Chapter 136

While speaking, the golden light got closer and closer, and Chen Xuan finally saw clearly that this golden light was actually formed by ninety-nine golden dragons.

The ninety Nine Heavens dragons are all tied with ropes that emit five colors of light, and the other end of the rope drags a huge building-a huge building like a palace.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly: This Taiyi never disappoints. People use horse-drawn carts. I am such a beautiful figure, but I use nine dragons to tow a horse-drawn cart.

This is too bad, I don’t know where I got the ninety-nine golden dragons, and it is still a palace that is dragging.

More than that, another golden light flashed, or ninety-nine dragons flew up, dragging a palace just like the previous one.

Chen Xuan was taken aback, stabbed Nuwa, and asked in a low voice, “How come there are two palaces? Is this Taiyi sleeping in the first one in one hundred and thirty-five, and sleeping in the second one on twenty-six? Heavenly Stems won’t go home to sleep. ?”

Nuwa gave him a blank look: “The second seat is for Dijun Big Brother.”

“It’s actually for Dijun?” Chen Xuan was really surprised. He thought the two brothers would look good, but he didn’t expect Taiyi to “teach me to take the world down”, he would exclude his brother.

“Of course, Taiyi and the Dijun Big Brother have a very good relationship, and they have never been dirty.”

The two palaces dragged by ninety-nine golden dragons first flew around this sun fairyland, seeming to let everyone see the own ostentation, and then slowly landed on the largest and highest one. Above the platform.

The ninety Nine Heavens golden dragons on both sides uttered a dragon chant at the same time, resounding throughout the entire Sun Wonderland, even the bottom platform was clearly heard.

Immediately, countless golden armored warriors filed out from the palace with Changge in their hands, shouting: “Your Majesty is here, and the demons kneel to welcome you!”

Chen Xuan looked at Taiyi’s appearance, and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “What is Taiyi really doing? He ranked first!”

“If you don’t know, you will really think that he is the real Yaozu leader. I can’t wait to know how wonderful Taiyi’s face will be after you become the leader.”

Nuwa and Chen Xuan looked at each other and smiled: “You will see it soon!”

These golden armored warriors are obviously also very powerful in Magic power, and have a deep sense of Taoism, and their loud shouts actually suppressed all the sounds of the monster race in the entire Sun Wonderland.

Originally, the fairyland was full of all kinds of monsters, watching Taiyi’s appearance, they were all talking, whispering.

The voices of these golden armored warriors shocked the demon races, and the discussions disappeared involuntarily. Many demon races were actually shocked, and they really knelt down to welcome Taiyi’s appearance.

The two palaces were shining with golden light, and Tai Yi was wearing a bright yellow robe, and stepped out of the palace on the right-while the palace on the left was not visible.

Taiyi looked at the Yaozu who had knelt on the ground, nodded in satisfaction, and then read the opening remark loudly.

Naturally, Nuwa would not be the same as those ordinary demon races, and need to kneel to welcome Taiyi-if she really counts her seniority, she is a Xiantian god-tier, and Taiyi kneels to welcome her.

Of course, Taiyi would never do this.She was only blessed slightly, and it was also on Di Jun’s face.

Chen Xuan once asked Nuwa why she was born earlier than Di Jun, and she called Di Jun Big Brother.

Nuwa’s answer was that he was taken care of by Dijun and Xihe a lot, so he naturally called Dijun Big Brother, which didn’t mean anything.

Chen Xuan was naturally outstanding, and had no intention of saluting at all.

He saw that the figure of Emperor Jun did not appear in the palace on the left, and asked quietly: “This Emperor is really so obsessed with cultivation, is he still not showing up at this time?”

Nuwa did it and replied in a low voice: “I’m used to it. Ever since the Dijun Big Brother got the Hetu Luoshu, he has been like a different person. Since then, he doesn’t ask about the world, but only knows about cultivation. ”

Unexpectedly, the Hetu Luoshu had such a mental castration effect. Chen Xuan shook his head, reached out quietly, and held Nuwa’s catkins: “Don’t worry, I will never practice this kind of thing!”

“Even if I can surpass the avenue after practicing, the price is to make me forget everything. If it is too unforgiving, I will never practice!”

Nuwa didn’t expect Chen Xuan to say such “crazy things” at this time, and his face flushed with shame.

Looking behind her quietly, Sister Sanxiao didn’t notice Chen Xuan’s behavior, and her shyness was slightly reduced. She glared at him fiercely, “What are you talking about? what is the relationship?”

“It really doesn’t matter?” Chen Xuan held Nuwa’s small soft hand, with a smile on his face, “Are you sure not?”

Nuwa wrinkled her nose and snorted softly, “Hmph, of course it’s sure. But if you really do too much and forget Huang Yao and the four sisters of Jingjing, then I admire you!”

“Don’t worry…” Chen Xuan saw that Sister Sanxiao didn’t pay attention to this side, and put his mouth in Nuwa’s ear and said, “I will not forget you guys!”

“Unless I die!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Nuwa whispered with a pale face, “You are not allowed to say such things in the future, do you understand?”

Own’s reaction may be a bit fierce. She paused and quickly added: “If a few little girls don’t have a father, they will be very sad. So you are not allowed to say such unlucky things in the future!”

“Only they will be sad, what about you?”

After making Nuwa a big red face again, Chen Xuanzhi was proud and smiled.

“Oh, yes, this is for you!” Chen Xuan plugged the eight-treasure glass bottle into her hand, “If I’m not wrong, I’m afraid it will be useful in the end.”

“This is…” Looking at the bottle in her hand, Nuwa was shocked, “Where did you get it? If I remember correctly, the contents of this bottle should be the legendary Sanguang Divine Water that can heal all injuries.”

“Don’t worry about where I got it, just treat it as a pie falling from the sky, and it’s fine if it suddenly fell into my arms.” Chen Xuan waved her hand and motioned her not to ask more, “Anyway, this bottle is now yours. ”

“Why is it so generous that you actually took the initiative to give me Magic Treasures?” Nuwa smiled, “Could it be that you want to do something bad again?”

Chen Xuan was about to answer. At this time, Taiyi’s opening remarks had been read, and with his hand raised, the Eastern Emperor Bell flew up into the sky and turned into the largest sun star in the universe, making a powerful humming sound.

The golden armored warriors standing behind him also sounded the horn-the election ceremony of the leader of the ancient monster race officially began.

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