Chapter 124

Nuwa said this with a smile, but the three nights who stood behind her felt the monstrous anger of one of the three big monsters.

In the originally peaceful air, a strong murderous aura suddenly filled, and the little demons behind Ji Meng were so frightened that they buried their heads deeply in the ground, for fear that there was something obstructive on their face. This murderous aura fell on the owner.

In that case, it would be too wrong to die.

Not only this city lord’s mansion, but almost half of the Demon Imperial City was filled with this murderous aura. The original lively Demon Imperial City suddenly fell into deathly silence.

The vendors who were still yelling hard just now stopped their voices in amazement, looking everywhere for the source of the chill.

Chen Xuan looked at Nuwa and knew that her Taoism had improved a bit during this period of time. With her feelings alone, she could affect almost the entire city, which was much stronger than before.

But this is nothing, after all, in the legend, Sage can affect the entire prehistoric weather.

It is said that Sage was furious, and Chichi was thousands of miles away. It must not be an impossible thing.

As the first target of this murderous aura, Ji Meng felt that Own’s arms were shaking, and he could not even support his body.

He did his best to ensure that he was not slumped to the ground.

“Huh!” Nuwa snorted again, and then took back his murderous aura, “Ji Meng, what do you have to say?”

This dragon-bird hybrid descendant just took a long sigh of relief at this time. Just now, Ji Meng was so scared that he was about to suffocate and couldn’t breathe.

That is, Nuwa’s subordinates are merciful, otherwise, he is very likely to be really scared to death.

“Manny Nuwa, calm down!” Ji Meng didn’t dare to neglect any more, and said quickly, “Because the number of people in the city increases, most of the houses are occupied. So, so…”

“So, did you arrange our group to that kind of place?” Nuwa snorted, his face still covered with frost, “I have to say, you have followed Taiyi for many years, but you haven’t made any progress.”

“Didn’t Tai Yi teach you what is etiquette? Or does Tai Yi don’t know what etiquette is?”

“Don’t dare, Ji Meng doesn’t dare.” Ji Meng was blinded at once. This is still the legendary Nuwa who only knows about cultivation and does not ask foreign affairs. How did her words become so sharp, “This, this …”

He didn’t know how to answer: he said that he was rude, then it is estimated that being made into a mosquito-repellent incense is his final outcome; but if it is Taiyi’s pot, it is probably not much better.

This is a complete proposition, no matter how you answer it, it is wrong.

Ji Meng had no choice but to keep kowtow, but refused to answer.

Seeing him like this, Nuwa knew that the own strategy had worked-what she just said was discussed with Chen Xuan in advance.

For ordinary monsters, be generous enough; and for those Taiyi’s irons, you must beat the falling water dog mercilessly—of course, not to kill. Now before the time He Taiyi really turns his face, everything you can’t do is too extreme.

As for the words that made Ji Meng speechless just now, they were all made by Nuwa on their own. Normally, they would fight against Chen Xuan, and it would be impossible not to speak sharply.”Hmph, you refuse to answer, do you want to send me a sin that is not taught and condemned?”

Since you refuse to speak, then I will force you to make a statement.

Of course, Nuwa knows that Ji Meng is such a hardcore Taiyi, and will not betray her position just because of a few words of own, but she wants to weaken Taiyi’s momentum as much as possible, and win a first position for herself.

When Ji Meng heard this, his mouth opened wide, and he didn’t know what to say: How can you ask the question like this?

I am not answering, nor am I not answering, this is a real proposition!

Ji Meng’s heart was full of sorrow, and he didn’t know how to answer this question of saying that everything is dead.

“Huh, you have been guarding the Demon Imperial City for many years. There is no credit or hard work. This time you will be slightly punished!” Nuwa waved her hand, and a white light emerged from her palm, “If there is another time, Even if the heavenly king daddy protects you, I will definitely take your head!”

Bai Guang didn’t know what it was changing, and it hit Jimeng’s chest. He only felt a sharp pain spread all over his body in an instant, and the blood in his body even began to boil.

“Ah!” He just held on for a few breaths, and couldn’t bear it anymore, opening his mouth wide and screaming.

But after a while, the lord of this Demon Imperial City, Tai Yi’s confidant general, one of the ten demon leaders of the demon race in the future, is like a mangy dog, rolling around on the ground, still making unclear meanings in his mouth. Roar.

It took a full cup of tea—for Ji Meng, this cup of tea may be even more difficult than usual for a hundred years, and the pain on his body was only relieved a little.

At this time, Ji Meng no longer had the demeanor of the city lord of Demon Imperial City. The armor on his body was already covered with mud, and his face was also covered with filth, just like a mourning dog.

“Manny Nuwa, please be forgiving!” He was hard-hearted. To this point, he didn’t say that he was too instigated, but Chen Xuan and Nuwa looked at them with admiration.

As expected to be one of the ten demon commanders of the demon race in the future, it is indeed extraordinary.

Looking at each other with Chen Xuan, Nuwa knew that this was almost the end, so he coldly snorted, “Huh, this time I will spare your dog’s life!”

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pointed out that the sharp pain in Ji Meng’s body had disappeared.

“Thanks…Thank you Nuwa Empress for not killing!” Ji Meng was relieved for a while before kneeling on the ground again, with his head lowered, “Ji Meng dare not anymore.”

“By the way, you just said that there is no suitable place to live in the city.” Chen Xuan interjected as if suddenly remembering this, “I wonder if City Lord Ji Meng has a solution now?”

This kid is so bad that he deliberately put the accent on the word “now”.

“Yes!” Ji Meng replied hurriedly, but he really doesn’t want to taste the feeling that life is better than death again. “If Ji is bold, please ask Empress Nuwa to live in the villain’s mansion.”

“Hmph, I’m not used to living with people who are unfamiliar, and it’s troublesome too!”

“Don’t worry, Niangniang, I will move out now, and I will never disturb Niangniang’s cleansing. What do you think, Niangniang?”

“This…” Nuwa smiled in her heart, triumphantly compared with Chen Xuan-this is what she learned from Chen Xuan, “Not so good, this is yours from Lord Ji Meng. Mansion. How can I occupy the magpie’s nest?”

“There is nothing wrong with it. It’s a great honor for the villain to live in the villain’s mansion.”

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