Chapter 142

It can be said that Di Jun’s work is very beautiful, and it completely achieves the effect of killing two birds with one stone.

Not only solved the predicament for Taiyi, but also showed the muscles intentionally or unintentionally, so that those who were unpredictable had to dispel the idea of ​​trying to fish in troubled waters.

Chen Xuan took a deep look at Nuwa, and the meaning in his eyes was easy to understand: This is what you call loyal and honest, without city government, political idiot?

Nuwa was not to be outdone, and replied with a look: I haven’t seen Dijun Big Brother for hundreds of years. He has become like this, how would I know?

The Sanxiao sisters who were standing on the side watched the two men playing dumb riddles. They looked left and right, and found it very interesting.

The root cause of Daoist’s troubles has been solved, and there is no need to worry about the Karma he had inflicted in the past. His heart is extremely happy at this time, and he admires Di Jun’s actions even more.

“Thank you, Your Majesty, Dijun, the next thing is on my mind, there is nothing he can ask for!” Mosquito Daoist saluted to Dijun, then turned to salute Chen Xuan, “I also thank Zuan senior for his righteousness, Daoist is not unforgettable!”

“Great grace does not say thank you, it will be rewarded in the future!”

After that, Daoist flicked his sleeves, turned and left, walking rather unhurriedly, waving his hand without nostalgia.

After solving Daoist’s problem, Dijun patted Taiichi on the shoulder, and then drove him to the side and squatted.

Sitting on the main seat, Di Jun looked at Nuwa and Chen Xuan, then at Kunpeng, and smiled: “Sister Nuwa, it’s been a long time since I saw you. When I didn’t expect to see you again, you actually found Lang Jun Ruyi Scepter. , The elder brother is really happy for you!”

Nuwa stood up and was blessed: “Thank you, brother, but I don’t know where did my brother go these days?”

She has very good eyesight, and she has seen Di Jun’s strength Ascension a lot, but she can’t see through him.

Di Jun smiled again: “During these days, I have traveled in the wild and I have gained a lot. I also want to thank your husband. If it hadn’t been for his words to inspire me, I might still be Closed Door. Training, it’s a bit of a horn!”

He praised Chen Xuan like this, Nuwa heard it in his ears, and his heart was warm, and he was happier than praised himself: “Brother laughed, he always just makes a fool of yourself, don’t take it seriously.”

Dijun smiled silently, and then turned his eyes to Chen Xuan: “Zuan Daoist, my girl married you, don’t feel sorry for her and make her angry! Otherwise, even if you are Xiantian god-tier, Feng Clan ancestor, my Emperor Jun will not let you go!”

Chen Xuan rolled his eyes and said, “It seems that there is something wrong with what you are worried about. Look, where did I bully her? She is bullying me on weekdays, okay!”

Chen Xuan rarely used respectful words, because at this time Dijun was speaking as the brother of Nuwa. As a brother-in-law, of course he had to lower his posture.

“Then you can make her bully more comfortable, isn’t that enough? And remember, if my sister bullies you and is uncomfortable, then I still won’t let you go!”

Chen Xuanyi cupped fist: “Emperor Jun Big Brother is fair and strict, I admire it!”

Well, I finally found the root!

It turns out that Nuwa learned from this emperor and became so violent!

Di Jun no longer looked at him, but turned to look at Kunpeng: “Kunpeng, you are a descendant of Yuanfeng. He is here now. Why don’t you recognize him?”Chen Xuan and Kunpeng looked at each other, and they secretly said that they were powerful.

This Emperor Jun can only clarify the relationship between the two in a few words, but it is very natural, and it makes people unable to fault.

On the contrary, Chen Xuan and Kunpeng did this, some of them fell behind, as if they had worked out a lot of conspiracies and tricks to deliberately entrap Taiyi.

But Di Jun didn’t imply that he was wrong, the two of them were indeed cheating Tai One.

But how did Dijun know about this?

Kunpeng is a descendant of Yuanfeng. Few people know about this matter. But at this time, Di Jun gave him a word to explain it, making the eyes of the demons look at Chen Xuan and Kunpeng a little ambiguous.

The two of them sang and got together, they turned out to be a family, and they pretended to look alike.

But Chen Xuan also said: “Oh, this matter, yes, you are right, Big Brother, Kunpeng is my descendant. But what can it be?”

Dijun frowned when he heard the words: “Zuan Daoist, you’ll be upright in this way. You must be upright in doing things, and don’t do that crooked way, or you will fall into Devil Dao sooner or later, don’t you understand this truth?”

Chen Xuan was fine, but his words fell into Tai Yi’s ears, which made him tremble, and the expression on his face became very unnatural.

Di Jun looked back at Little Brother strangely, and didn’t say anything, but thought he was angry.

At this time, Chen Xuan said loudly, “Brother Dijun, this is the Yaozu election ceremony. I deliberately disagreed with Kunpeng just to show that my heart was open. If not, wouldn’t your Majesty Tai Yi raise his hand early? Come to surrender?”

Di Jun rolled his eyes. You fooled me as a fool. I’m a three-year-old child, so I don’t believe you for this reason, right?

But if he wanted to think like this, he couldn’t refute it. According to Taiyi’s temper, it was really possible to do such a thing, and then secretly engage in dirty tricks to disgust people.

Di Jun sighed in his heart, forget it, even if this matter has been revealed, who would let himself have such an uneasy Little Brother.

“Sister Nuwa, let me ask you the truth.” Di Jun’s face was full, and he looked at Nuwa, “Please answer me truthfully and don’t deceive anything.”

“Yes, please ask Dijun Big Brother.”

Di Jun paused, and then he asked, “Sister Nuwa, do you have to be the leader of this monster race?”

Nuwa didn’t expect him to be so frank. First, he exchanged a look with Chen Xuan. After getting his signal, he nodded and replied: “Yes, Big Brother, Dijun, that’s what I think!”

“The reason?” Di Jun asked immediately, “I don’t know other people, but you will never be so obsessed with power. Why do you want to do this?”

Nuwa took a deep breath and said loudly, “I am not obsessed with power, but I want to do some great things for the monster clan, because I am also a member of the monster clan!”

“I have obtained Nuwa since I opened the world, and I don’t know how many years I have seen it. I am used to seeing the world’s misery. I don’t want my people to suffer these pains too!”

“But if you want to do this, I can’t do it alone, so I have to combine the strength of all the people in order to achieve this goal!”

“Di Jun Big Brother,” Nuwa raised his head and looked at Di Jun, “Do you think this reason is enough?”

Her remarks were sonorous and powerful, and the audience was full of enthusiasm.

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