Chapter 126

At this time, Tai Yi’s voice came from the sky, and Chen Xuan and Nuwa had to temporarily stop making peace.

“Sister Nuwa, long time no see, you have lost a lot of weight!”

Taiyi pressed Luoyun’s head and landed in Ji Meng’s mansion, standing in front of the two.

Immediately he saw the mess in front of him, and he couldn’t help frowning.

“Oh, isn’t this your Majesty Taiyi?” Chen Xuan uncharacteristically greeted Taiyi with great enthusiasm, “It’s been a long time since I saw you, eh? What’s wrong with you, the printing hall is black, there will be a bloody disaster in the near future!”

Taiyi seemed to have discovered him suddenly: “Yuanfeng senior, why are you here?”

“Huh?” Chen Xuan’s eyes narrowed when he heard this. “You mean, shouldn’t I be here?”

Tai flicked the sleeves of his robe one by one: “Of course, this is the venue for my Yaozu ceremony. Why do you, a Phoenix clan, appear here?”

As he said, he looked at Nuwa: “Sister Nuwa, what the hell is going on? My demon clan held the leader election ceremony, why are there outsiders?”

Following Taiyi was the nine great demon leaders, who spoke one after another at this time.

“Yes, if you are not a member of my monster race, you shouldn’t be here!”

“You, the ancestor of the Feng clan, what do you mean by appearing here? Say!”

“If you are not of my race, your heart will be different, Nuwa, mother, don’t be fooled by outsiders!”

“Kick him out!”

“Yes, get out!”

The nine demon commanders spoke together, not leaving every word from the foreigners, as if Chen Xuan stayed here, Nuwa would be a renegade from the foreign clan and became a traitor of the demon race.

“Humph!” Chen Xuan snorted, “Crack!”

Following his angry grunt, the Nine Demon Commanders felt like they were being hit hard by a heavy hammer, and he was so uncomfortable that he almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

With a buzzing sound, the Eastern Emperor Bell, which was held in the palm of the hand by Tai Yi, flew up into the sky, and it whirled round and round, and a ripple spread to the surroundings, which made the face of the Nine Demon Commanders a little better.

Taiyi looked at Chen Xuan, and was shocked: Although he knew that Chen Xuan was the incarnation of Yuanfeng, he couldn’t think that his Taoism was so profound and he didn’t have any actions. He had such power, and even allowed himself to use the Eastern Emperor Bell.

“You guys, what else can you say?” Chen Xuan’s face was sullen, and his eyes were placed on the faces of the nine demon commanders one by one, “Is there anyone who opposes me here?”

In addition to Ji Meng, the nine demon commanders of the demon race in the future have already arrived. These characters who call the wind and rain and dominate one side in the predicament seem to have become good babies at this time, and they dare not even look at Chen Xuan’s eyes. See.

“Your Majesty hasn’t spoken yet. You are like hundreds of ducks. There is really no courtesy at all!”

“Just like you, you don’t know anything about etiquette, how can you bring good soldiers? A bunch of trash!”

Taiyi heard that Chen Xuan scolded Own’s confidant and beloved general over there, and was furious, but he also knew that this was the owner’s rudeness first-anyway, Yuanfeng is also the Xiantian god-tier, the elder of these people. .

Regardless of whether it is an enemy or not, even The next moment is about to fight to death, but due respect is still needed.Even if you want to say it, you can only speak for yourself, and the Nine Demon Commanders are not qualified.

No wonder this Zuan Daoist has been silent just now, so he was waiting for this opportunity, and then he turned against the general!

It’s… it’s so cunning!

When too thought of this, he turned his head and glared at his subordinates: A group of idiots, who gave each other a handle by themselves, even vomiting blood deserves it!

“Retreat!” He waved his hand, letting the nine great monsters stand aside, and then said to Chen Xuan, “Yuanfeng senior, his subordinates are rude.”

After finishing speaking, he arched his cupped hands symbolically, which was regarded as an apologize.

Taiyi thought that he had already reprimanded his subordinates. Even if this matter was over, Chen Xuan would not be reluctant: “Your Majesty Taiyi, you are too polite! But your subordinates are really excessive and don’t understand the etiquette at all. !”

“I can tell you, it’s not a trivial matter. They don’t respect me today, and they can disrespect you tomorrow. You have to be careful!”

“Also, how can people who don’t understand etiquette lead soldiers? I think although your Majesty has many soldiers, he may be just a mob. It is really worrying!”

Nuwa: “…”

Good guy, this rogue actually provoked the relationship between Tai Yi and the Nine Demon Commanders in front of so many people.

Should I say that this man is ignorant and fearless, or should I praise him for his skillfulness and boldness?

Chen Xuan said it endlessly, and Tai Yi’s heart became more and more irritable, but he had to admit that what he said was indeed so reasonable.

Especially the phrase “They can disrespect me today, maybe they can disrespect your Majesty tomorrow”, which touched Tai Yi’s mind.

Tai Yi was mean and unkind by nature and suspicious, and Chen Xuan had spotted him on this point before deliberately bombarding Tai Yi with words, disturbing Tai Yi’s mind.

Sure enough, Taiyi was really hit.

“Huh, you guys, you don’t have any respect, it’s really hateful!” Tai Yi was dissatisfied and ignored the many people next to him. He publicly accused the nine great monsters, and then he became more and more angry and shouted. With a cry, “Kneel down, kneel down, and kowtow to Yuanfeng senior to make amends!”

The Nine Great Demon Commanders opened their mouths and glanced at each other, without saying anything.

Your Majesty, are you fainted? But we are standing together, you actually treat us like this, aren’t you afraid that we will be separated from you?

But even though they thought so in their hearts, they still didn’t dare to violate Taiyi’s order. Reluctantly, they had to kneel on the ground and say together: “Junior is rude, please forgive me, Wonfeng senior!”

“Hmph, you have no respect, you should be cut according to the law!” Chen Xuan was not shocking, but he changed the topic, “but for the sake of your first offense, I will spare you this time!”

“If there is another time, I will not be merciless!”

The Nine Great Demon Commanders lost their Face, and was a little bit angry and mean, and said weakly, “Thank you Yuanfeng senior for your tolerance!”

Chen Xuan waved his hand to show that he was broad-minded and didn’t care about this trivial matter.

Baize Lion really couldn’t see it behind him, and coughed lightly, reminding Taiyi not to forget the business.

Tai Yi was reminded by his voice, looking at Chen Xuan who was smug, he secretly cursed that he had lost his mind at a critical moment.

When I came here, I had already discussed how to deal with Zuan Daoist’s confidant concern. I didn’t expect that when I saw Chen Xuan himself, I immediately forgot everything, only the full of anger, as if I would die if I didn’t vent it.

It’s really strange.

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