Chapter 150

This Luo Hui is worthy of being a generation of Demon Ancestor, knowing that the physical strength of the competition cannot be better than Chen Xuan, so he immediately changed other attack methods.

“It is said that Zuan Daoist’s close hand-to-hand combat is the first, so let my demon ancestor come and learn it!”

After finishing speaking, Luo Hui spear thrust towards Chen Xuan’s ribs.

In terms of competition, Chen Xuan really hadn’t been afraid of anyone. He dodged the shot slightly, and then he held the golden cudgel in his hand and shouted:

“Look at my three sticks in my throat!”

As he said, the golden cudgel pierced out like lightning and hit Luohu’s crotch straight.

When Luo Hu heard Chen Xuan yelling, he was already guarding his own throat. He didn’t expect that he would actually give a shot, the golden cudgel held the sound of wind and thunder, and before he could dodge, he swept his crotch.

Luo Hui staggered as he was swept by this stick, and a sharp pain came, and he took a cold breath when it hurt.

Covering his wounds, Luo Hui’s eyes were red: “Zuan Daoist, you are so despicable and shameless, do you have a bit of Xiantian god-tier style? I am ashamed of you!”

“Haha, what concealment!” Chen Xuan didn’t care at all, carrying a golden hoop and laughed, “We two are a life and death battle. Do you think we are fighting in the ring, competing with each other?”

“This poor child, at first glance, his parents are siblings!”

Luo Hui didn’t know what Chen Xuan meant, a pair of triangular eyes stared at his face closely, as if he was going to take him alive.

“Since you say that I am the best in close hand-to-hand combat, let’s fight for three hundred rounds!” Chen Xuan roared, shaking the sun paradise to the ground, “It’s not you who die today, or I live!”

As he said, he lifted the golden cudgel and slammed it on Luo Hui’s head with all his strength.

Seeing that Chen Xuan was coming fiercely, Luo Hui held the Gunslinger with four hands and was about to resist.

Unexpectedly, Chen Xuan’s thunderous cudgel was just a vain move. Seeing that Luo Hu could no longer resist, the little sand left between his fingers came out from the nest, and suddenly turned into a Yellow Dragon: “Go!”

Even when Luo Hu was killed, he couldn’t think that Chen Xuan was so despicable and shameless, shouting for 300 rounds of war, and then using Magic Treasures, caught off guard, he was tied up by the Yellow Dragon.

Luo Hui was so angry that he no longer swears at the identity of the Demon Ancestor, and scolded Chen Xuan for his shamelessness, but Chen Xuan didn’t care about him anymore, the golden cudgel carried the sound of wind and thunder, and smashed into Luohu’s head.

“Mozu Luohu, I’m here to interview you, what do you think in your heart when you pretend to be forceful?”

It’s a long story, but it’s actually very simple.

Excuse me, how many steps did Chen Xuan take to defeat Luo Hu?

In the first step, Mozu Luohu felt that he was very good and mocked Chen Xuan.

In the second step, after the taunting, Luohu F2A went up.

In the third step, Luo Hui was knocked down by Chen Xuan, and had to play GG…

First, a stick slammed Luo Hu’s head fiercely, slapped him with a lot of meat and vegetables, and for a while lost the ability to resist.

Then Chen Xuan kicked Luo Hui to the ground, picked up the golden cudgel, and beat him up amidst the cheering and cheering of Little Phoenix.It is simply sad for the listener, tears for the listener.

Nuwa and Di Jun looked at each other, and then shook their heads unanimously: too despicable, too shameless!

However, it looks pretty good…

Chen Xuan beat Luo Hu like a sandbag, flying around the sky. He kept hitting him for half an hour, and then he grabbed his hair: “Bah, Demon Zu Luohu, do you still pretend to be forced?”

Luo Hui looked very miserable at this time. The ten second rank Black Lotus and the Killing Spear were all thrown aside far away, and he was like a cooked sweet potato falling on the ground, and he was also worn by a few nail shoes. The child has stepped on it for half a month, and there is no good place on his body.

It’s just that the Demon Ancestor is the Demon Ancestor, he was beaten like this, still staring, his face was dissatisfied.

“Oh, your kid is pretty handsome!” Chen Xuan saw Luo Huo like this, knowing he was dissatisfied.

“Of course I don’t accept it, how can I accept it? Zuan Daoist, your existence is simply a shame…No, you are simply the shame of chaos!”

“Why am I mean? I said that we fought for 300 rounds, but I didn’t say that Magic Treasures could not be used, right?”

“You attacked me!”

“Fart, who was the first to attack, while I was fighting with Dijun, what did you do, don’t you have a B number in your heart?”

Luo Hui stared at Chen Xuan’s face firmly, as if he was about to swallow him in one bite, and suddenly bit his tongue, a powerful aura burst out of his body. Not only did he break free from Chen Xuan’s hand, he would also imprison his own Yellow Dragon. Broken into several pieces.

Luo Hui jumped back all of a sudden, looked at Chen Xuan, and then slowly said, “Zuan Daoist, I didn’t want to use this trick, but you forced me!”

“Don’t you cherish these people around you the most? Today I will let you see with your own eyes. You and the people around you will die with me together!”

After saying this, Luo Hui beat his own chest hard, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out.

“Fuck, what is this going to do? Do you play self-harm, man, do you also have depression?” Chen Xuan looked at this scene, surprised.

But something even more surprising happened to him. Although Luo Hui was vomiting black blood and his face became whiter and paler, it seemed that he might die at any time, but his aura became stronger and stronger. .

“No, this Luo Hu is going to work hard!”

Di Jun also noticed this, and hurriedly shouted: “Zuan Daoist, first act first, otherwise…”

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xuan’s body moved and disappeared into the spot instantly.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Luo Hu, kicking on his lower abdomen.

Luo Hui only felt a huge force coming, and his body couldn’t help flying backwards, until he broke a platform, and then he was exhausted and landed on the ground.

When he finally got up, he saw Chen Xuan standing in front of him expressionlessly: “This kid, when you went out, your mother didn’t tell you. Shouldn’t it take too long to cast the spell?”

“This will be interrupted by others, what a shame!”

“You’re scared, Zuan Daoist, you’re scared!” Luo Hui opened his mouth and spit out a few broken teeth, his voice hoarse, “You are afraid that after I use a trick, you will not be able to resist it, so you are afraid!”

“Afraid of a shit!” Chen Xuan slapped his face again, “Isn’t it just a shit, Heavenly Demon disintegrating big fa? Do you think I’m that unseen countryman?”

“Impossible, how could you know that Heavenly Demon disintegrated the big F?” Luo Hui was taken aback, then his face changed drastically, “I have never used this trick, how did you know?”

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