Chapter 144 Dog Beating Staff

Nuwa suddenly took Chen Xuan’s hand: “Can you do it, Dijun Big Brother concentrates on cultivating Taoism, and you…”

She couldn’t continue, but Chen Xuan also understood what she was trying to say, didn’t she just want to say that she was fishing for three days and drying the net for two days?

“Take out that ‘?’, okay, a trivial emperor, am I not his opponent? Huh, he who hasn’t even cut his corpse, dare to say that he is a monk?”

Nuwa scratched his head: “But you haven’t cut it either…”

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes: “You don’t want to hit me at this time, bad luck!”

Nuwa realized that what she said was a bit of a blow to Chen Xuan’s morale, and she quickly stopped, but she immediately remembered something and took out the Magic Treasures that Chen Xuan had given to her: “This is your Magic Treasures. Hold it and use it. The Emperor Jun Big Brother has Hetu Luoshu, just in case…”

“Cut, how can I show my true ability with this?” Chen Xuan graciously pushed these Magic Treasures back, but immediately realized that it was wrong and wanted to catch it again. “But you are kind, I naturally You can’t stop, you…”

Unexpectedly, he moved faster and Nuwa was faster than him. Before Chen Xuan finished speaking, Nuwa had already put away Magic Treasures, and then looked up at Chen Xuan with a calm face.

Chen Xuan: “…”

Well, I miscalculated, and I missed such a good opportunity. I want to get these Magic Treasures back in the future, but it will be as difficult as the sky.

“Zuan Daoist, don’t want mother-in-law!” At this time, Di Jun was ready, and when he saw Chen Xuan and Nuwa greasy and crooked, he was a little impatient. Not worth mentioning!”

When Di Jun said these words, Xihe and Chang’e were listening. At this time, the two of them had pale faces and their bodies were trembling slightly.

The relationship between husband and wife in the past, like a slide show, came to mind, Xihe looked at Dijun in mid-air again, as strange as a passerby who had never seen him before.

Chang’e’s tears also came out of her eyes. She didn’t expect her father to abandon herself, her mother, and several other brothers and sisters in this way.

“Father, how can you be so unfeeling? Could it be that my mother, my mother, and other brothers and sisters are so untouched by you To put in one’s eyes?”

Di Jun looked down at his daughter, his eyes were still cold, unmoved at all.

Xihe sighed and shook his daughter’s hand: “Okay, don’t talk about it. No matter how much you say at this time, nothing will change at all. Let’s go!”

Chang’e nodded heavily, preparing to leave with her mother.

When they were about to leave, Chang’e suddenly turned around and shouted at Chen Xuan: “Come on, beat him! Let him know that the way he is pursuing is simply not worth mentioning!”

“Okay, wrap it on me!”

Chen Xuan was ready at this time. He didn’t ask for any Magic Treasures from Nuwa, except that he was still Nine Heavens Breathing Earth Protector, as long as he came with Chaos Orb.

Di Jun simply turned a blind eye to the departure of his wife and daughter, and Chen Xuan was the only one in his eyes at this time.

“Right, wait a minute.” At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly shouted, “I have something to say.”

“What else?” Di Jun frowned, his fighting spirit was vigorous, and Hetu Luoshu was already hungry and thirsty. “Say quickly.”

Chen Xuan pointed to a group of demonic tribesmen below: “We are fighting in this battle, and the impact is not small. These tribesmen will suffer from the fish. Why don’t we change places?”

Dijun frowned tighter: “Zuan Daoist, your evaluation in my heart is getting lower and lower. I thought you were the first wise man with great wisdom, but I didn’t expect to be entangled in these boring trivial matters. ”

In his eyes, apart from monasticism and Taiyi’s life, there is nothing worthy of his mind.The demons below looked at each other, and suddenly almost everyone shouted: “Come on, Zuan senior, we support you!”

“Yes, we all support you and Nuwa Empress as the leader of the Yaozu!”

“Yes, I also gave it up. Compared with these two, I hope that Empress Nuwa will be our leader. At least Empress will not regard me as a stubborn!”

“Yes, I agree too!”

At this time, Nuwa has already started calling Nuwa the leader.

Taiyihaosheng was depressed, and he had spent a lot of energy and arranged so comprehensively, but he didn’t expect it to end like this in the end.

So are you Big Brother, can you die without saying a few words?

But Dijun didn’t care about these at all. Those ants who want to bark, just do them as they please.

When I defeat Zuan Daoist, will they still be obedient?

“Okay, Zuan Daoist, you are a senior, I naturally want to give this face.” Dijun didn’t care, and said generously, “You can choose the place.”

Chen Xuan took out a gray bead from his arms. This bead looked inconspicuous, and there was no strangeness at all.

“It’s actually the Chaos Supreme Treasure Chaos Bead?” Di Jun looked at the bead with a serious tone, “The senior is senior, and the Magic Treasures used are so different.”

“I don’t say much nonsense. You must know the role of this Chaos Orb.” Chen Xuan threw the Chaos Orb into the sky. “There is a Minor World in it. Why don’t we end this Karma battlefield? ”

“As you wish!”

“Okay, come on!”

The bodies of Chen Xuan and Di Jun disappeared in the same place and turned into a white light, straight into the Chaos Bead.

“Ding, the host signs in in the Chaos Bead World and gets the Dog Beating Staff!”

Only after appearing in the world hidden in the Chaos Bead, Chen Xuan sounded the system’s prompt sound in his mind.

It turns out that system rewards can also be triggered here, which is really a surprise, but what is going on with this Dog Beating Staff?

An ordinary, no special bamboo stick appeared in Chen Xuan’s hands.

“This is your reward? What is this?”

Although this bamboo stick looks green and green, and I don’t know what material it is, it is just a bamboo stick after all. Besides, where can I find a dog to fight?

At this time, Di Jun also appeared in front of Chen Xuan, and he was taken aback when he saw that he was looking demented and holding a stick in his hand.

“Zuan Daoist, what is this?”

“This object is called Dog Beating Staff, it’s my…weapon!” Chen Xuan gritted his teeth, still not embarrassed to tell lies.

“Weapon?” Dijun’s doubts intensified, “Can you let me take a look?”

If Tai Yi said this, Chen Xuan would definitely not agree, but Di Jun is not Tai Yi, although the way is different, he is not a despicable villain.

Chen Xuan Dog Beating Staff handed it over.

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