Chapter 134

Chen Xuan was no longer the silly boy who didn’t know anything about this world when he first came here. He has commanded the Feng Clan for a long time, and he has already taken on an aura that is more than a high-ranking person in the world.

This kind of aura is difficult to explain in words, maybe it’s just a gesture and a look that can be clearly felt by other people.

Now, Chen Xuan had this kind of aura. His eyes fell on a monster soldier, who couldn’t help but lowered his head, not daring to look at him at all.

Not just ordinary soldiers, but also the high-ranking generals of the demon race-occasionally a demon general who is not convinced and Chen Xuan look at each other for a while, and you will find that his eyes are particularly bright, and the eyes of almost stinging people are sore. Subconsciously will look away.

“Hmph, hold on, and go backwards!” Chen Xuan clapped his hands and snorted disdainfully, “How come these Taiyi men are all these cheap leather?”

As he said, he took Nuwa’s hand: “After today, you have to rectify this group of useless rubbish. You can’t let them mess around like this anymore.”

Nuwa rolled his eyes and picked up the interlocking hands of the two, with a smile on his face: “What’s this, ‘hold or not, retreat’?”

“Hey, how can they compare to you, you are so fragrant, where are those smelly monsters comparable?”

With the Sanxiao sisters who hadn’t spoken behind them, they whispered to each other, not knowing what they were whispering.

Regardless of the Baize Lion hanging on the top of the golden hoop, Chen Xuan and Nuwa swaggered to the round building as the venue for the election ceremony of the leader.

“Heh, this Taiyi is really generous, and he managed to get out of such a place.” Chen Xuan couldn’t help but exclaimed as he looked at the building that looked like the ancient Roman Colosseum. , That’s why it put such a lot of effort.”

Nuwa looked at this hundreds of feet tall, almost the size of a stadium, and shook his head: “Perhaps it is, but I don’t care about it very much. Anyway, as the leader of this monster race, I am in force. must!”

With that, a smile appeared on her face and looked at Chen Xuan: “You will help me, right?”

“Of course.” Chen Xuan also responded with a smile, “and not only this time, no matter what happens in the future, I will stand by your side.”

“Even if you are an enemy of the entire prehistoric land, I will never leave you!”

Nuwa’s face was covered with blush, and she quietly looked at the three sisters behind Yunxiao who were covering her mouth and laughing: “How come you suddenly say such crazy things in front of so many people.”

“Well, I know you will say that as long as you are there, I will definitely be an enemy of the entire prehistoric land. But that might be interesting… isn’t it?”

“The premise is that you help me win the position of the leader of the demon race.”

“Ha, isn’t it easy to get hold of it? I promise, I will kneel on the ground for a while, holding your thigh and crying, begging you to be the leader.”

Nuwa imagined it in her heart. She was holding her thigh with Taiyi, tears and nose running over her face. She couldn’t help but shudder, gave Chen Xuan a fierce look, and walked across a white light curtain with him….

“Oh, I really underestimated Tai Yi.” Chen Xuan didn’t realize that he had underestimated Tai Yi’s handwriting just now when he entered the venue. “How much resources does he spend doing this?”

From the outside, the circular building was the size of a stadium, but after crossing the light curtain, there was another cave.

The place where he and Nuwa are now is just a long passage, which is hundreds of feet long and leads to a circular square.

Chen Xuan estimated this platform a little, and it is the size of hundreds of football fields.

And around this platform, there are dozens or even hundreds of platforms that look like floating islands.

These platforms are large and small. The highest and the largest one is about the size of an aircraft carrier, and the smallest one at the bottom is several hundred square meters in size.

“This Taiyi really takes the strict level to the extreme.” Chen Xuan pointed to the tallest and largest platform. “That must be the place he left for himself, and the decorations are also very luxurious. It’s just like an outbreak. The same as every household.”

Bi Xiao had been cultivating with two Big sis in the Sanxian Cave in Sanxian Island before. How could I have seen such a shocking spectacle, opened his mouth wide, and made no sound-of course, Yunxiao and Qiongxiao are not much better Go, all eyes are staring like bells.

“Wow, the layout of this venue is really too luxurious?” After a long time, Yun Xiao let out a sigh, “No, this can’t be called luxury anymore, but…”

She didn’t know what words to use to describe it for a while. Chen Xuan looked at her and helped to make up: “Prodigal son!”

“Yes, it is the prodigal son!” Yun Xiao felt that the term used to describe Taiyi was too appropriate. “Master, look at the platform, it is actually carved from a whole piece of stone from another mountain. This is also too extravagant. !”

This material that has only appeared in legends is said to have special magical properties. As long as you add a thumb-sized stone from another mountain, you can greatly enhance your defense.

In front of Chen Xuan and the others, this rock from another mountain is as big as hundreds of football fields…

This Taiyi is worthy of being born in the sun star, one of the top god-tier among the prehistoric, this family…

Chen Xuan and Nuwa looked at each other at the same time, and they saw flames in each other’s eyes.

At this moment, a demon race who was in charge of welcoming the guests came over—an old man with white hair and white beard, and he looked a bit fairytale: “I have seen Empress Nuwa, and Yuanfeng senior.”

Chen Xuan didn’t know the old man, turned to look at Nuwa, and found that she didn’t even know her, so he nodded.

“Please mother, senior, come with the villain.” Although this old man looks very old, there is absolutely no ordinary person who can serve as a welcome deacon in this ceremony.

As for why didn’t Nuwa know her, who made her too mad?

Usually the gate does not go out, and the two gates do not move. The ordinary monsters only know that Nuwa Empress has a good name, but for more specific things, few people know.

The old man led Chen Xuan and Nuwa to a platform-this platform is naturally not the largest one, but Taiyi kept it for himself, but he didn’t want to deliberately humiliate Nuwa and assign her the most The platform on the ground floor.

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