Chapter 131

At this time, in the city lord’s mansion, Yun Xiao was persuading Nuwa: “Master, don’t worry, Chen Dage is so bad, he won’t be bullied!”

Nuwa walked around the house, after hearing the words, he gave her an angry look: “Am I worried about him? I am worried about others!”

Bi Xiao also agreed with her master’s words: “Big Sister, you are just worrying about it. If Chen Dage doesn’t harm others, they will already laugh, dare to mess with him?”

At this moment, Chen Xuan’s voice came from outside the door: “Little Bixiao, you said bad things about me behind your back, but I heard it!”

Bi Xiao was startled by the sudden sound, and then saw Chen Xuan push the door in.

“Do you dare to come back?” Nuwa looked at Chen Xuan with a smile on his face, his eyes were red, “I let you sneak, and I let you run out to make trouble?”

But before her hand reached Chen Xuan’s ear, she stopped.

“Look, how beautiful this flower is, I bought it for you specially!” A bright and drenching flower appeared in Chen Xuan’s hand, “How about it, do you like it?”

“I just remembered that I had never sent you flowers before, so I ran out specially and bought one back. But I ran a lot of roads, hey, I’m exhausted!”

“Huh? This is for me?” Nuwa was stunned, even if Chen Xuan stuffed the flower into her hand, she didn’t react.

“Yes, of course it’s for you.” Chen Xuan nodded, as if he really slipped out for this matter. “I picked this flower for a long time. Only this flower looks the best. It’s a pity it’s better. Not one ten thousandth of yours.”

“This, this…” Nuwa’s anger was blocked by this flower, and she didn’t know what to say at once.

“You haven’t said, do you like it?” Chen Xuan said with a smile, and then looked at Sister Sanxiao, “I’m sorry, I didn’t bring it to you. I have a chance in the future.”

Yun Xiao blinked: “Chen Dage, you are too polite. By the way, we still have evening classes to do, so I won’t bother you!”

With that, she took Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao, who was unwilling to leave, and left the room-but they didn’t go far, hiding outside the door to eavesdrop.

“Big Sister, how are we doing this?” Qiong Xiao hesitated, “If the master knows…”

“Oh, second sister.” Bi Xiao interrupted her, “Master has no time to care about us now. Hush, listen carefully, don’t talk!”

Nuwa was asked by Chen Xuan, and she didn’t know what to say.

“Just say you like it or you don’t like it.”

“I didn’t say that I like it either, that’s just…” Nuwa was a little blank in her mind. The first time she received flowers, she was a little at a loss.

“Then you don’t like it? Hey!” Chen Xuan sighed and looked disappointed. “Then give it back to me. I’ll pick another gift. It must be worthy of you!”

With that said, he is going to get the flowers in Nuwa’s hand

Nuwa was a little annoyed, and she shrank her hands: “I didn’t say that I didn’t like it either.”

“So you like it?”

“It’s not like it, just a little bit, just a little bit like it…”

This dead Tsundere, why didn’t I find that Nuwa still has this setting before.

“Come on, I’ll put it on for you.” Chen Xuan took the flowers and put them on Nuwa’s head. “It’s beautiful!”

“Fuck you, how can you say it in front of others like this? I…”

“This flower is so beautiful!”Nuwa gave him a blank look, but she was very happy in her heart, so she stopped worrying about Chen Xuan sneaking out.

“By the way, this time I went out, I really came across something funny.” Chen Xuan sat next to Nuwa, and said in detail what happened just now, “Unexpectedly, I can still encounter such a thing. It’s really strange.”

Nuwa rolled her eyes, and she knew that no matter where the catastrophe went, she would definitely encounter something-either he provokes others, or others provoke him.

Anyway, if you want to live in peace, that is absolutely impossible!

“Well, this time the matter is over.” Nuwa glared at him, and Nuwa thought for a while and said, “But there are still two days before the election ceremony, so don’t go out and make trouble.”

Although Chen Xuan loves to cause trouble, he still knows the importance of things, and nodded when he heard the words: “I understand, I will not go out in these two days. I will stay by your side. Let you see it!”

“Fuck you, I started talking madly without a few words!”

Nuwa glared at Chen Xuan again, but the tenderness in his eyes could be felt even by a blind man.


After dinner, Chen Xuan was chatting with Nuwa and saw Yun Xiao hurriedly:

“Master, Patriarch Kunpeng is here!”

Chen Xuan and Nuwa looked at each other, feeling a little strange: Why did Kunpeng come at this time?

“Please come in quickly and remember to be careful.”

Chen Xuan knew that Kunpeng had deliberately picked this time and there must be something, so he carefully ordered.


Yun Xiao hurriedly left, and soon led Kunpeng in.

“I have seen my ancestors, I have seen my empress!” Kunpeng first met Chen Xuan and Nuwa meticulously.

“What’s the matter?”

Chen Xuan is very pleased that you have finally grown up, you know that you have something to discuss with me.

“That’s it.” Kunpeng considered it for a while and said, “The election ceremony is just two days later. I want to discuss with my ancestors and my mother how I should cooperate.”

Chen Xuan secretly said that Kunpeng is worthy of being a person who has left a name in the ancient history, and he is really meticulous in his work.

He was afraid that he would act rashly and ruin Chen Xuan’s plan, so he came personally at this late hour just to discuss a proper strategy.

Chen Xuan suddenly remembered a question and asked, “By the way, you changed your course and supported Nuwa. Does anyone else know about it?”

Kunpeng didn’t know why he asked, but he answered honestly: “There should be no one else. I didn’t even tell the tribe.”

“Okay, well done!” Chen Xuan patted his thigh, “If you say that, then I have a better plan!”

“Two days later, you are like this…”

After listening to what Chen Xuan said, Nuwa took a deep look at him, sighed and said: “Taiyi met you, it’s really bad luck for eight lifetimes!”

Kunpeng also nodded steadily, thinking that what Nuwa said was simply too right.

Whoever meets this living ancestor is simply the greatest misfortune in his life.

If one day, he becomes Chen Xuan’s enemy, then Kunpeng would rather be the first to judge himself, lest he suffer this humiliation!

Chen Xuan laughed: “Average, third in the wild!”

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