Chapter 139

Chen Xuan looked at the mosquito Daoist, then looked at Taiyi, and talked freely: “On Pangu god-tier’s left eye, there is an eyelash, which was already activated at that time.”

“That eyelash could have been transformed early, but when it was fighting for the Spiritual Qi between heaven and earth, it couldn’t compete with your sun star-that’s all, when the sun star was transformed, it was burned by the sun god fire. That eyelash.”

When Chen Xuan said this, he pointed to the deep scar on Daoist, “This scar on his body is evidence!”

“How about it, my honorable Majesty, I have already brought out the evidence, what else can you say?”

Chen Xuan’s remarks are well-founded, and people simply cannot refute them.

The demons below heard that he had finished speaking, and then they understood why the mosquito Daoist had to specialize and struggle with Tai.

When I thought about it, this was also quite normal, and if I changed to a normal monster clan, the revenge might be more severe than this.

Everyone looked at Taiyi together and wanted to see how he solved this problem.

Shang Yang listened to Chen Xuan’s words every word, and she keenly discovered a loophole: “Zuan senior, Shang Yang has something unclear. Could you please explain.”

Facts have proved that Chen Xuan’s patience with beautiful women has always been sufficient, and he nodded generously: “If you have any questions, please tell me directly.”

Shang Yang pointed to the mosquito Daoist: “Senior just said that the scar on the mosquito Daoist’s body was wounded by His Majesty. It was just an unintentional act. But he is notorious in the predicament, and he has always lived by sucking blood. The primordial creatures have all suffered from his poisonous hands, and there are even some of their own clan members. Is this also caused by your majesty?”

Chen Xuan slapped his thigh: “How did you know, this is indeed the cause of Tai Yi!”

Shang Yang: “…”

One: “…”

The interest of all the demons in the audience has grown stronger. Unexpectedly, I can hear Honghuang Mixin here, all of them stretched their ears for fear of missing a word.

Taiyi couldn’t bear it anymore, and started shooting the case: “Zuan Daoist, I respect you as senior. This is not the reason you can be scornful! Are you deceiving me, no one is a monster?”

Seeing his appearance, as long as Chen Xuan talks nonsense, he will tear his face regardless of his identity.

Seeing that the two sides were raging and a fierce battle was about to start, Nuwa suddenly covered her mouth and smiled: “Taiyi, what are you doing? Really can’t be fake, fake can’t be real, just listen to him, if it’s fake Yes, it’s not too late for you to get angry!”

“You look like this, if you are spread out by that ill-intentioned person, wouldn’t you be laughed at with your guilty conscience?”

“Don’t worry, if he is framing you, I will definitely not spare him!”

Chen Xuan gave a thumbs up behind his back: Look at the buckle of this hat, it looks like me!

I’m too sluggish when I hear the words, I don’t know what to say-the little monsters said it, but Nuwa is not weaker than him, even slightly better than him in terms of current prestige and Taoism. This is not the same. NS.

Just as he was in a dilemma, a voice came from Kunpeng: “Yes, your majesty, just let Zuan senior say it. Anyway, I believe you must have a clear conscience!”Two of the Big Three of the Monster Race had already spoken, Tai Yi had no choice but to snorted and sat on the seat without speaking.

Chen Xuan and Kunpeng exchanged glances, and then looked at Taiyi: “Your Majesty, then I can say it? I really say it!”

Nuwa covered his face: Heavenly Dao, please drop a robbery thunder and smash this cheeky to death!

After Chen Xuan sold enough, he slowly said, “I just said that when the Sun Star was transforming, it burned that eyelash with the real fire of the sun. Because of this, the mosquito Daoist didn’t have enough Xiantian after transforming. , You need to suck blood to make up your own yang qi-lonely yin does not produce, and lonely yang does not last. Everyone knows the truth. If this is not the case, let alone cultivation, it will be impossible for him to survive!”

“My words are finished, the right and wrong is right, let the people present make a judgment.”

After speaking, Chen Xuan returned to his own seat.

Nuwa quietly gave him a thumbs up: Nice job!

Chen Xuan also replied with a triumphant look: What you praised is not bad, everyone makes progress together!

After listening to what Chen Xuan said, all the demons present were talking about it, and the scene seemed to be boiling.

The mosquito Daoist had tears in his eyes, and pointed to Taida and shouted: “Your Majesty, now Zuan Senior has already said the ins and outs of the matter clearly, what else do you have to say?”

What can Taiyi have to say?

He simply has nothing to say. Chen Xuan is reasonable, showing the facts, and shooting all the evidence on his face. What else do you want him to say?

Taiyi and Shang Yang exchanged glances, but they didn’t get any valuable advice.

What a waste, if Baize Lion is here…

Taiyi was already a headache, but when I thought about Baize Lion, who was humiliated by Chen Xuan, my head hurts even more…

Shang Yang thought about running the sky, but only came up with a way that was not a solution, and got to his ears: “Your Majesty, for the sake of the present, we can only mess up this water and divert everyone’s attention.”

Tai Yi’s eyes lit up and muddled the water?

Thinking of this, a way appeared in his mind.

“Zuan senior, today is the grand ceremony of my Yaozu election leader.” Taiyi stood up, no trace of anger could be seen on his face, but a spring breeze, “You are the Xiantian god-tier, and the ancestor of the Feng clan, also Please come to my palace, how about drinking and tasting tea?”

Tai Yi is very clever, and a few words point out Chen Xuan’s current identity-you are not a monster, but a member of the Feng clan, so I treat you as a senior, that’s okay. But you don’t have any qualifications, here to point fingers and talk freely!

If you are acquainted, I will treat you well, and the tea will be offered; but if you don’t wanting face, then don’t blame me…

Chen Xuan, a person who is better than a monkey with his hair, couldn’t hear what Taiyi meant, but he had been prepared for it a long time ago.

However, this preparation may have to sacrifice Nuwa’s reputation…

Handing Nuwa an apologetic smile, Chen Xuan stood up in her unknown eyes: “Your Majesty, what you said is wrong. Although I am the ancestor of the Feng clan, it does not mean that I am not a demon. A member of the clan!”

Tai Yi flicked his sleeves displeasedly: “Zuan senior, I respect you as senior, but you shouldn’t treat me as a fool! You are already the ancestor of the Feng Clan, how can you be a member of the Monster Clan?”

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