly fell from the sky, and then a voice rang in Chen Xuan and Nuwa’s ears: “I am the ancestor Hongjun. , Achieve the Sage status! And it is scheduled to preach in the Purple Heaven Palace in Tianwaitian after three days. If you want to hear the preaching, you can come and listen to the preaching!”

This momentum is endless and endless, making everyone involuntarily produce an impulse to bow down to the ground——

The majesty that Sage descended when he was sanctified was very powerful, and it could be said that it was irresistible, because it was declaring his own majesty to all the prehistoric creatures, and it was impossible if it was not strong.

And this momentum also includes the bonus of Heavenly Dao-which is equivalent to Heavenly Dao’s praise and praise for the sanctified. It can be said that this aura is stronger than the aura that Sage itself can emit. Many.

Although Nuwa was the leader of the monster race, it was no exception.It’s not just her, all the creatures in the prehistoric are like this–except for one person, this person is Chen Xuan.

Although he also felt this very powerful aura, but he didn’t have the idea of ​​kneeling down and worshipping. This might be related to him being a person from another world.

Chen Xuan tried to help Nuwa up, but he didn’t succeed, and Nuwa rolled his eyes.

After a quarter of an hour, this powerful aura and majesty gradually dissipated. Nuwa also breathed a sigh of relief and sat on a chair with Chen Xuan’s support.

“An old undead sentence can also scare you like this?” Chen Xuan was a little dissatisfied, but this dissatisfaction was not all directed at Nuwa, but to express his dissatisfaction with Hongjun, “What about your usual backbone?”

Nuwa glared at him fiercely: “What do you know… wrong, why didn’t you kneel?”

Chen Xuan smiled proudly and patted his knees: “My knees are dead, I can’t kneel down at all!”

“Huh, you’re talking nonsense again!” Nuwa also guessed that he was talking nonsense, and snorted without mentioning it. “Let’s start preparing now, Daozu preaching, there are only two days left!”

“…I just preached two days later, what are you anxious about?” Chen Xuan was a little speechless about Nuwa’s performance, “Are you like this, isn’t it just preaching?”

“Don’t you want to go?”

“Why do I want to go?”

Chen Xuan’s words made Nuwa angry: “That’s Dao Ancestor preaching, you don’t want to go, don’t you want to enlighten it?”

“Then tell me first, why do you want to go?”

“When I was cultivating, I accumulated a lot of problems. These problems have troubled me for a long time, making my current cultivation fall into a bottleneck. Dao Ancestor is going to preach at this time, it is naturally a thousand joy!”

“Taozu is the most wise man in the primordial land, he can definitely help me solve these problems!”

Nuwa said, with a look of longing, as if already sitting in the Zixiao Palace, with Dao Zu Hongjun in front of him, preaching the Supreme Dao.

Seeing her look like a nymphomaniac, Chen Xuan was very unhappy: Hongjun is the most wise man in the wild, so what am I?

You just said two days ago that I was the number one wise man!

Humph, woman!

“Can you not go?” Chen Xuan thought for a long time, then suddenly came out a word.

“No? Why don’t you go?” Nuwa didn’t respond at once, “I won’t listen to the preaching. Wouldn’t it be possible to hear you preach to me?”

“Yes, yes! I’ll preach to you! If you have any doubts in cultivation, just ask me!”

Nuwa: “…”

“If you don’t listen or listen, the eighth chanting!”


At the same time, in the Sun Temple.

“Your Majesty, Baize Lion begs to see you.”

Taiyi was very irritable and nodded when he heard someone report.

“Baize Lion, I have seen His Majesty the Eastern Emperor!” Baize Lion hurriedly walked in and knelt on one knee. “I wonder if your Majesty summons his subordinates, what is your order?”

After thinking for a while, he slowly asked, “Baize Lion, you are my first army division. What do you think of the current situation?”

“Your Majesty, your subordinates think that Empress Nuwa has become the demon leader, and it is a fact that cannot be changed.” Baize Lion has not considered such a question, so he answered quickly, “This is the general trend, and your Majesty can’t go against it.”

Hearing him say this, Taiyi felt even more irritable: “You don’t need to say this, I know it naturally!”

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